Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (4 lettori)

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Forumer storico
E se salta?:)

Secondo me siamo ancora sul filo del rasoio..tutto può succedere.

Cmz Dexia Mps e tante altre hanno grossi problemi,e la politica Ue è sempre la stessa

concordo con TOP... Il portogallo sul 2Y rende il 12%... se sulla Grecia non c'e' un outcome chiaro , preciso e senza dubbi, si ritorna a ballare.. io a questi livelli sono piu' venditore... poi post risultato sulla Grecia vedremo..


Bos 4 Mod
Co.Ba.....il fabbisogno continua a salire....siamo oltre i 6 billion € dai 5 appena dichiarati....

FRANKFURT, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Commerzbank on
Thursday unveiled an array of steps to plump its capital cushion
by the end of June as demanded by European banking regulators,
including retaining earnings of about 1.2 billion euros ($1.5
billion) in the fourth quarter.
Germany's second-biggest lender has been hammering out plans
for weeks to secure its capital base against financial market
storms, after the European Banking Authority said it needed to
find an extra 5.3 billion euros by June 30.
"Overall, the set of measures has a potential of
approximately 6.3 billion euros," it said in a statement on
Thursday, adding that hitting the target would not come at the
expense of lending to corporate customers in core markets
Germany and Poland.

In realtà, COBA sta dicendo che attuando il suo piano raccimola oltre 6 bln (vale a dire 1 in più del richiesto). Il tutto senza AUK. Ecco perchè l'azione Coba sta schizzando.

BTW Coba ha presentato un piano del tutto simile a UBI, MPS, BancoPop...

Stiamo a vedere


Forumer storico
Oggi o CS o JPMOrgan scrivono questo
The ECB’s 3-year LTRO is a potential game changer:
it is printing money;
could be exceptionally large;
could drive the euro to levels required to stop the recession (€/$1.10);
is driving the three-year bond yield to levels consistent with temporary debt sustainability in Italy and Spain;
and, critically, it is a form of debt mutualisation (as the haircuts applied to collateral are too low) that is less emotive for the German public than QE or the SMP.

there are five elements to a resolution of the Euro crisis:
a ring-fence for the solvent,
the solvency of the insolvent,
a balanced current account in the periphery
and the mutualisation of debt.
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