Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3

oggi mi sono messo a spulciare e mi è caduto l'occhio sui subordinati di Aryzta, società svizzera leader nel baking e simili.

premesso che non la avevo mai sentita prima, mi domando se qualcuno la ha o se la è guardata. Grazie
Mai sentita prima ma mi hai incuriosito e ho dato una spulciatina ....cosa che mi piace , la comunicazione finanziaria è ben dettagliata e commentata voce per voce . I risultati non sono certo eclatanti , ma con un business così .....debito alto ma non folle , con covenants pattuiti in riduzione . quell' ibrido 2019 ha un bel post call , tanto questi non mi sembrano molto propensi al richiamo . Vediamo se qualcuno più bravo di me nei bilanci lascia un commento .
dopo prime ricerche intanto posso dire che la cedola è sospesa

Official Notice

Nr: 152470
Title: Aryzta defers interest payment on CHF400,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments
ISIN: CH0200044813

Aryzta AG ( Aryzta ) has issued CHF400,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments in April 2013 (the Instruments),
the terms and conditions of which are set out in a prospectus dated 23 April 2013 (the Terms and Conditions). In accordance
to Condition 2.4.(a) of the Terms and Conditions, Aryzta elects to defer the interest payment due on 25 April 2018 (the
Deferred Interest). The Deferred Interest will be payable at a later time as set out in Condition 2.4.(b) of the Terms and

Aryzta hereby also informs the holders that it will not exercise its general call option in accordance with Condition 3.2.(a)
of the Terms and Conditions on 25 April 2018 (the First Call Date). That means that the Instruments will not be redeemed on
the First Call Date, and from the First Call Date, the interest on the Instruments will be determined in accordance with
Condition 2.3 of the Terms and Conditions (the Floating Rate Interest). The Floating Rate Interest will be payable quarterly
in arrears (subject to further interest deferrals).

Date: 26.09.2017

Official Notice

Nr: 152469
Title: Aryzta defers interest payment on CHF190,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments
ISIN: CH0253592783

Aryzta AG ( Aryzta ) has issued CHF190,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments in October 2014 (the Instruments),
the terms and conditions of which are set out in a prospectus dated 24 October 2014 (the Terms and Conditions). In accordance
to Condition 2.4. of the Terms and Conditions, Aryzta elects to defer the interest payment due on 28 April 2018 (the Deferred
Interest). The Deferred Interest will be payable at a later time as set out in Condition 2.4.(b) of the Terms and Conditions.

Date: 26.09.2017
oggi mi sono messo a spulciare e mi è caduto l'occhio sui subordinati di Aryzta, società svizzera leader nel baking e simili.

premesso che non la avevo mai sentita prima, mi domando se qualcuno la ha o se la è guardata. Grazie

Chiunque abbia UBS può trovare presso la banca reports interessanti sulla società...
Ciao Bos ! Ho capito bene che le cedole non pagate si cumulano?
dopo prime ricerche intanto posso dire che la cedola è sospesa

Official Notice

Nr: 152470
Title: Aryzta defers interest payment on CHF400,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments
ISIN: CH0200044813

Aryzta AG ( Aryzta ) has issued CHF400,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments in April 2013 (the Instruments),
the terms and conditions of which are set out in a prospectus dated 23 April 2013 (the Terms and Conditions). In accordance
to Condition 2.4.(a) of the Terms and Conditions, Aryzta elects to defer the interest payment due on 25 April 2018 (the
Deferred Interest). The Deferred Interest will be payable at a later time as set out in Condition 2.4.(b) of the Terms and

Aryzta hereby also informs the holders that it will not exercise its general call option in accordance with Condition 3.2.(a)
of the Terms and Conditions on 25 April 2018 (the First Call Date). That means that the Instruments will not be redeemed on
the First Call Date, and from the First Call Date, the interest on the Instruments will be determined in accordance with
Condition 2.3 of the Terms and Conditions (the Floating Rate Interest). The Floating Rate Interest will be payable quarterly
in arrears (subject to further interest deferrals).

Date: 26.09.2017

Official Notice

Nr: 152469
Title: Aryzta defers interest payment on CHF190,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments
ISIN: CH0253592783

Aryzta AG ( Aryzta ) has issued CHF190,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments in October 2014 (the Instruments),
the terms and conditions of which are set out in a prospectus dated 24 October 2014 (the Terms and Conditions). In accordance
to Condition 2.4. of the Terms and Conditions, Aryzta elects to defer the interest payment due on 28 April 2018 (the Deferred
Interest). The Deferred Interest will be payable at a later time as set out in Condition 2.4.(b) of the Terms and Conditions.

Date: 26.09.2017
dopo prime ricerche intanto posso dire che la cedola è sospesa

Official Notice

Nr: 152470
Title: Aryzta defers interest payment on CHF400,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments
ISIN: CH0200044813

Aryzta AG ( Aryzta ) has issued CHF400,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments in April 2013 (the Instruments),
the terms and conditions of which are set out in a prospectus dated 23 April 2013 (the Terms and Conditions). In accordance
to Condition 2.4.(a) of the Terms and Conditions, Aryzta elects to defer the interest payment due on 25 April 2018 (the
Deferred Interest). The Deferred Interest will be payable at a later time as set out in Condition 2.4.(b) of the Terms and

Aryzta hereby also informs the holders that it will not exercise its general call option in accordance with Condition 3.2.(a)
of the Terms and Conditions on 25 April 2018 (the First Call Date). That means that the Instruments will not be redeemed on
the First Call Date, and from the First Call Date, the interest on the Instruments will be determined in accordance with
Condition 2.3 of the Terms and Conditions (the Floating Rate Interest). The Floating Rate Interest will be payable quarterly
in arrears (subject to further interest deferrals).

Date: 26.09.2017
Official Notice

Nr: 152469
Title: Aryzta defers interest payment on CHF190,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments
ISIN: CH0253592783

Aryzta AG ( Aryzta ) has issued CHF190,000,000 perpetual callable subordinated instruments in October 2014 (the Instruments),
the terms and conditions of which are set out in a prospectus dated 24 October 2014 (the Terms and Conditions). In accordance
to Condition 2.4. of the Terms and Conditions, Aryzta elects to defer the interest payment due on 28 April 2018 (the Deferred
Interest). The Deferred Interest will be payable at a later time as set out in Condition 2.4.(b) of the Terms and Conditions.

Date: 26.09.2017
Le perpetue in CHF non le seguo ma Aryzta ne ha anche una in Euro - XS1134780557 - con cedola 4,5% fino al 29.03.2019
e poi IRS 5A + 6,77. Anche questa ha la cedola sospesa dallo scorso Settembre ed infatti scambia dirty in zona 95. Le cedole
sono cumulative e compounding. Potrebbe essere una scommessa anche se la call nel 2019 è molto improbabile.
L'avevo valutata poi ho concluso che ho già troppi guai (banche venete...).

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