Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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è uno sping-off di apo bank, piccola banca locale tedesca, una 70ina di sportelli, 2.000 dip. ecc....) grandi problemi, utili risicati e soprattutto okkio al prospetto di questo bond: l'ho letto velocissimamente ma mi pare che se non ci sono utili si perda la cedola
il prospetto è in tedesco e magari ho perso qualcosa nella lettura però io eviterei

Aveva grandi problemi... ora si e' ripresa.

E' la banca cooperativa dei farmacisti tedeschi. Io ho il bond da almeno un paio di anni. Tra parentesi ha un rating altissimo di S&P (A), il piu' alto di tutti i sub bancari (ex GECC) che possiedo. E' uno di quei bond dove si dorme tranquilli, da portare a scadenza. Il rating di Moody's e' piu' basso.

Il problema e' che e' piccolino e quindi illiquido. Avevo avuto un lungo carteggio con l'IR. Tra le righe mi aveva detto che lo avrebbero richiamato. Ha un post call spread alto.

December 6, 2011 - Standard & Poor's raises apoBank's ratings to AA- / A-1+ with outlook stable

The rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) has raised apoBank's ratings to AA- (previous: A+) and A-1+ (previous: A-1) as part of the initial adoption of its new rating methodology for banks. The rating outlook remains stable.
As a so called 'core member' of the cooperative banking group the adjustment of apoBank's ratings is coherent with the upgrade of the ratings for the whole banking group, which is also rated AA- and A-1+ with outlook stable.
The rating for the hybrid Tier I preferred securities (silent partnership), issued by apoBank in 2003, was raised by four notches to A (previous: BBB-). :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Among other things this upgrade is based on an improved assessment of apoBank's stand-alone creditworthiness.
The stand-alone creditworthiness is determined by a newly introduced anchor, which in general is at a- for banks, that mainly operate in the German market. On this basis S&P also rates the stand-alone creditworthiness by four bank-specific factors, which have been also newly introduced: S&P rates apoBank 'moderate' with regard to capital and earnings and 'adequate' for its business position as well es for its risk position. Liquidity is also rated 'adequate', whilst funding is regarded as 'average'.
S&P has published the new rating methodology at the beginning of november. The rating agency now gradually apllies its new methodology. The objective of the methodological changes was to increase transparency as well as to improve the comperability of ratings for banks and other sectors. In this context S&P introduced the so called anchor rating and the four bank-specific factors 'business position', 'capital and earnings', 'risk position' and 'funding and liquidity'.
Ultima modifica:
Aveva grandi problemi... Ora si e' ripresa.

E' la banca cooperativa dei farmacisti tedeschi. Io ho il bond da almeno un paio di anni. Tra parentesi ha un rating altissimo di S&P , il piu' alto di tutti i sub bancari (ex GECC) che possiedo. E' uno di quei bond dove si dorme tranquilli. Il rating di Moody's e' piu' basso.

Il problema e' che e' piccolino e quindi illiquido. Avevo avuto un lungo carteggio con l'IR. Tra le righe mi aveva detto che lo avrebbero richiamato.

December 6, 2011 - Standard & Poor's raises apoBank's ratings to AA- / A-1+ with outlook stable

The rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) has raised apoBank's ratings to AA- (previous: A+) and A-1+ (previous: A-1) as part of the initial adoption of its new rating methodology for banks. The rating outlook remains stable.
As a so called 'core member' of the cooperative banking group the adjustment of apoBank's ratings is coherent with the upgrade of the ratings for the whole banking group, which is also rated AA- and A-1+ with outlook stable.
The rating for the hybrid Tier I preferred securities (silent partnership), issued by apoBank in 2003, was raised by four notches to A (previous: BBB-). Among other things this upgrade is based on an improved assessment of apoBank's stand-alone creditworthiness. :eek::eek::eek::eek:
The stand-alone creditworthiness is determined by a newly introduced anchor, which in general is at a- for banks, that mainly operate in the German market. On this basis S&P also rates the stand-alone creditworthiness by four bank-specific factors, which have been also newly introduced: S&P rates apoBank 'moderate' with regard to capital and earnings and 'adequate' for its business position as well es for its risk position. Liquidity is also rated 'adequate', whilst funding is regarded as 'average'.
S&P has published the new rating methodology at the beginning of november. The rating agency now gradually apllies its new methodology. The objective of the methodological changes was to increase transparency as well as to improve the comperability of ratings for banks and other sectors. In this context S&P introduced the so called anchor rating and the four bank-specific factors 'business position', 'capital and earnings', 'risk position' and 'funding and liquidity'.

puoi dire data della call e cedola postcall? grazie ciao

visto che la Banca Centrale tutto può (legibus solutus) , nemmeno il 6 Novembre si sarà sicuri del pagamento della cedola : tale certezza si avrà solo il 27 .

Detto questo, per me pagano (my two cents)

qui il punto non è tanto se pagano(per me pagano) quanto quello che succederà dopo.il titolo si riprenderà? non lo so, visto che la cedola realmente a rischio semmai è quella prossima

l'ultima volta (20 gg. fa) che abbiamo fatto questa affermazioni, poi è uscito un comunicato improvviso :corna::corna::corna:
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