Grazie Negus.
E´ gradito tuo commento su questa, offerta odierna.
Domanda aperta a tutti !
Jones, Daniel <
[email protected]> Today at 9:46 AM
Message body
***Books to close on very short notice***
Official Guidance: MS+400bps area = 0.21 + 4.00 = 4.21
Issuer: Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.
Notes: Fixed Rate Resettable Subordinated Notes (Tier 2) due 2025
Expected Issue Ratings: B2/B/BB- (Moodys/S&P/Fitch)
Status: Unsecured obligations of the Issuer, with principal and interest subordinated to the claims of Senior Creditors.
“Senior Creditors” being (a) unsubordinated creditors of the Issuer and (b) if, and only for so long as, there exist creditors whose claims, at the date of creation of such claims, are by law, or by their terms are expressed to be, subordinated obligations of the Issuer which rank in priority to Tier 2 Capital, (i) creditors of the Issuer whose claims are, or are expressed to be, subordinated to the claims of other creditors of the Issuer (other than those whose claims by law rank, or by their terms are expressed to rank, pari passu with or junior to the claims of the holders of the Notes) and (ii) holders of any dated subordinated obligations of the Issuer issued prior to 11 June 2015
Amount: EUR 750mn
Settlement Date: 26 November 2015 (T+5)
Maturity Date: 26 November 2025
Issuer Redemption Option: On 26 November 2020, subject to obtaining prior Supervisory Permission. No other redemption at the option of the Issuer, except upon a: 1) Capital Disqualification Event (full exclusion from Issuer’s Tier 2 Capital) or 2) Tax Event (loss of deductibility or gross-up)
Official Guidance: MS+400bps area
Coupon: [ ]% p.a. fixed until 26 November 2020 payable annually, thereafter reset to the aggregate of then prevailing 5yr Mid-Swap Rate and initial margin, payable annually
Non-Viability: Statutory loss absorption at the point of non-viability, disclosed in risk factors section of the Base Prospectus
Documentation: Issuer's EMTN Programme dated 11 June 2015, as supplemented on 18 November 2015
Denoms/Listing/Form/Law: EUR 100,000 + EUR 1,000/Irish Stock Exchange/RegS
Da diverse settimane sto portando avanti un sistematico e radicale aggiornamento del file che trovate alla fine del primo post di questa discussione. Ormai siamo arrivati a 783 emissioni censite

ed oltre ad aggiungerne di nuove sto cercando di completare le informazioni mancanti di quelle vecchie.
Data la mole di dati riportati nel file purtroppo aumenta esponenzialmente la possibilità di fare errori e quindi vi prego di segnalarmeli se vi capita di riscontrarne.
Se poi avete segnalazioni di emissioni o emittenti che vorreste inserire direi che è il momento giusto per farlo, sono alla lettera D, spero di arrivare alla Z entro Natale. Sarebbe il modo migliore di festeggiare una discussione che ormai ha superato la soglia di 12 milioni di visite