Forumer attivo
Io ho trovato questo. La data è 31.07.2014.Stacca il 19/5/2014.
BAWAG Capital Finance (Jersey) Limited
(the "Issuer")
EUR 150,000,000
Perpetual Non-cumulative Non-voting Fixed/Floating Rate Preference Shares
having the benefit of a support agreement entered into with
Bank fur Arbeit und Wirtschaft Aktiengesellschaft (“BAWAG”)
ISIN: XS0119643897
(the " Preference Shares")
[current outstanding: EUR 58,629,000]
The Issuer hereby gives notice pursuant to Article 4(1) of the Transparency Directive (2004/109/EC)
and sub-Article 6(h) of the Issuer’s articles of association that, pursuant to Article 6(c) of the articles
of association of the Issuer (the Articles), the Issuer will redeem 58,629 Perpetual Non-Cumulative
Non-Voting Fixed/Floating Rate Preference Shares of €1,000 each in the capital of the Company
(the Redemption Shares) on 31 July 2014.
Pursuant to the Articles, the Redemption Shares shall be redeemed at the Optional Redemption
Price (as defined in the Articles).
8 May 2014
BAWAG Capital Finance (Jersey) Limited
Qualcuno sa quale è il optional redemption price ? grazie
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