Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3

ciao a tucc,
ecco, dato che non ho capito un accidenti di dove voglia andare questa economia.. mi son sempre piaciute le sfide win-win. :D

vorrei frequentare qualche 'perpetua' :eek: :eek: ma non sono esperto del ramo, finora ho bazzicato tra le convertibili, le €i , tasso fisso ed euribor

selezionando il file in prima pagina con le IRS con taglio fino a 10k, in EUR, escludendo quelle con rating D e C, valuta EUR, ricavo questo elenco

ISIN --------Emittente_____________________________________ Cedola Scadenza Call____ Cedola post call
XS0181369454 Axa-------------------------------------------- IRS 10a + 0,20%, max 10% perpetual 02/12/2008 invariata
XS0188935174 Axa-------------------------------------------- 5% + 22% IRS 10a perpetual 02/04/2009 dal 2007 4% + 22% IRS 10a
XS0203470157 Axa-------------------------------------------- 6,0000% perpetual 29/10/2009 dal 2006 IRS 10a + 0,05%, max 8%
XS0207825364 Axa-------------------------------------------- 6,0000% perpetual 20/12/2009 4*(IRS10a - IRS2a) min 3,75% max 10%
XS0210434782 Axa-------------------------------------------- 6,0000% perpetual 25/01/2010 4*(IRS10a - IRS2a) min 3% max 10%
DE000A0DEJU3 Banco Español de Crédito (Santander)----------- 6,0000% perpetual 29/10/2011 dal 2006 IRS 10a + 0,125%, max
DE000A0DD4K8 Bank Austria-CA Finance (Unicredit)------------- 6,0000% perpetual 28/10/2011 dal 2006 IRS 10a + 0,10%, max 8%
DE000A0DYW70 Bank Austria-CA Finance (Unicredit)------------- 7,5000% perpetual 22/03/2012 dal 2007 IRS 10a + 0,15%, max 8%
XS0207764712 Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel------------- 6,0000% perpetual 15/12/2014 dal 2006 IRS 10a + 0,10%, max 8%
XS0212581564 Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel------------- 7,0000% perpetual 25/02/2015 dal 2007 IRS 10a + 0,10%, max 8%
FR0010128835 Caisse Fédérale du Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe---- 6,0000% perpetual 18/11/2014 dal 2006 IRS 10a + 0,175%, max 8%
FR0010154385 Casino Guichard-Perrachon___________________ 7,5000% perpetual 20/01/2010 dal 2009 IRS 10a + 1%, max 9%
FR0010167247 CNP Assurances____________________________ 6,5000% perpetual 11/03/2011 dal 2009 3% + 22% IRS 10a
FR0010167296 CNP Assurances____________________________ 6,2500% perpetual 11/03/2011 dal 2010 4*(IRS10a - IRS2a) min 2,75% max 9%
FR0010203026 CNP Assurances____________________________ 7,0000% perpetual 27/06/2010 dal 2009 IRS 10a + 0,30%, min 2% max 10*(IRS10a - IRS2a)
FR0010161026 Crédit Agricole S.A._________________________ 6,0000% perpetual 04/02/2015 dal 2007 IRS 10a + 0,025%, max 7,25%
DE000A0E5JD4 Deutsche Bank Cap. F. T. I __________________ 7,0000% perpetual 27/06/2015 dal 2011 10*(IRS10a - IRS2a) min 1,75% - max IRS10a
DE000A0DTY34 Deutsche Bank Cap. F. T. VI_________________ 6,0000% perpetual 28/01/2010 4*(IRS10a - IRS2a) min 3,5% - max 10%
XS0369549570 Deutsche Börse ___________________________ 7,5000% 13/06/2038 13/06/2013 dal 2014 IRS 5a + 2,85%, dal 2019 euribor 12m + 3,85%
DE000A0DEN75 Deutsche Postbank F.T. I ___________________ 6,0000% perpetual 02/12/2010 dal 2006 IRS 10a + 0,025%, max 8%
DE000A0DHUM0 Deutsche Postbank F.T. II ___________________ 6,0000% perpetual 23/12/2009 4*(IRS10a - IRS2a) min 3,75% - max 10%
DE000A0D24Z1 Deutsche Postbank F.T. III __________________ 7,0000% perpetual 07/06/2011 dal 2009 IRS 10a + 0,125%, max 8%
XS0674277933 EnBW ____________________________________ 7,3750% 02/04/2072 02/04/2017 dal 2018 IRS 5a + 5,401%, dal 2023 IRS 5a + 5,651%, dal 2038 IRS 5a + 6,401%
XS0188305741 Erste Finance Series H ______________________ IRS 10a + 0,10%, max 9% perpetual 24/03/2009 invariata
XS0202259122 Hypo Alpe Adria II __________________________ 6,5000% perpetual 07/10/2011 dal 2006 IRS 10a + 0,15%, max 8%
XS0194983366 Jyske Bank ________________________________ 6,0000% perpetual 05/07/2014 dal 2006 IRS 10a + 0,15%, max 9%
XS0212590557 Jyske Bank ________________________________ 6,0000% perpetual 16/03/2015 dal 2007 IRS 10a + 0,15%, max 9%
FR0010154278 Natexis Banques Populaires (BPCE) ____________ IRS 10a +1%, min 3,75% max 6x(IRS10a-IRS2a) perpetual 25/01/2010 invariata
XS0249580357 NIBC Bank ________________________________ 8,0000% perpetual 30/03/2011 IRS 10a + 0,10%, max 8%
XS0347918640 Nykredit Realkredit _________________________ 9,0000% perpetual 01/04/2015 IRS 5a + 6,15%
XS0629626663 OMV _____________________________________ 6,7500% perpetual 26/04/2018 IRS 5a + 3,75%, dal 2024 euribor 12m + 4,75%
DE000A0BDW10 Popular Capital Series B (Banco Popular Español) IRS 10a + 0,125%, max 9% perpetual 30/06/2009 invariata
XS0214155458 Rabobank _________________________________ 7,0000% 23/03/2035 23/03/2010 dal 2009 4*(IRS10a - IRS2a) min 2% max 9%
XS0542298012 RWE _____________________________________ 4,6250% perpetual 28/09/2015 IRS 5a + 2,65%, dal 2020 euribor 12m + 3,65%
XS0193631040 RZB Finance III ____________________________ 6,0000% perpetual 15/06/2009 dal 15/12/05 IRS 10a + 0,10%, max 9%
XS0202197694 Santander Finance Series 2 __________________ IRS 10a + 0,05%, max 8% perpetual 30/09/2009 invariata
XS0454821462 SEB _____________________________________ 9,2500% perpetual 31/03/2015 IRS 5a + 6,40%
XS0205055675 Sydbank _________________________________ 6,5000% perpetual 24/11/2014 dal 2006 IRS 10a + 0,20%, max 8%
XS0877720986 Telekom Austria ___________________________ 5,6250% perpetual 01/02/2018 IRS 5a + 4,859%, dal 2023 IRS 5a + 5,109%, dal 2038 IRS 5a + 5,859%
XS0484213268 TenneT __________________________________ 6,6550% perpetual 01/06/2017 IRS 5a + 3,60%, dal 2023 euribor 6m + 4,60%

vorrei sfoltire questo elenco per provare a conoscerle meglio e frequentarle, provare a ridurre a 5-6 perpetue per investire fino al massimo di un 10, 15% del portafoglio.

vedo dal file che alcune di queste sono già state richiamate parzialmente, è uno dei criteri per sfoltire la scelta?

quali altri criteri sono da usare per la selezione?

vi ringrazio

P.S. l'inglese non mi spaventa ..

Ciao wolloo :), richiamate fino ad ora non ce ne sono state, qualcuna è stata oggetto di OPA.

Le caratteristiche sono molto simili, la differenza, come (quasi) sempre, la fa l'emittente. Va da sè che è (quasi) tutto nei prezzi.

P.S. Ti si vedrà a Porto San Giorgio?
Vi confesso che sono stato quasi tutto il pomeriggio proteso a cercare obbligazioni in AUD:


Vorrei trovare qualche titolo legato al BBSW+ spread il più alto possibile, di un buon emittente e, che non sia perpetua anche se, emittenti come Rabobank e AXA sono di tutto rispetto. Qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi?


Obligationen | Anleihen | Kurse | finanzen.ch

(tendina Wahrung selezioni la valuta, e puoi anche limitare la ricerca per rating...cliccando sul titolo, viene fuori scheda con grafico ed isin)

p.s.: cos'è il BBSW? :lol:
Ultima modifica:
T2 di Axa...

Venerdì scorso Axa ha lanciato un corposo T2, undated, cedola al 3.875%, prima call possibile tra 11 anni:

AXA/ May 15, 2014 - Access 1

Mi sembra si possano avanzare almeno un paio di considerazioni:

1)la cedola è veramente infima;

2)forse sta per muoversi qualcosa nella galassia dei T2 Axa di vecchia generazione....
Ecco perchè l'incertezza sulla data di emissione dell' AT1:


Deutsche Bank announced on 18 May 2014 a capital increase with proceeds expected to be approximately EUR 8 billion. The capital increase will include an ex-rights issue of EUR 1.75 billion which has already been placed with an anchor investor and a fully underwritten rights issue. The rights issue is expected to raise EUR 6.3 billon of new equity.
Il giorno dopo aver promesso alla tua ragazza di portarla a cena, la incontri furente, ti mette spalle al muro ed esige una spiegazione del perché non hai mantenuto la parola; le dici che:

1) non hai avuto tempo, è passato a prenderti il tuo amico Mario e avete affrontato insieme un trip di shopping compulsivo nel megastore vicino piazza Cordusio, acquistando tutti i gadget della vostra squadra del cuore visto l'incredibile sconto del 5%; "amore, vuoi un portachiavi a forma di calcio d'angolo?"


2) l'avresti portata volentieri al ristorante, se solo si fosse presentata all'appuntamento.

Secondo te, qual è quella valida?


In realtà con Bund arrivato a 136.75 (target 137) la ragazza l'hai vista arrivare, ma mentre già sorridevi e ti pregustavi la serata, ha incrociato Mario e se n'è andata con lui (mai fidarsi degli amici di sport).
Ultima modifica:
Ecco perchè l'incertezza sulla data di emissione dell' AT1:


Deutsche Bank announced on 18 May 2014 a capital increase with proceeds expected to be approximately EUR 8 billion. The capital increase will include an ex-rights issue of EUR 1.75 billion which has already been placed with an anchor investor and a fully underwritten rights issue. The rights issue is expected to raise EUR 6.3 billon of new equity.

Niente male, come aumento di capitale...:eek:

Se non fosse per l'Unione Bancaria Europea in arrivo, queste banche, blasonate o meno, se ne starebbero con i loro scheletri negli armadi.

Tutto questo dimostra, se ancora ce ne fosse ancora bisogno, che la vigilanza a livello europeo :up: incute timore infinitamente più del regolatore nazionale, inevitabilmente "malleabile" alle esigenze politico-finanziarie locali...
Germany’s Embrace of Bank Resolution Regime Is Credit Negative for Bank
Last Tuesday, the German government released a draft law for the implementation of the European Bank
Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD). Although Germany has had an advanced resolution regime
since 2011, the draft BRRD Implementation Act is credit negative for bondholders because it restricts the
use of public funds for traditional bailouts and highlights the government’s resolve to allocate losses to bank
creditors when banks face distress. Government support for Germany’s banks will be less reliable than it was
during the global financial crisis, raising the default risk of principally all unsecured classes of bank debt.
Once approved by parliament, the new law will implement the European BRRD at the national level and
consolidate it with the existing German Bank Restructuring Act,5
although we note the potential for
Germany considers itself a frontrunner in implementing the BRRD and in creating a comprehensive
toolbox for the regulator and government authorities to resolve large, systemically important banks without
disrupting financial market stability. According to German policymakers, the act is an important
contribution to reducing implicit state support available to systemically important banks, and thus the
moral hazard that can create undue risk-taking in the banking system. Importantly, the draft act ensures
that in the event of a crisis, owners and creditors will contribute first when a distressed bank requires
additional capital. The draft act effectively delivers on the government’s earlier promise to shield German
taxpayers from incurring the costs of future bank rescues.
The draft act closely mirrors the main elements of the BRRD as adopted by the European Parliament on 15
April and effectively narrows authorities’ options to deal with failing banks by prescribing burden-sharing
by creditors before the deployment of any public funds. In contrast, the current Restructuring Act allows
the authorities to choose freely between stabilisation measures through a bailout or burden-sharing through
a bail-in of creditors or a debt-for-equity swap (although this has never been applied to date). The most
important change, in our view, is the draft act’s restriction of government support to a preceding minimum
burden-sharing (i.e., after a minimum of 8% of total liabilities have been bailed-in, aid will be restricted to
5% of total liabilities and capital).
Under the draft act, the government can still decide to exclude certain creditors from bail-in, if, for
example, it has questions about contagion and market disruption that demand a more cautious approach.
This exclusion from burden-sharing of certain liabilities can also be applied if a bail-in were to result in even
higher costs to the state. The draft act provides the German authorities with some flexibility and reflects
that the German government remains strongly committed to financial market stability.
The probability of future support for German banks – albeit lower than it once was – will not be zero, in
our view. In some cases, there might be strong arguments to protecting all depositors or even senior
unsecured creditors. However, the draft act makes the ex-ante assessment of systemic support more difficult,
partly because consideration of market fragility and contagion risk will continue to play a role in the
authorities’ decisions, as will specifics of the investor group in the affected institution.

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