Dice Ubs
Bank Tier 1s: too late to sell, too
early to buy
• Many deeply subordinated bank bonds have suffered double-digit
price declines recently, driven by concerns over the stability of the
European banking sector.
• We think major European banks will be supported by governments
to prevent defaults on deposits and senior bonds. However,
this support may have negative regulatory consequences for
subordinated bonds. Supported banks may not be allowed to
redeem bonds early and may need to defer or cancel coupon
payments for several years.
• We think bonds of banks that may require support are valued at
appropriate discounts. However, we expect much more pressure on
valuations until there is clarity on actual restrictions. Therefore, we
would currently not sell bonds of stronger issuers, but also refrain
from increasing exposure as we expect lower entry levels at a later
Danno per fatto il D greco entro 6 mesi,e questo porterà il rischio anche a Spagna e Italia,contestualmente i governi per evitare D ,inietteranno liquidità nelle banche sistemiche,e questo comporterà skip cedole.
Quindi come ho sempre creduto l'importante è che non ci sia un Default Greco,che scatenerebbe un Domino pauroso