Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (11 lettori)

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[Reuters] New Issue- Prudential plc prices $700 mln perp bond

[PRU.L] January 8(Reuters) -Following are terms and conditions

of a perp bond priced on Tuesday.

Borrower Prudential plc <PRU.L>

Issue Amount $700 million

Maturity Date Perpetual bond

Coupon 5.25 pct

Issue price Par

Reoffer price Par

Payment Date January 15, 2013

Lead Manager(s) BNP Paribas, CITI, HSBC

& Standard Chartered Bank

Ratings Baa1 (Moody's)

Full fees Undisclosed

Denoms (K) 200-1

Security details and RIC, when available, will be

on <Z9HE>

Customers can right-click on the code for

performance analysis of this new issue

For ratings information, double click on <RRS0001>

For all bonds data, double click on <BONDS>

For Top international bonds news [TOP/DBT]

For news about this issuer, double click on the issuer RIC,

where assigned, and hit the newskey (F9 on Reuters terminals)

Data supplied by International Insider.

((EMEA Fixed Income Desk Bangalore; [email protected];

Reuters Messaging [email protected];

+91 80 4135 5666, fax +44 20 7542 5285))


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tanto per tornare con i piedi per terra:

Il ministro delle Finanze francese, Safia Otokore, ha smentito via Twitter i rumor relativi a un imminente downgrade del Paese circolati nel pomeriggio, definendoli "infondati e falsi". Nel 2012 sia Moody's sia Standard & Poor's hanno rivisto verso il basso il giudizio sul merito di credito del Paese transalpino. Solo Fitch mantiene attualmente il rating tripla A sulla Francia, seppur con un outlook negativo.

Fonte: Finanza.com
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