Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3

Dutch law on banks’ junior senior debt Is credit positive
On 14 December, the Dutch Parliament and Senate passed a bill that implements the European Union’s (EU) Directive 2017/2399 creating a new category of bank debt called senior non-preferred (which we call junior senior debt) in banks’ liability structure. The newly created instruments are subordinated to senior unsecured debt, but senior to Tier 2 notes, which gives banks the ability to issue a new bail-in-able debt instrument. The creation of a new debt instrument is credit positive for Dutch banks because it will provide greater protection from losses in a resolution. Under the Dutch law, junior senior notes are bail-in-able in a resolution and therefore eligible in Dutch banks’ resolution buffers, the so-called minimum requirement for eligible liabilities and own funds (MREL) as defined in Article 45 of the EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD). These notes must have a minimum original maturity of one year, and their prospectuses must explicitly refer to their junior senior status in accordance with Directive 2017/2399 requirements. The new instrument will make it easier for Dutch banks to meet MREL requirements, which will reduce potential losses for senior creditors. MREL targets have been defined by EU resolution authorities for each bank individually. As of June 2018, the four major Dutch banks reported MREL requirements (which already apply to them) of 29% of risk-weighted assets (RWAs) for ING Bank N.V. (Aa3/Aa3 stable, baa11 ); 31.6% of RWAs for ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (A1/A1 stable, baa1); 31% of RWAs for Rabobank (Aa3/Aa3 stable, a3); and 8% of total liabilities and own funds (corresponding to approximately 52% of RWAs) for De Volksbank N.V. (A3/A3 stable, baa1). These targets can be met with regulatory capital, junior senior debt and, to a limited extent, eligible senior debt. Based on these data, we estimate that Dutch banks will need to issue up to €14 billion of junior senior debt to meet their MREL requirements should they decide to not include any eligible senior debt in their resolution buffer (see exhibit). Rabobank will have to issue the largest amount, and in August and September 2018 issued €2.1 billion worth of senior debt that automatically converted into junior senior notes on 14 December 2018, the date upon which the law took effect. ING’s MREL requirements will not be met through the issuance of junior senior notes, but rather with senior debt issued by the holding company and which are structurally subordinate to the bank’s senior unsecured debt
A qualcuno di voi non sarà probabilmente sfuggito che ENEL non ha callato la sua prima emissione ibrida.
Parlo della XS0954675129 con cedola 6,5% fino al 10.01.2019 poi IRS 5A+5,24.
Personalmente mi sembrava strano ed infatti 4 giorni dopo l'ultimo giorno della finestra di richiamo (10 Dicembre)
hanno comunicato che a causa di una "questione procedurale" non è stata annunciata per tempo la call (detto in
altre parole si sono dimenticati - bella figura di m....) ma faranno una tender alla pari per permettere a coloro che
lo desiderano di uscire alla pari come se avessero richiamato l'emissione.
Secondo voi, con una cedola post call di quel tipo per i prossimi 5 anni (non è richiamabile ogni anno), quanti
saranno disposti a dargliele a 100 ?

Ciao, possiedo il bond e cortesemente mi puoi dire
il comunicato "questione procedurale" dove la posso trovare? Ho guardato sul sito e non sono riuscito a vederla.
Ciao, possiedo il bond e cortesemente mi puoi dire
il comunicato "questione procedurale" dove la posso trovare? Ho guardato sul sito e non sono riuscito a vederla.
Trovi il comunicato sul sito di quotazione del titolo che è Euronext Dublino. Oppure, ancora più semplicemente
googlando "XS0954675129 redemption".
devo dire che nella discesa generale gli At1 di Rzb , fanno davvero paura quella al 4.5% viaggia oramai sui 78 .... ma scende inesorabilmete piu’ degli altri , per fortuna l’ho liquidata per tempo avendo assai scarsa fiducia di Rzb

Ok, c'è solo la notare che l'annullamento è possibile non per i certificates, che sono i titoli da noi detenuti emessi dalla Fondazione (Stichtung) Rabobank, ma per le partecipations, che sono le corrispondenti quote di capitale della Fondazione nella Banca. Il risultato economico è lo stesso, ma scritta in questo modo sembra un'operazione straordinaria estranea alla fisiologia dei titoli.
ZURICH (Reuters) - French insurer AXA 4,300 Swiss employees mistakenly got double their normal December salaries in a Christmas surprise that quickly fell flat when they learned they would not be allowed to keep the extra cash.
The mistake, reported in Swiss daily Tages-Anzeiger and confirmed by the insurer on Monday, resulted from an error that occurred between AXA and its house bank, the insurer said. Employees can either return the money or take it as an advance on their January paychecks.
AXA did not immediately say how much money was incorrectly paid out, but based on the average Swiss salary of around 85,000 Swiss francs per year, the error could have amounted to more than 30 million Swiss francs ($30 million) in overpayments.
"There are worse things," an AXA spokesman told Tages-Anzeiger. "The main thing is, all employees got their December pay on time before Christmas."

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