Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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Bank International ha registrato per il 2011 un utile al
lordo di imposta per 1.373 milioni di euro, in crescita del
7% sul 2010. Si tratta del maggiore utile annuo al lordo di
imposta dall'inizio della crisi finanziaria del 2008. Il Roe
al lordo di imposta della banca e' rimasto invariato al
13,7%. Nel 2011, il risultato netto da interessi e'
migliorato del 3%, ossia di 89 milioni di euro, per
attestarsi a 3.667 milioni di euro. Il risultato netto da
commissioni e' rimasto stabile anno su anno, a quota 1.490
milioni di euro e ha contribuito cosi' in misura del 27%
all'utile operativo della banca, che - escludendo la
svalutazione dell'avviamento - e' aumentato dell'1%, ossia 72
milioni di euro, raggiungendo i 5.475 milioni di euro. Il
risultato netto dell'attivita' di negoziazione ha guadagnato
l'11%, pari a 35 milioni di euro, arrivando a quota 363
milioni di euro. Le spese amministrative generali sono
salite a 3.120 milioni di euro con un aumento del 4,7% anno
su anno. Per contro l'accantonamento netto per perdite da
svalutazione ha subito un calo dell'11%, ossia 131 milioni

ADORO QUESTA BANCA... uno spettacolo!!:up::up:
peccato che ora i suoi bond siano caretti......
Asr Results..

Net result at € 212 million, solvency further increased, dividend at € 71 million


> View the full press release

Net result at € 212 million (2010: € 317 million)

Robust performance despite turbulent financial markets and impact of compensation payments for unit-linked insurance contracts, due to lower costs and capital gains from the ASR Dutch Prime Retail Fund
Net result from Life business down to € 135 million (2010: € 276 million), influenced by drop in return on investments and impact of compensation payments for unit-linked insurance contracts
Net result from Non-life business up to € 145 million (2010: € 104 million), due in part to increase in premium income and drop in operating expenses
Improvement in Non-life combined ratio to 98.9% (2010: 100.3%), largely attributable to cost reductions, lower claims and pricing adjustments
Return on equity at 9% (2010: 17%)

ASR to pay € 71 million (40%) in dividend on ordinary shares
Premium income down due to preference for return over growth

Gross insurance premiums down to € 4,511 million (2010: € 4,738 million), primarily due to cautious approach in single premium market
Solvency ratio improved to 230% (2010: 221%)

DNB solvency ratio up 9%-points
If solvency is calculated at three-month average yield curve, temporarily permitted by DNB, solvency would have increased by 29%-points at year-end 2011
Reduction in market risk sensitivity of solvency, thanks to robust risk management
Increased cost efficiency

Operating expenses down 6%, dropping to € 633 million (2010: € 672 million), due to ongoing focus on efficiency
Cost-premium ratio in insurance business improved to 11.8% (2010: 12.7%)
Total workforce down to 4,631 FTE, a decrease of 6% (2010: 4,929 FTE)
Customer interests first

In 2011, more than 900,000 customers with 1.1 million unit-linked contracts were informed regarding possible compensation payments. These payments have since been deposited directly into their policies or paid out. In total circa € 300 million
More than 80% of these customers have now received a letter offering them an alternative to their current unit-linked contracts
Brand New Day and ASR launched a joint Institution for Occupational Retirement Provision (IORP)
The number of health insurance policies sold increased by110,000 inQ4 2011, primarily due to the success of the Ditzo marketing campaign
Jos Baeten, CEO of ASR:'Our first priority is giving customers peace of mind. The turmoil in the financial markets means that maintaining our financial robustness has once again been leading. Our strong solvency position of 230%, the net result of € 212 million and our intention of paying € 71 million in dividend, demonstrate that our approach in this has been successful, despite the continuing turbulence in the financial markets. Operationally, the result improved due to lower costs and lower total claims. The net result decreased compared to last year, mainly due to lower investment income and the impact of compensation payments for unit-linked contracts. We compensated unit-linked policyholders by depositing a payment for previous costs into their policies; we also offered them alternatives to their current contracts. We were successful in reducing our cost base, particularly in the insurance business. The continuing decline of the Life business confirms that the focus on efficiency will continue to be a priority in the years ahead. In 2011, we again invested in our processes, new products and distribution channels. The focus on cost control and cost cutting is part of our day-to-day operations. In these difficult financial markets, we have taken measures to mitigate risks in the interests of our solvency. The choice for financial robustness has led to the further streamlining of ASR's risk profile. Conversely, it may potentially result in a lower return on investments in the future. Late in 2011, we successfully introduced the ASR Dutch Prime Retail Fund to the market, and we also saw success in the health insurance market where the number of insured individuals grew by110,000. In2012, we will launch our new marketing strategy 'Bewust ASR' ('More Aware. ASR'). This will highlight that ASR is on its way to becoming a 'different kind of insurer'. Overall, we are generally pleased with our performance in2011 inthe current difficult market.'

Key figures





Net result¹




Gross insurance premiums




New Life production (APE)




Combined ratio Non-life




Operating expenses




Cost-premium ratio insurance business




Total equity²




DNB solvency




Buffer capital ratio (IFRS)




Return on equity3




Total workforce in FTE4




¹ Net result attributable to holders of equity instruments.
² Total equity including a net revaluation of the property portfolio of €863 million at 31 December 2011 and €1,042 million at 31 December 2010.
3 Return on equity is calculated as net result attributable to shareholders divided by average total equity (IFRS) attributable to shareholders.
4 The Total workforce includes both internal and external employees, but does not include temporary employees hired for the purpose of handling the compensation issue.
tornando a bancario1... il tipo aveva scritto la stessa cosa anche su bpm

sempre oggi scrive sul thread di mercato italiano:
Forum di Finanzaonline.com - Visualizza messaggio singolo - Banca Popolare di Milano, si riparte da 0,3...

cos'è lavora simultaneamente sia in BPM sia in MPS?

per chi non lo avesse capito è solo un troll !!!

Per altro bpm NON avrebbe alcun motivo per sospendere la cedola delle perpetue.. mentre ha già annunciato ieri l'altro che non darà dividendo (cosa che era ampiamente scontata)

ricordo che anche unicredit non ha pagato dividendo, eppure continua a pagare regolarmente anche le cedole delle sue perpetue

ricordo infine che anche nel 2009, quando le perpetue erano finite ai loro minimi storici, TUTTE le banche italiane hanno continuato a pagare le loro cedolone.

Aggiungo una cosa: secondo me il discorso che mps non pagherà cedole è totalmente irrealistico, perchè cmq mps deve emettere 12 miliardi di bond nel 2012.
Un obiettivo definito alla portata dall'AD (VIOLA).
Parte di questo piano di funding sarà attraverso emissioni retail, ma parte sarà tramite mercato istituzionali


Che fai copi?:lol: Cmq non è impossibile che skippi,ma secondo me ,il gioco non vale la candela.Non pagare t1 e 3bonds,può comportare cds in forte aumento e adios emissioni,,,se poi consideriamo che il bond t1 è in gran parte in pancia alla fondazione..sarebbero proprio fessacchiotti,ultima analisi le cedole sono detraibili dalle tasse..
Detto questo:nel 2009 le banche italiche avevano bilanci ben migliori rispetto ad oggi..ma

Condivido le vostre ottime analisi :up:
io c'e' lo

in portafoglio a 84,60 e me la tengo stretta 3 cedole al 2015 al 9,25 se le paga tutte , poi deve callarla se non lo fa 9,25 ogni anno a seguire oppure callare ogni anno dopo il 2015 a me sembra ottima pero' e' solo un mio modesto parere ;);)
pensavo di vendere Allianz che quota 98 e verrà sicuramente callata tra un anno (quindi nessun ulteriore sensibile margine di miglioramento) per questa.

Controindicazioni ?

evidentemente li considerano proprio come fossero straccioni:

Allianz Bids for Groupama Unit, FT Deutschland Reports

By Nicholas Comfort on March 29, 2012

Allianz SE (ALV) offered less than 200 million euros ($265.7 million) for Groupama SA (GPAS)’s GAN Eurocourtage unit, Financial Times Deutschland reported, citing unidentified people close to the insurance industry.
Groupama had wanted to raise 700 million euros from the sale, the newspaper reported, citing unidentified people as having said at the beginning of the month.
Allianz may be able to bid less than 700 million euros because of limited interest in the business from other suitors, FT Deutschland said in an e-mailed summary of an article to be published tomorrow.
To contact the reporter on this story: Nicholas Comfort in Frankfurt at [email protected]
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Frank Connelly at [email protected]

Allianz Bids for Groupama Unit, FT Deutschland Reports - Businessweek
scusami top non ti avevo letto.. innocenti mi aveva mandato un messaggio per dirmi di questa cosa di mps (anche se per altro non ho nemmeno la perpetua in oggetto..), e allora ho fatto una ricerca dei post di questo tizio e ho scritto quello che la logica mi suggeriva (e che aveva già suggerito anche a te eheh)


Figurati:lol::up: Sono contento di Ragionare come Te:up:
evidentemente li considerano proprio come fossero straccioni:

Allianz Bids for Groupama Unit, FT Deutschland Reports

By Nicholas Comfort on March 29, 2012

Allianz SE (ALV) offered less than 200 million euros ($265.7 million) for Groupama SA (GPAS)’s GAN Eurocourtage unit, Financial Times Deutschland reported, citing unidentified people close to the insurance industry.
Groupama had wanted to raise 700 million euros from the sale, the newspaper reported, citing unidentified people as having said at the beginning of the month.
Allianz may be able to bid less than 700 million euros because of limited interest in the business from other suitors, FT Deutschland said in an e-mailed summary of an article to be published tomorrow.
To contact the reporter on this story: Nicholas Comfort in Frankfurt at [email protected]
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Frank Connelly at [email protected]

Allianz Bids for Groupama Unit, FT Deutschland Reports - Businessweek

Due giorni fa avevo messo un articolo sull'interesse della Reale Mutua sulle attivita' spagnole di Groupama.
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