Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2

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Già.........il mercato ha riassorbito il fallimento di una delle pricipali banche d'affari al mondo LB,,,,,,,di uno dei colossi mondiali come GM.......di una nazione europea Grecia....e questi solo negli ultimi 3 anni.......ma il mondo finanziario continua e anzi da queste ne trae estremo profitto........e ora per me si comincerà di nuovo a ballare con l'Europa e l'approvazione del suo bilancio.......e a dire il vero non sono molto ottimista nel merito..

e sarebbe anche ora visto che son liquido all'80% :D

Buongiorno, anche in seguito alle note vicende olandesi comincio a pensare di vendere la mia BPCE PERP 9,25%. Guadagno anche colpendo il denaro di oggi, e ne ho poche. Penso che anche la Francia pagherà gli eccessi immobiliari, e non ho notizie fresche su questa emittente. Qualcuno di voi ce l'ha, qualcuno la sta monitorando?

:eek::eek::eek::eek: ???? L'ho sempre considerata "the best" nel mio ptf!!!
ho controllato sui siti tedeschi passa intorno a 103..... cosa ti risulta che io non trovo??
(il fatto che fosse arrivata anche a 108 non la distinque da tutte le altre, es. Intesa 506 venduta a 105 a metà gennaio e ricomprata a 97,25 due giorni or sono)
Un po' ot ma manco tanto.

RBS Says Sell Italy Bonds Before Vote as Berlusconi Gains

Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc recommends investors sell Italian bonds before the Feb. 24-25 election, saying that further gains in polls by former premier Silvio Berlusconi may push the 10-year yield to 5 percent.
“The market is just another tight poll reading away from a more material sell-off,” senior rates strategist Harvinder Sian and strategist Michael Michaelides wrote in a note to investors yesterday. “Given the supply dynamics and positioning, we target 5 percent in the 10-year” yield.
Berlusconi, 76, whose political career was seen as over when he resigned in November 2011 with yields topping 7 percent, has narrowed the gap with front-runner Democratic Party leader Pier Luigi Bersani in recent weeks with promises to eliminate an unpopular property tax and refund last year’s payments. A poll yesterday by Tecne showed Bersani’s lead at 3.7 percentage points, within the margin of error of 4 points. Bersani led by 14 percentage points in a Tecne poll on Jan. 2.
“Our view has been that the market is rather complacent about the upcoming volatility in Italian politics no matter the outcome of February’s election,” the strategists wrote.
The most probable scenario remains that Bersani will win outright in the lower house of parliament and enter into an alliance with outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti to build a majority in the Senate, they said. Italy’s 10-year yield, now about 4.6 percent, implies a 19 percent chance of a Berlusconi upset, and that probability may increase with further gains in the polls, they wrote.
“Given the trend in the polls, the market will assign a greater probability, and if the risk of a Berlusconi upset is one-third, then 10-year bond valuations should be 5 percent, while a 50-50 risk in the election puts the valuation at 5.5 percent,” according to the two strategists.
A Bersani-Monti government would push the yields down to about 4 percent after the vote, the said. A Berlusconi upset could push yields back toward the 7 percent level on expectations that Italy would carry out needed reforms only by being forced into the European Central Bank’s bond-buying program, they wrote.
To contact the reporter on this story: Andrew Davis in Rome at [email protected]
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