Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3 (2 lettori)


& I will remove the world

If Carinthia required “extraordinary central government support” as a consequence of the triggering of Heta bond guarantees, as Moody's envisages, it would be an indirect bail-out of Heta bondholders by the Austrian government. And even if Carinthia did not need central government support, it would still be a bail-out of Heta bondholders by Carinthian taxpayers. However you look at it, allowing these guarantees to stand undermines the EBRRD principle that creditors should take losses before taxpayers.
This suggests that the Austrian authorities intend to find a way of overturning the guarantees. The debt service moratorium imposed by the FMA gives the authorities time to examine the legal alternatives.

Parafrasando Uderzo: SPQA :eek:
Qlc ha un link alle garanzie carinziane per darci una letta? :bow:
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Forumer storico
bond RZB in discesa
non è una perp ma la RZNO socio importante di di RZB ha un bond 100k 2023 T2 che potrebbe essere interessante

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