Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3 (3 lettori)


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Austria's Raiffeisen Bank says has negligible exposure to Heta | Reuters
Speriamo sia solo trascurabile ...
Nel frattempo la 609 è risalita a 84 operativo

In effetti le banche tedesche sembrerebbero quelle maggiormente esposte:

Heta: Preliminary List of Creditors Shows Big Engagement of German Banks
Published: 6 hours ago; 12:30 · (FriedlNews)

German banks hold 40 percent of Hypo bad bank Heta's papers affected by the recent moratorium on the bank's debts, according to calculations of Fitch ratings. The total amount of bonds affected by moratorium, meaning the creditors will receive no payments on the papers between March 1, 2015, and the end of May 2016, reaches EUR 9.8 billion (USD 10.4 billion).

The list of German Heta creditors as per the current state of knowledge:

BayernLB (legal dispute continues on the payment of over EUR 2 billion which Austrians see as a capital injection from former owner, but Germans demand be returned), property financing firm Pfandbriefbank pbb (announced legal measures after the need for EUR 395 million adjustment), Dexia Kommunalbank Deutschland AG (a nominal EUR 395 million), Dusseldorfer Hypothekenbank (held over EUR 348 million papers guaranteed by regions as of end-2013), HVB (low triple-digit million amount), DWS Investment from Deutsche Bank group (EUR 276 million), NRW-Bank (reportedly EUR 276 million). Germany's nationalised property bank Hypo Real Estate had to write off EUR 120 million, while Munich Re Group had to write off a double-digit million amount in Q1 2015.


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La questione dei mutui CHF in Polonia riguarda diverse banche occidentali:

Polish banks expect state to partly finance special CHF mortgage fund
WARSAW, March 11 Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:00am EDT

(Reuters) - Polish banks expect the state to partly finance the special funds to be set up to help holders of Swiss franc-denominated mortgages, the head of banks' association said on Wednesday.

Polish banks offered on Wedneasday to create the funds mostly to help holders of Swiss franc-denominated mortgages, who suffered a sharp increase in monthly installments after the recent franc surge.

"I think that a part of the financing for the stability fund should come from public funds," Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz said.

"These will be hundreds of millions zlotys per year, billions over years, we need the support of institutions and we are in talks on that issue," the head at Poland's biggest lender PKO BP Zgigniew Jagiello said.


& I will remove the world


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Venduto oggi un po' di CNP steepener FR0010167296 a 99 dopo che il trader mi aveva dato un prezzo indicativo di 95 ...:eek:


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un aiuto da chi ne sa piu di me

chiedo un piccolo aiuto O.T. agli amici più esperti::bow:

il 10 febbraio ha pagato cedola AU0000KFWHV4 (kfw 3,75% ago17) ed è stata assoggettata al 26% ....è corretto? ...io mi aspettavo equiparata ai sovrannazionali al 12,50%:(

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