Obbligazioni valute high yield TURCHIA bond in usd e lira turca

se la matematica non è opinione ...e se non sono rincoglionito ......
x iuessei

anche a me segnano un bel +41% ma sinceramente non vedo come allocare diversamente la liquidità in caso di vendita.

Per me sono un bel compromesso tra rendimento elevato (7,37%) e protezione sulla valuta (Dollari).

Poi non ho minus da recuperare, quindi avrei da pagare anche il 12,5% di capital gain.

ciao, se ti ricordi questa breve discussione di ottobre, ora si può dire che la scelta giusta era vendere. Per una magra volta posso dire di aver fatto la cosa giusta: venduti a 126 e ricomprati a 113.
Come lesson learned, in futuro avrò più fiducia sull'"occhio" che ci si può fare su un qualunque titolo, quando lo si segue quotidianamente per anni. Sempre senza farsi prendere la mano dal trading.... che lascio a quelli bravi
Come valutate questo 2020 della DEPFA l'ho trovato sui forum tedeschi.Renderebbe il 15,73% ed' e' uno zero coupon


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Se Depfa non fallisce di qui al 2020 mi sembrerebbe un rischio accettabile con questo livello di cambio,

Un altro bond con rendimento anomalo e' questo


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Story link: Turkish Lira Currency Prediction - Lira Weighed Down by Interest Rate Predictions
TAGS: Turkish Lira Forecasts Pound Lira Forecasts
The Turkish Central Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee is due to meet next Tuesday to decide on policy for the coming month. The New Turkish Lira weakened during today’s trading session on speculation that the meeting will herald a further interest rate cut. The Turkish MPC has chosen to cut base rate by 75 basis points in the last two meetings, leaving current rates at a record low of 6.25%.
Meanwhile, Turkey’s ISE National 100 Share Index has performed well, rallying to a two week high earlier in the week, as domestic investors shift out of fixed-income assets and seek a healthier return on their holdings.
Earlier this week, Turkish Central Bank Governor Durmus Yilmaz commented that Turkey may keep rates low ‘for a long time’ in order to stem inward flows of short-term capital into Turkish financial markets. The Governor feels that these inflows are causing the Turkish current account deficit to widen and that a loosening of monetary policy will keep this increasing trade gap under control.
The Turkish Lira continues to act as a hedge currency for traders adjusting their positions according to developments in the political situation in Egypt. Egyptian authorities have acted to control inward and outward flows of the Egyptian Pound, so investors are using the Lira as a proxy as developments occur due to Turkey’s geographical proximity to Egypt. In reality, Turkey has stronger links with Europe than with the Arab world, even though it remains officially an Islamic state. However, the foreign currency markets do not always work in a logical way and the Lira may remain under pressure until control of power in Egypt is wrested from President Mubarak.

The Lira broke a three day losing run during today’s trading session following yesterday’s decision by the Turkish Central Bank to maintain interest rates at their current level of 6.25%. In its accompanying statement, the central bank referred to inflationary risks, sparking speculation that Turkey’s rate-cutting cycle is at an end. NEAR-TERM OUTLOOK – NEUTRAL TO POSITIVE.
Expected Turkish inflation in slight retreat

Inflation expectations for the Turkish markets have slightly retreated, according to a Central Bank survey released Tuesday. The 2011 year-end inflation is expected to be 6.56 percent, the survey showed, slightly down from the 6.61 percent estimated in the previous survey.
The results support the Turkish Central Bank’s policy of cutting interest rates while raising reserve requirements, as they showed that no distortion is observed in inflationary expectations. However, the survey displayed a sharp rise in year-end estimates for current account deficit, as the prediction rose to $48.55 billion. Those surveyed said they expect 5 percent gross domestic product growth for the whole of 2011.
For 2012, respondents said they expected a current account gap of $49.675 billion. For GDP growth in 2012, the respondents predicted an economic growth of 4.8 percent.
The survey is conducted bi-monthly with actors and decision-makers in the financial and corporate sector. The results released Tuesday were from the first survey of February.
Meanwhile, the Central Bank continued to buy dollars from the market. On Tuesday, it bought $50 million from banks at an average price of 1.5783 Turkish Liras per dollar in its daily auction. The Ankara-based bank got $235 million of offers at an average price of 1.5799 liras, it said in a statement.

07 Febbraio , 14:38
(ANSAmed) - ANKARA, 7 FEB - La Banca Centrale turca ha rivisto al rialzo le proprie previsioni per l'inflazione annuale del 2011, indicando un tasso al 5,9% contro quello in precedenza stimato del 5,4%. Nel suo ultimo rapporto, come rileva in una nota l'Ufficio Ice di Istanbul, si rivedono anche le stime relative al prezzo del greggio, che sale da 85 dollari al barile a 95, e le previsioni per l'inflazione dei prodotti alimentari, anch'esse riviste al rialzo dal 7% al 7,5%. Con l'occasione, il Governatore della Banca Centrale Durmus Yilmaz ha difeso le recenti misure monetarie messe in opera dall'Istituzione turca (i tagli al tasso di interesse combinati ad un inasprimento delle misure sulle riserve bancarie), che hanno provocato qualche nervosismo sui mercati. La decisione della Banca Centrale di tagliare qualche settimana fa il tasso di interesse di 25 punti base, portandolo al minimo storico di 6,25%, e' infatti venuta proprio nel momento in cui altre economie emergenti tengono i tassi in attesa o addirittura li alzano per far fronte ai rischi inflazionistici. Le misure attuate dalla Banca Centrale indeboliscono la Lira Turca, aiutando cosi' gli esportatori, ma allo stesso tempo i bassi tassi di interesse fungono da stimolo ai prestiti. Proprio per controbilanciare questo effetto e compensare i tagli del tasso di interesse, l'Istituzione monetaria sta parallelamente cercando di aumentare le riserve bancarie, una misura che, forzando le banche a depositare piu' contante presso le casse della Banca Centrale, ne limita la capacita' di concedere prestiti. (ANSAmed).

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