Bos 4 Mod
potrebbe essere una maniera per dare una sveglia ai crucchi...... d'altronde le sparate di S&P non mi sembra abbiano creato i soliti disastri .... il mercato probabilmente comincia a valutarli per quel che sono .......doppia aa a LB il giorno prima del fallimento.... e tripla a attualmente agli inglesi che sono oramai con le pezze al culo .... i cui cittadini riescono a fare la spesa per mangiare grazie alle carte di credito a credito.......di banche di fatto già fallite da un pezzo ......
I tedeschi non ci sentono. L'ho preso da 3d greco...
Tyler Durden on 01/16/2012 - 13:58
While it will hardly come as a surprise to many that after making it abundantly clear that Germany is in total disagreement with ECB monetary policies, culminating in the departure of Jurgen Stark from the European central printing authority, Germany will not permit irresponsible, Bernanke-esque monetary policies, it probably should be noted that even following the most recent escalation of adverse developments in Europe, which are now on the verge of unwinding the entire Eurozone and with it the affiliated fake currency, that the German central bank just said that any European QE could only come over its dead body. Today channeling the inscription to the gates of hell from Dante's inferno is none other than yet another Bundesbank board member, Carl-Ludwig Thiele, who said that "Europe must abandon the idea that printing money, or quantitative easing, can be used to address the euro zone debt crisis...One idea should be brushed aside once and for all - namely the idea of printing the required money. Because that would threaten the most important foundation for a stable currency: the independence of a price stability orientated central bank."