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Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinateTutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2
Anche io penso che non skipperà.
Bp è stata sempre market friendly e ha pagato pure nel 2009-2010.
Però si va verso terreni inesplorati e i bond hanno in pancia quasi 9 mesi di rateo...fossimo a inizio luglio...
Mi aspettavo, in tutta onestà, un crollo del titolo azionario.
Come sempre, sull'equity (e non solo) prendo fischi x fiaschi.
Ciao Nick.
per come la vedo io sia le quotazioni delle azioni che dei tier 1 scontono già la situazione presentata di bilancio.....però sulla cedola rimango abbastanza fiducioso......poi ritengo che se dovesse skippare lo farà solo per 1 anno è il prezzo 60...più o meno dice questo.....poi ognuno può farci i ragionamenti e paragoni che vuole......che lasciano il tempo che trovano...altrimenti il recente passato ci ha insegnato davvero poco
Ciao Nick.
per come la vedo io sia le quotazioni delle azioni che dei tier 1 scontono già la situazione presentata di bilancio.....però sulla cedola rimango abbastanza fiducioso......poi ritengo che se dovesse skippare lo farà solo per 1 anno è il prezzo 60...più o meno dice questo
Bankia SA : EU sticks to minimal Bankia share valuation - source
03/05/2013| 03:02am US/Eastern
EU regulators will order shares of Spain's Bankia be valued at just 0.01 euros each, a European Commission source said, meaning shareholders including thousands of ordinary Spaniards will be hit hard in a debt-for-equity swap to boost the bank's finances.
Bankia's <BKIA.MI> minimal valuation is being disputed by Spanish authorities, which had been seeking a 0.10 euros per share valuation, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters last week.
The figure is crucial as the rescued bank prepares to swap debt into shares as part of a 10.7 billion euro (9.1 billion pounds) capital hike, affecting hundreds of thousands of small investors.
"The share price has to be the minimum under Spanish laws for share prices," said the source, who declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter.
The source said the European Commission set out the principle, but not the figure, in Bankia's restructuring plan approved in November last year after its billion-euro rescue.
"We never adjust restructuring plans unless financial stability is at risk. Equity holders have to contribute," the person said.
According to Manuel Conthe, a former chairman at Spain's Securities and Exchange Commission (CNMV) who is now at Madrid-based law firm Bird & Bird, the minimum nominal price for shares under Spain´s Stock Exchange listing requirements is 0.01 euros.
"This applies not only to new shares in IPOs but also to existing shares," Conthe said.
EU Commission spokesman for competition policy, Antoine Colombani, declined to comment on Bankia's valuation but said: "The decision on Bankia's restructuring still applies."
(Reporting by Foo Yun Chee; Editing by Luke Baker and Mark Potter)
CREDIT AGRICOLE : Plans Two-Part Bond Sale
03/05/2013| 04:13am US/Eastern
By Art Patnaude
French lender Credit Agricole (ACA.FR) was planning a two-part bond sale Tuesday, an official on the bank's syndicate desk said.
The bank will issue a new five-year, euro-denominated bond. The deal was set to price at 85-90 basis points over the midswap rate.
The issuer was also increasing the size of its existing bond that matures in January 2015. Price guidance on the tap of the floating rate note was set in the low 30s over midswaps.
Credit Agricole is the sole lead manager on the transaction.