Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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* CEO Thierry Martel highlighted that February figures will be very bad for the French life insurance market. Outflows increase from January and lapses are high. He mentioned that the mid term outlook for this product is bleak due to the lack of margin.

* The company intends to reduce exposure to savings business as it is almost impossible to make decent margins.

* Equity stakes in Veolia and Société Générale are up by more than 50% ytd. Target is to reduce exposure to equities by 60% down to 5% of investments. This should include both stakes.

* Groupama has already sold 0.3% of Société Générale that were owned by Gan Eurocourtage, a subsidiary up for sale. There was no other sale in 2011.

* Greek impairment: most of the cost was not transferred to policyholders to avoid outflows. The charge for the group is EUR1.6bn

* Combined ratio in 2011 benefited from 1.5ppt of reserve releases as the company now uses regulatory tables for annuities in non life

* Return on investment is expected at 3.30% for 2012 as they have a lot of cash

* Solvency I was at 101% at the end of 2011 (and 107% inclusive of hybrid debt issued by Gan Eurocourtage). The target is to reach 140% in 2014 through asset sales (Groupama UK, Gan Eurocourtage, Poland) and internal capital generation.

* The sale of Gan Eurocourtage has been postponed
as a new consortium as emerged. They hope for a better price. We do not see Allianz as the leading counterparty anymore.

* The company has signed a surplus relief deal that will improve solvency during the next 3 years.

Source ?

E' una mail che ti ha mandato Thierry ? :bow:
Sell dexia credit local 2017 a 60,25

sell metà grecia IT0006527532 a 28, 8 (ci ho rimesso 0,20) queste le avevo pagate 29
mi servivano soldini per groupama, peraltro ho portato a casa qualche gain che male non fa

imho ben fatto..che le dexia siano il 28% piu'care delle 751 non ha molte ragioni di essere (opa oramai improbabili a parte )

forse sulle grecia potevi spuntare qualcosa di piu' .. anche con un piccolo gain
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