Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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eseguiti di oggi , mi scuso per il ritardo ,
achmea NL0000168714 71,03
anton 236 59,50 ( rientrato dopo la vendita di ieri )
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Achmea (ex-Eureko)

La società ha fornito oggi un'anticipazione sui risultati 2011. Non saranno positivi, anche se gli indici aziendali rimangono solidi.

Achmea impairs due to continued decline of life insurance market
Zeist 31 January 2012
Achmea impairs goodwill related to its Life and Pension activities with €279 million
Impairment as a result of changed Life market, based on 'economic value principles'
Impairment leads to negative net result over 2011
Full year net result over 2011 excluding impairment expected in range of €40 million to €80
Achmea will fully impair the goodwill related to its Life and Pension activities.The impairment to an amount of €279 million is a consequence of the structurally deteriorated circumstances in the Dutch life insurance market. As a result of the impairment, Achmea reports a negative net result over the full year 2011. Excluding the impairment, Achmea reports a positive net result over 2011 in the range between €40 million and €80 million. This result includes all negative effects from financial markets. In light of transparent disclosure principles, Achmea has decided to publish these results before March 13, when the Group is scheduled to present its full year results.

The Dutch life insurance market has been shrinking for the last five years and the decline is seen as tructural. One reason for the decline is the growing customer demand for 'bank savings products' in the Netherlands that offer the same tax advantages that once applied exclusively to life insurance products. The slump in the housing market and less customer interest for unit-linked policies further contribute to the decline in demand for mortgage-related life insurance products.
When calculating the in use value of its Life and Pension activities, Achmea has taken ´economic value principles´ (MCEV) into account from a standpoint of prudence, as these offer a better representation of the future value development.

As the leading insurance company in the Netherlands, Achmea deems it fair to reflect the fundamental change in the Dutch life insurance market in the value of its Life and Pension activities. This in spite of improvements achieved in operational performance and cost levels at Achmea's life insurance activities. The impairment relates to the goodwill that was taken on Achmea's balance sheet following the nterpolis merger in 2005.

Operationally, the following applies to Achmea's results over 2011:

Solvency has remained strong thanks to earlier de-risking and is expected to be over 200% ultimo 2011
Operational reduction targets of €300 million in costs and of 2,500 staff (FTEs) achieved
Property and Casualty and Health show improved performances
Achmea intends to write off its Greek government bonds portfolio with 77%
Underwriting insurance losses in its Income Protection business will have a negative effect
Application of the average three-month swap curve, in line with guidance from the Dutch Central Bank,
in discounting certain insurance liabilities in our pension operations has a positive effect on results
Comprato oggi:
Una montagnetta di Erste step up a 56.95
Una collinetta di Friends Provident in £ a 68

PS Ho mandato una email di fuoco al capo di IR di RZB...gli ho tirato un c...mi sono lamentato che con l'attesa nel buyback hanno gia' perso potenziali profitti di circa 200 mio rispetto ai prezzi di dicembre...se avessero tenderato la step up a 60 quando valeva 40...
Direi che bisognerebbe fare cosi' con tutti quelli che non hanno ancora opato...
Banco Pop, MPS/Antonveneta

...UC e Intesa hanno le spalle larghe ma....per MPS le risorse fresche, anche LTRO, servono tutte a finanziare roba con scadenza certa e non procrastinabile...le T1 inoltre non sono priorità anche per valori di emissione piccoli..UC erano invece 3 bill€:eek:
Tra l'altro perfino i Tremonti bonds, che drenano quasi 15 M€/mese di interessi passivi sono stati costretti a tenerli, non possono rimborsarli al momento....

Comunque OPE su Popolare VN e MPS non se ne sono ancora viste.

Siamo cosi' sicuri che ci saranno?
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