Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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Per una volta tanto sono in disaccordo con te, le prime che hai acquistato erano remunerate ma queste ultime rendono niente, il rateo che maturerà te lo mangia la minus. Unico pregio e' che potrai dedurla dalle tue laute plus anche sul cambio eventuale e sarebbe tassa a costo zero.
Per la call la darei per certa visto che hanno richiamato la 7,375% questo mese dello stesso gruppo, sarebbe strano tenessero in vita una più costosa.
Comunque sei sempre il Top.
IN 3-4 mesi cambiano tante cose..cmq conto di essere già fuori in quei periodi.vediamo

Mica sono infallibile:D

(*) ti vedo molto attivo oggi
ognuno cerca di dimenticare come può :D

(*) topic ironico
29 eseguiti:eek: ti ricordo che NOI siamo primi..

venduto Bp 290 @70
pure io a 69,5

Avevo inserito oggi un ordine a 44,4, avendo visto lettera corposa a quella cifra.

Non mi hanno eseguito e l'ho tolto..

Buon acquisto.

Queste appena riprendono a pagare vanno sui 52-55,sono già bbva al 100% vedremo quando pagheranno
No intendo il + 12.26% che vedo su binck, torno oggi da una tre giorni ad Amsterdam, appena ho acceso il computer pensavo fossero i postumi della droga, ma invece è tutto vero!!!!

Mercoledì scambiava sui 50, oggi è schizzata a 55. Volumi e prezzi +10% :eek:
E' proprio il momento delle IRS. A questo proposito, anche oggi non piccolo aumento degli indici.
... con questo Groupama ha venduto il Private Equity:

Groupama and ACG Group announce an agreement to sell Groupama Private Equity
Groupama and ACG have today announced the signing of an agreement to sell 100% of Groupama Private Equity (GPE) to ACG Group.

The transaction, which forms part of Groupama’s efforts to dispose of its non-core assets, is subject to customary regulatory approval which is expected to be obtained by the end of the first quarter 2013.

GPE and ACG have significant complementary skill-sets and their merger will create a new leading independent private equity team both on a French and a European scale. The group will operate in all segments of the private equity sphere: primary and secondary funds of funds, direct investment and mezzanine debt.

Simultaneously, Groupama has sold its interests in the direct private equity funds managed by Acto Capital (FCPR Acto and FCPR Acto Capital II). These interests will be acquired by Luxempart and Five Arrows Secondary Opportunities III, part of the Rothschild group. This sale will involve the transfer of Acto Capital’s team to a new management company which is currently in the process of obtaining regulatory authorisation from the Autorité des Marchés Financiers. That company will operate under a new name and will be sponsored by Luxempart, a listed investment company based in Luxemburg.

Groupama will retain all its interests in the other private equity funds managed by Groupama Private Equity (funds of funds and mezzanine debt).
”Groupama sought to find the best solution to ensure the most efficient management of our interests as well as those of our co-investors in the funds managed by Groupama Private Equity whilst allowing GPE’s team to continue to develop the platform they have built. The agreement with ACG Group fulfils this objective and creates a strong platform to ensure the future success of the teams that we have supported for many years,” commented Christian Collin, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Groupama SA.

Groupama Private Equity’s divisions which will join ACG include €1.6bn of assets managed on behalf of both Groupama as well as third-party institutional clients. The divisions are split into two separate teams: Funds of funds (Quartilium), accounting for €1.4bn and sponsored and sponsorless mezzanine (ActoMezz), accounting for €0.2bn.

”We are delighted with this transaction between ACG and Groupama Private Equity, whose teams have known one another for many years and who have a shared vision of the management of private equity assets on behalf of third-party investors. The merger will create a group with approximately €3.5bn of assets under management and will draw on the respective skill-sets of both teams. Their involvement and future alignment with the group’s future development will ensure the continued quality of service provided to all clients as well as an acceleration in the group’s international development”, remarked Wladimir Mollof, Chairman of ACG Group.
Ultima modifica:
Ottima notizia :up:, taglio "retail", cedola post call invariata (e quindi non step up), cedola alta ma neanche tanto...

Il mercato poi non ci credeva molto, quotava sotto a 90, mentre la più remunerativa 9% FR0010607747 si acquistava intorno alla parità.

La mossa pagherà, la 9% ora è in ask sulle borse tedesche a 106,20, se in futuro dovranno emettere nuova carta la pagheranno meno.

Ripeto, un'ottima notizia: la reputazione ha ancora un valore ;)
be' reputazione salva fino a un certo punto,ci hanno messo 3 anni per decidersi a callare
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