Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (14 lettori)

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il salvataggio di Aegon e Fortis può essere paragonato a quello -ipotetico-di Sns?
Son indeciso se entrare anche sulla 155, ho paura che stuprino il prospetto..........


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Ciuffetto ha (leggendo Dagospia ne ha ben donde) una fifa del diavolo (un po' come Geronzi alcuni annetti fa : di notte non dormiva nemmeno col Tavor sapendo che la GF si presenta alle 6 in punto).

Sai che bello in cella in tre : Mussari, Fabio Riva e Corona...

Perche ve la prendete col povero Mussari ? In fondo era un esecutore dei voleri della Fondazione e della politica che la controlla, non credo che l'abbia fatto per interesse personale .... Insomma , per me e' un personaggio piu' vicino a Greganti che a Fiorani !!! piuttosto bisogna chiederai che fine hanno fatto i nostri grandi giornali nazionali che gli anni precedenti hanno scritto panegirici e fiumi di inchiostro sull'astro nascente . L'attuale management e' invece visto come il Monti di 12 mesi fa' : salvifico , altrimenti non si capirebbe proprio la valutazione del t1 .


Utente Senior
a parte il coinvolgimento, sono proprio curioso di vedere la soluzione composita di Ference al 14 febbraio, visti i 9 scenari supposti da BNP
tra l'altro a seconda dello scenario, potrebbe cambiare la sorte delle p./sub in relazione alle sorti della holding o della banca o dell'assicurazione

preso da Bondboard, come Citibank di ieri:

SNS Reaal [SNSSNS]: Continuing to review the options for its restructuring

plan. With the prospect of potentially more negative news on the horizon (for

example Q4 loss leading to possibly a FY12 loss?, additional provisioning on

the project finance and non-core SME book?, rising NPLs and impairments) we

would continue to expect weakness in valuations going forward. For the longs, a

possible silver lining could be an announcement of a buyer for the insurance

business at a non-distressed valuation (albeit a low probability outcome in our

view). However we would not rule out a distressed LME at some point if a near

term solution cannot be found. All options are still being considered by SNS

management. We expect an update on the restructuring before the 14 Feb FY12

results announcement. There remains a range of views out there on the various

bonds at the group/bank/insurance levels. Our preference would be for a net

short ahead of both results and the restructuring update.

sempre da Bondboard, citato come fonte Mitsubishi stamattina:

This morning Dutch newspaper Telegraaf writes that the Dutch government is nearing a solution for SNS (according to Bloomberg and Reuters). The newspaper appears to suggest that a nationalisation is possible (it is unclear if discussions centre on bank nationalisation or nationalisation of the group), but a private investor could also be sought for a part or the entire group.

· With this, uncertainty continues to reign and this would likely result in volatility of bonds. In our view, the group tier 1s could be bought back in all scenarios, but clearly the trade idea holds high risk. The SNS insurance 9% 41-21 has deferrable coupons which could potentially be deferred should the group require further capital injections. A split of the group with the bank (or only the struggling property finance unit) and the insurance company separating would not necessarily have a substantial negative impact strategically as long as distribution contracts are drawn up between the entities. In this scenario the Insurance LT2 could tighten substantially if unaffected. The group T1s, if not bought back before, could face coupon bans however etc.

· We understand that SNS is likely to give details of a restructuring plan at some point in the coming weeks and latest at the annual reporting date 14 February. SNS has committed to pay back EUR850m to the government by End-13. The restructuring announcement in the coming weeks could reflect larger than initially expected losses at the bank (most likely related to the property finance book only), and/or the likelihood that SNS will not be in a position to pay back the government funds owed (as we have discussed in morning notes 16Jan13, 28Jun12, 15Jun12, 5Apr11).
Ultima modifica:


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sono liquido

sto' cercando possibilita' di entrata stavo guardando la Banco popolare 290 e 373 sono a circa 70 la seconda rende 7,76 netto pero' se non ricordo male le ho avute a 40 e vendute a 70 e hanno fatto un pay beck se non ricordo male ...qualcuno sta' seguendole , sono rimaste liquide ??? emittente mi sembra discreto l'unica cosa che mi lascia un po' cosi' la post call non mi sembrano alte l'euribor a 3 mesi e' troppo basso adesso naturalmente nel 2017 non saprei.... opinioni???? ringrazio sarei gratissimo per opinioni costruttive :bow::bow::bow:


Twitter: @borghi_claudio
Ho messo il ricavato da redemption di BNP nella solita Postbank DEN75 :D a 56 e rotti.

La logica è sempre quella, se si va in deflazione, zero tassi ma capitale si rivaluta da solo, se si accende la miccia inflazionistica bisogna avere solo variabili, se si esce dall'euro il titolo tedesco si rivaluta :D


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Ciao a tutti!
Do you think that this bull market on perpetual bonds is near the end or there is a possibility to continue up to the prices the have on the middle of 2011?


il salvataggio di Aegon e Fortis può essere paragonato a quello -ipotetico-di Sns?
Son indeciso se entrare anche sulla 155, ho paura che stuprino il prospetto..........

sei un bel tipo old:D
entri sulle azioni e sei titubante sulle t1 no loss
sns necessita di adc che solitamente prima prosciuga gli azionisti (la prima grande differenza con groupama) e poi se le cose si fanno buie, con leggi ad hoc, vanno a pescare nelle tasche dei subholder

spesso sento dire che group ha venduto i gioielli di famiglia ma non e'la stessa strategia adottata da grandi gruppi in difficolta' ? ING per risanare sono 4 anni che vende e non ha ancora smesso


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Fitch analyst says bank bond haircut will hit ratings

AMSTERDAM, Jan 24 (Reuters) - A writedown of ordinary bank bonds would lower the rating of Western banks, a leading analyst at credit agency Fitch was quoted as saying in a Dutch newspaper on Thursday.
Bridget Gandy, Fitch's co-head of credit rating for European banks, said that such a rating downgrade would be because of the disappearance of implicit state guarantees on bank bonds.
Ordinary bonds have the highest priority in getting paid back when a company goes bankrupt. Lower-ranked bonds, such as subordinated bonds, contain greater risk of not being repaid in full.
"If an important country in Europe writes down ordinary bonds of a problematic bank, it means a complete change of how we look at banks," said in Dutch daily Het Financieele Dagblad.
Some Dutch politicians have argued for a writedown of ordinary bonds of troubled Dutch banking and insurance group SNS Reaal <SR.AS> , the paper said.
SNS Reaal, which received Dutch state aid in 2008, is widely expected to require a second bailout because of problems at its property unit and is due to come up with a restructuring plan when it reports its earnings next month. [nL6N0AN20L]
Fitch could not immediately comment.
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