In riferimento a quanto detto da Ghizzoni non sono d'accordo con quanto postato da altri che riferiscono di un 2013 privo di Liability Management Exercises...
Ecco quanto detto ieri:
Domanda: on liability management, you've been aggressive on your
management at the beginning of the year, other peers have continued to launching operations on this. How much more room have you got to optimize your funding structure ?
Risposta: So, background, in the case asset and liability management, in this moment, we've basically finished our program. So, we don't see 2013 a similar
approach. Obviously, we'll try to find all possibility to improve our mix, but 2013 would be much less, for sure, than 2012 in this respect.
Non mi sembra una chiusura totale a LME anche perche le tender fatte sui sub non sono state fatte per funding reasons quanto per capital/income reason...
che ne pensate ???