direi buoni risultati per bpce.
se il traduttore google non mi inganna.
sembra che nel 2012 bpce abbia emesso già 600 milioni di azioni ai soci, che mi sembra un altro bel positivo
utile netto di 2674 milioni di euri
aumento forte della base di clienti retail in francia, buon momento del retail banca sempre in Fr. OTTIMA base di ricavi stabili e tendenti alla crescita
buona generazione di capitale eba
the capital shortfall calculated on the basis of EBA requirements for June 30, 2012 were reduced from 3.720 billion euros to 0.7 billion euros in the space of one quarter.
e forza anche nell'emettere sul mercato obbligazioni
At February 15, 2012, medium- and long-term resources had already been raised for a total of 8.1 billion euros; this amount included 6.5 billion euros in the form of covered bonds (equal to 64% of the bond-based funds raised) and 1.6 billion euros in unsecured bonds, representing 16% of the total raised.
On January 30 earlier this year, BPCE successfully completed a 10-year unsecured bond issue for a total of 750 million euros in the institutional investors market. This was the first unsecured benchmark issue with such a long maturity date organized by a French banking institution in 2012.
The bond issue program placed by the retail networks in France amount to 5 billion euros in 2012, up from 2.2 billion euros in 2011. With respect to these programs, 2 billion euros had already been raised by February 15, 2012, corresponding to 20% of the bond-based resources raised.
At February 15, 2012, the group had successfully raised a total of 10.1 billion euros from bond issues, representing 39% of the annual plan
direi che non ci si può lamentere.
brava bpce.
dimenticavo che hanno emesso un senior unsecured a 10 anni agli istitzionali a 10-year mid swap rate + 225 basis points, thereby offering investors a rate of 4.53%.
meglio di credit agricole SA che ha il cancro della banca greca da digerire.