Quando si dice il caso...
Mi sono appena lamentato dei ritardi dell'IR di Bawag ed ecco che ricevo (ad un orario invero strano...) la risposta alla mia mail.
Dear XXXX,
sorry for your late response. Please find below the following answers to your
1) Besides its "home market" Austria, BAWAG P.S.K maintains minor operations in
Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, and Malta through its own representative offices,
subsidiaries and equity holdings, and also by co-operation with local partners.
After the sale of Istrobanka in Slovakia and BAWAG Bank CZ in the Czech
Republic, BAWAG P.S.K. only has moderate net exposures in Central and Eastern
Europe, primarily in connection with a minority share in a Hungarian bank (MKB
Bank) and BAWAG Banka d.d. in Slovenia.
2), 3): We do not provide these splits on a bi-annual basis; may I refer you to
page 145 of the Annual Report 2010 where a geographical distribution of the CEE
loan portfolio is shown. This split has not materially changed between FY10 and
HY11. We do not disclose separate NPL shares for CEE.
4) BAWAG P.S.K. owns a 9,77 % stake in MKB Bank, which is among the leading
financial institutions in Hungary.
Benjamin del Fabro
Ora mi andrò a leggere il report del 2010, in attesa di quello per il 2011.
Rimane comunque appurato che:
*Bawag ha ancora una "coda" di presenza in CEE
*la distribuzione del loan portfolio in CEE non si è mosso tra la fine del 2010 e la metà del 2011
*la percentuale di NPL non è resa nota
Quando si parla di opacità....