Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (25 lettori)

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Oevag: offerta a 39/100 sulla 288. Nulla si dice della 643.

VBAG and Investkredit announce repurchase of hybrid capital


Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft (VBAG) and Investkredit Bank AG (IK) announce offers to repurchase hybrid capital, like other banks did before. This liability management measure is part of the restructuring agreement with the Republic of Austria and was approved by the European Commission and the Austrian Financial Markets Authority. The aim is to enhance VBAG´s capital position by increasing core capital.

In total, VBAG and IK have issued hybrid capital securities via special purpose vehicles in an amount of EUR 300 million (VBAG: EUR 250 million, IK: EUR 50 million). The tender offer commences today and will expire on 11 June 2012. The offered purchase price for the securities issued by VBAG is EUR 390 per EUR 1,000 nominal value and for securities issued by IK it is EUR 392.5 per EUR 1,000 nominal value. In addition, investors will receive EUR 10 per EUR 1,000 nominal of VBAG securities in return for consenting to proposed amendments to the terms and conditions of the hybrid securities. In the case of IK hybrid securities, investors will receive EUR 7.5 per 1,000 nominal for participating in the voting process.

The purchase prices offered includes a premium of close to 10 percentage points on current market prices and are subject to restrictions by the European Competition Authority. Investment banks BNP Paribas and Citigroup Global Markets Limited have been mandated with the arrangement of the tender offers.

Siccome il mio inglese zoppica, chi mi spiega meglio.

Non ho capito se si riferisce alla 288.
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Forumer storico
Oevag: offerta a 39/100 sulla 288. Nulla si dice della 643.

VBAG and Investkredit announce repurchase of hybrid capital


Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft (VBAG) and Investkredit Bank AG (IK) announce offers to repurchase hybrid capital, like other banks did before. This liability management measure is part of the restructuring agreement with the Republic of Austria and was approved by the European Commission and the Austrian Financial Markets Authority. The aim is to enhance VBAG´s capital position by increasing core capital.

In total, VBAG and IK have issued hybrid capital securities via special purpose vehicles in an amount of EUR 300 million (VBAG: EUR 250 million, IK: EUR 50 million). The tender offer commences today and will expire on 11 June 2012. The offered purchase price for the securities issued by VBAG is EUR 390 per EUR 1,000 nominal value and for securities issued by IK it is EUR 392.5 per EUR 1,000 nominal value. In addition, investors will receive EUR 10 per EUR 1,000 nominal of VBAG securities in return for consenting to proposed amendments to the terms and conditions of the hybrid securities. In the case of IK hybrid securities, investors will receive EUR 7.5 per 1,000 nominal for participating in the voting process.

The purchase prices offered includes a premium of close to 10 percentage points on current market prices and are subject to restrictions by the European Competition Authority. Investment banks BNP Paribas and Citigroup Global Markets Limited have been mandated with the arrangement of the tender offers.

Ora si rinizia a chiedere a IwBank come aderire... :p


Forumer storico
Siccome il mio inglese zoppica, chi mi spiega meglio.

Non ho capito se si riferisce alla 288.

Compensazione dell'1% sulla 288, lo 0.75% sull'altra. Allego il prospetto di offerta per i dettagli, sarebbe da approfondire per le prospettive e i programmi futuri..

Ora si rinizia a chiedere a IwBank come aderire... :p
Consolati pensando a chi non può che stare a guardare avendo la 643...


  • Ad-hoc announcement_22 May 2012_ÖVAG Finance.pdf
    42,7 KB · Visite: 263


Forumer storico
Oevag: offerta a 39/100 sulla 288. Nulla si dice della 643.

VBAG and Investkredit announce repurchase of hybrid capital


Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft (VBAG) and Investkredit Bank AG (IK) announce offers to repurchase hybrid capital, like other banks did before. This liability management measure is part of the restructuring agreement with the Republic of Austria and was approved by the European Commission and the Austrian Financial Markets Authority. The aim is to enhance VBAG´s capital position by increasing core capital.

In total, VBAG and IK have issued hybrid capital securities via special purpose vehicles in an amount of EUR 300 million (VBAG: EUR 250 million, IK: EUR 50 million). The tender offer commences today and will expire on 11 June 2012. The offered purchase price for the securities issued by VBAG is EUR 390 per EUR 1,000 nominal value and for securities issued by IK it is EUR 392.5 per EUR 1,000 nominal value. In addition, investors will receive EUR 10 per EUR 1,000 nominal of VBAG securities in return for consenting to proposed amendments to the terms and conditions of the hybrid securities. In the case of IK hybrid securities, investors will receive EUR 7.5 per 1,000 nominal for participating in the voting process.

The purchase prices offered includes a premium of close to 10 percentage points on current market prices and are subject to restrictions by the European Competition Authority. Investment banks BNP Paribas and Citigroup Global Markets Limited have been mandated with the arrangement of the tender offers.

Vendute con IWBank a 38,5, grazie Discipline per la segnalazione!!!
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Listen other's viewpoint avoid conflicts & wars.
la LT2 627?

Nulla sulla LT2?

Grazie per info
Oevag: offerta a 39/100 sulla 288. Nulla si dice della 643.

VBAG and Investkredit announce repurchase of hybrid capital


Österreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft (VBAG) and Investkredit Bank AG (IK) announce offers to repurchase hybrid capital, like other banks did before. This liability management measure is part of the restructuring agreement with the Republic of Austria and was approved by the European Commission and the Austrian Financial Markets Authority. The aim is to enhance VBAG´s capital position by increasing core capital.

In total, VBAG and IK have issued hybrid capital securities via special purpose vehicles in an amount of EUR 300 million (VBAG: EUR 250 million, IK: EUR 50 million). The tender offer commences today and will expire on 11 June 2012. The offered purchase price for the securities issued by VBAG is EUR 390 per EUR 1,000 nominal value and for securities issued by IK it is EUR 392.5 per EUR 1,000 nominal value. In addition, investors will receive EUR 10 per EUR 1,000 nominal of VBAG securities in return for consenting to proposed amendments to the terms and conditions of the hybrid securities. In the case of IK hybrid securities, investors will receive EUR 7.5 per 1,000 nominal for participating in the voting process.

The purchase prices offered includes a premium of close to 10 percentage points on current market prices and are subject to restrictions by the European Competition Authority. Investment banks BNP Paribas and Citigroup Global Markets Limited have been mandated with the arrangement of the tender offers.
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