Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (3 lettori)

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Forumer storico
KPN (telefonia, chiacchierata...) dopo qualche incertezza forse emetterà (o ha emesso?) un ibrido.
Qui Fitch:

TEXT-Fitch assigns KPN's hybrid securities expected 'BB(EXP)' rating KPN.AS - RTRS
28-Feb-2013 10:34
(The following statement was released by the rating agency)
Feb 28 - Fitch Ratings has assigned Royal KPN N.V.'s KPN.AS (KPN, 'BBB-'/Stable) proposed reset subordinated perpetual and long-dated capital securities an expected rating of 'BB(EXP)'. The final rating is contingent on the receipt of final documents conforming materially to the preliminary documentation.
KPN intends to raise EUR2bn in hybrid securities in EUR and GBP tranches over time. The upcoming hybrid securities are proposed to be deeply subordinated and to rank senior only to KPN's ordinary shares, while coupon payments can be deferred at the option of the issuer. As a result of these features, the 'BB(EXP)' rating assigned to the proposed securities is two notches below KPN's 'BBB' Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR), which reflects the securities' increased loss severity and heightened risk of non-performance relative to the senior obligations. This approach is in accordance with Fitch's criteria, "Treatment and Notching of Hybrid in Nonfinancial Corporate and REIT Credit Analysis" dated 13 December 2012 at Fitch Ratings - Dedicated to providing value beyond the rating.
Subject to KPN's AGM on 10 April 2013 approving the company's EUR3bn rights issue, the proposed securities qualify for 50% equity credit as they meet Fitch's criteria with regards to subordination, effective maturity of at least five years, full discretion to defer coupons for at least five years and limited events of default. If the rights issue is not completed, KPN may redeem the securities or there will be a 5% coupon step-up six months after the securities have been issued.
KPN has a call option to redeem the notes on the first call date not before 2018, and there will be a coupon step-up of 25bps not before 10 years after issue and a further incremental step-up of 75 bps 20 years after the first call date . KPN will also have the option to redeem the notes prior to the first call date for accounting, tax, rating agency or change of control reasons.
The proposed EUR securities have no maturity date while the GBP securities are expected to have a 60 year maturity. However, the issues will no longer be subject to replacement language disclosing the company's intent to redeem the instrument from 20 years after the first call date with the proceeds of a similar instrument or with equity. Hence this date is viewed as the securities' effective maturity date. The instrument's equity credit would switch to zero five years prior to this date (i.e. 15 years after the first call date).
There is no look-back provision in the securities' documentation, which gives the issuer full discretion to defer ongoing coupon payments on these securities. Deferrals of coupon payments are cumulative. The company will be obliged to make a mandatory settlement of deferred interest payments under certain circumstances, including a declaration or payment of a dividend


Forumer storico
Ok grazie mille della risposta.Dove hai trovato questa notizia?Perche' avevo scritto all'IR di Barclays e ti allego la risposta che non mi pare cosi' negativa

[FONT=&quot]Please note that Barclays Bank PLC has not formulated a call policy, as such, for its subordinated debt. The decision to call an instrument on its first call date is based on prevailing circumstances. As you can expect, such a decision is carefully considered and takes into account several factors, including commercial issues (reputational impact of not calling the shares, cost of refinancing the instrument in the prevailing market, on-going regulatory value, etc.). The call of debt capital instruments is also subject to FSA approval. Therefore, it is impossible to anticipate the decision, but we will of course inform investors within the required notice periods set out in the offering documents.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]For your information, to date, Barclays has called all institutional regulatory capital securities at the first call date; however, this does not mean that we will continue to do so, our decision will depend on prevailing conditions, at the time.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]May you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Kind regards,[/FONT]


ogni emittente ha le proprie politiche di call (stepup si, stepup no ecc), ma chiaramente nn tenderà a mettertele per iscritto..

starà a te dedurle



Forumer storico
per l'emissione 2017 era uscita la notiza 30 gg prima, cioè il 28/11 con la call al 28/12

quindi se applicassero lo stesso sistema dovrebbe uscire entro domani...

in ogni caso credo che la call vada annunciata entro i 15gg dalla data

la data call è entro il 16marzo 2013 (ossia entro 10 gg lavorativi dalla data call)

il resto sarebbero solo coincidenze. che si possono verificare, come non



Il mito, la leggenda.
ciao andre-sant...compagno in dexia...sapresti dirmi il prezzo della bp finale 290?? grazie ...ciao...:up:

...in prima pagina ;)

prezzi quasi freschi di ...ieri

il prezzo è 62-64 denaro lettera eventualmente non leggessi bene il secondo prezzo è quello della scorsa rilevazione ...


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