Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (34 lettori)

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Forumer storico
non sono d'accordo uno fa quante opa vuole...
anzi mi aspetto che tra poco vedremo 2nd round di alcune...
bpce ottimo candidato per il 2nd round essendo stata una delle prime...

nibc noi speriamo che faccia opa

in estrema sintesi su bpce opa difficilissima visto che l'ha gia fatta' su nibc la speranza rimane
Ultima modifica:


ma le due salite di oggi, sns e groupama t1, avete idea da cosa sono state causate?
La sns era ferma a 60 da parecchio
la T1 groupama oggi quasi supera la Ut2!

su group non so perche' le t1 si siano accorciate rispetto alle ut2/lt2

su sns ..e' risaputo che il fol olandese studia le nostre mosse:cool:


Forumer storico
ubi ci riprova con il retail
per chi ha ubi, se il mercato dovesse scendere nei prox giorni, avete il prezzo bloccato a 80 fino al 12 marzo

no perpetual no party

Forumer storico
Avrei dovuto chiedere il permesso a NPNP, ma ho agito d'istinto...

Venduto un lotto di SNS 482 a 65 (pmc 59,8), acquistato un lotto di SNS 155 a 62,1.

Motivazione di 482 ne ho veramente tante ed essendo molto illiquida (oggi bid 65 ask 74) preferisco avere anche la 155.

permesso accordato ma SOLO perche sei tu e perche ne hai venduto SOLO un lotto... per stavolta passo, ma che sia l'ultima!


Forumer storico
boh ... sarò un bastian contrario ma lo switch da t1 a ut2 (almeno per oggi) non lo faccio.
continuo a tenermi i miei 3 lotticini di group t1 (pmc 45) e 1 di lt2 (pmc 47).... d'altronde finchè la t1 va... lasciamola andare! :)


Forumer storico
di buon auspicio per rzb

RBI posts profit before tax of nearly € 1.4 billion in 2011 (preliminary results)


  • Profit before tax rises by 6.7 per cent compared with 2010 to € 1,373 million
    [*]Goodwill impairment of € 183 million on the investment in the bank in Ukraine
    [*]Core Tier 1 Ratio amounts to 9.3 per cent (before dividend)
The preliminary results for the financial year 2011, which are based on unaudited figures, present a positive picture for Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) in a demanding environment. With net interest income that was nearly 2.5 per cent higher and stable net fee and commission income, RBI generated a profit before tax of € 1,373 million in 2011, around 7 per cent higher than in 2010.

"Our sustainably high earning power is based on our broadly diversified business model, with its clear focus on Central and Eastern Europe, which will continue to be Europe's growth region in the future," said Herbert Stepic, CEO of RBI. "On account of our traditionally low level of engagement in the eurozone's peripheral countries, our results were not directly impacted by the developments in these markets. Thanks to the very good performance achieved by some of our subsidiary banks, we were able to more than mitigate the poor business development of our bank in Hungary. The quality of our risk policies is underlined by the more than 10 per cent decline in net provisioning for impairment losses," Stepic added.

One special item developed in the course of the bank's routinely conducted impairment tests. As RBI's management already indicated at the results presentation for the third quarter at the end of November 2011, a goodwill impairment of € 183 million was made on the investment in the bank in Ukraine. An additional special item is included in “Net income from derivatives and designated liabilities”: the mark-to-market appraisal of some of RBI’s own issues, which has been taking place since the end of 2007 (the so-called Fair Value Option) contributed, in particular in the fourth quarter of 2011, to a higher valuation gain due to the extended credit spread, caused by developments in the capital markets. Net valuations of derivatives related to a macro hedge have also shown positive development due to the flatter interest rate curve in the year’s last quarter.

The consolidated profit (after minorities) amounted to € 968 million and was thus ca. 11 per cent below the comparable figure for 2010. This was attributable to the contrary development that occurred with regard to deferred taxes, which in 2010 had led to a disproportionately low tax burden on account of special items.

The volume of customer loans grew by nearly 8 per cent to € 82 billion, reflecting increased demand in the first months of the past year. The development of deposits from customers was particularly gratifying, rising by more than 15 per cent to € 67 billion. "These increased volumes show that we have played an important role in extending loans to the economies in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe and provide proof that depositors focus on trust during times of crisis. Raiffeisen remains the leading brand in the region," Stepic concluded.

Total assets rose by approximately 12 per cent to nearly € 147 billion.

The Core Tier 1 Ratio amounted to 9.3 per cent at year end 2011. This figure includes profits for 2011 after deduction of the dividend on participation capital, however before dividend for ordinary shares.

Income statement in EUR million1-12/20111-12/2010Net interest income3,6673,578Net provisioning for impairment losses(1,064)(1,194)Net fee and commission income1,4901,491Net trading income363328Net income from derivatives and designated liabilities413(84)Net income from financial investments(141)137General administrative expenses(3,120)(2,980)Other net operating income(232)6Profit before tax1,3731,287Profit after tax9741,177Consolidated profit (after minorities)9681,087Statement of financial position in EUR billion31/12/201131/12/2010Loans and advances to customers8276Deposits from customers6758Total assets147131
On 29 March 2012, RBI will be presenting the Annual Report 2011 as well as further details on the 2011 business year.


...e lo swap "volontario"
imho le 464 sono un rigore a porta vuota (ieri alle 17 si prendevano ancora sotto i 60)
lo switch mi pare cmq corretto , tra l' altro 4 punti di scarto sono ottimi e hai un ytc da paura

Prese a 60 or ora...vendute le Cesse 751 a 43,5

La 751 è strailliquida ,preferisco la Lt2 pura che ha anche una cedola decente.Oltretutto cè un cuscinetto T1 e un Cuscino Ut2,prima di arrivare alla Lt2

boh ... sarò un bastian contrario ma lo switch da t1 a ut2 (almeno per oggi) non lo faccio.
continuo a tenermi i miei 3 lotticini di group t1 (pmc 45) e 1 di lt2 (pmc 47).... d'altronde finchè la t1 va... lasciamola andare! :)

non sei solo:up:
anche io non sono molto convinto. Il movimento è partito sulla T1 e non so se le UT2 aumenteranno subito lo scarto in virtù della loro struttura più protettiva o saliranno di meno per il minore CY.
Ragionando sul CY sarebbe da tenere la 414. Ma in caso di aggravamento della situazione la UT2 sarebbe veramente così difensiva rispetto alla T1, pur tenendo presente la cumulatività?

Top tra l'altro ritiene la 751 piuttosto illiquida. Anche altri hanno avuto la stessa esperienza tradandola in passato?
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