FTSE Mib Futures solo fib fatto bene 2009 parte seconda. (4 lettori)


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se non ne avessi già 2 e indi non piramido al rialzo , proverei long up 350 per 470/600



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Challenger Job-Cut Report Released on 10/1/2009 7:30:00 AM For September, 2009
PriorActual Announced Layoffs - Level76,456 66,404 Definition
This monthly report counts and categorizes announcements of corporate layoffs based on mass layoff data from state departments of labor. The job-cut report must be analyzed with caution. It doesn't distinguish between layoffs scheduled for the short-term or the long term, or whether job cuts are handled through attrition or actual layoffs. Also, the job-cut report does not include jobs eliminated in small batches over a longer time period. Unlike most economic data, this series is not adjusted for seasonal variation. Why Investors Care

Primo dato USA della giornata :ciao:


Forumer storico
Challenger Job-Cut Report Released on 10/1/2009 7:30:00 AM For September, 2009
PriorActual Announced Layoffs - Level76,456 66,404 Definition
This monthly report counts and categorizes announcements of corporate layoffs based on mass layoff data from state departments of labor. The job-cut report must be analyzed with caution. It doesn't distinguish between layoffs scheduled for the short-term or the long term, or whether job cuts are handled through attrition or actual layoffs. Also, the job-cut report does not include jobs eliminated in small batches over a longer time period. Unlike most economic data, this series is not adjusted for seasonal variation. Why Investors Care

Primo dato USA della giornata :ciao:
riesci a dare i dati delle 14 (sussidi ecc)? tank

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