Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3

VIVAT Annual Results 2015

Strategic Review on Track

Return to profit in 2015

Profit for 2015 at € 109 million (2014: loss of € 612 million)
Increase in net underlying result for 2015 to € 33 million (2014: € 0 million)
Strong capital position following € 1.35 billion capital injection by new shareholder Anbang reflected in Solvency I ratio of 240% at 31 December 2015
Solvency II ratio at year-end 2015 estimated to be approximately 160% • Commercial performance remains a challenge
VIVAT concluded strategic review; focus on innovation to improve customer experience, reduce complexity and cut costs
Statement of the Executive Board

“2015 was an impactful year for VIVAT. Its acquisition by Anbang marked the end of a challenging period for VIVAT following the nationalisation of SNS REAAL, its former shareholder. With Anbang’s support, as shown by the EUR 1.35 billion capital injection, VIVAT now has the opportunity to transform its business, allowing it to become an agile leading insurer in the Netherlands. Following substantial losses in both 2013 and 2014, VIVAT returned to profit in 2015, both on a net and an underlying basis. Due to the persistently challenging market, premium income remained under pressure. In order to maintain and increase its profitability on a structural basis, VIVAT concluded a strategic review to transform its organisation. VIVAT will increase its focus on customers, offering innovative products and sophisticated digital solutions. To create an agile organisation, VIVAT will simplify its governance structure and reduce the complexity of the organisation. With these plans, we expect to be able to achieve considerable cost savings. Our shareholder actively supports this transformation.”

http://www.vivatverzekeringen.nl/Me...ress Release VIVAT Annual Result 2015_def.pdf

Mi sembrano buoni risultati.

Delta 9% quota 107. Srlev quota 102,5. Perchè?

Edit: le ho entrambe.

VIVAT Annual Results 2015

Strategic Review on Track

Return to profit in 2015

Profit for 2015 at € 109 million (2014: loss of € 612 million)
Increase in net underlying result for 2015 to € 33 million (2014: € 0 million)
Strong capital position following € 1.35 billion capital injection by new shareholder Anbang reflected in Solvency I ratio of 240% at 31 December 2015
Solvency II ratio at year-end 2015 estimated to be approximately 160% • Commercial performance remains a challenge
VIVAT concluded strategic review; focus on innovation to improve customer experience, reduce complexity and cut costs
Statement of the Executive Board

“2015 was an impactful year for VIVAT. Its acquisition by Anbang marked the end of a challenging period for VIVAT following the nationalisation of SNS REAAL, its former shareholder. With Anbang’s support, as shown by the EUR 1.35 billion capital injection, VIVAT now has the opportunity to transform its business, allowing it to become an agile leading insurer in the Netherlands. Following substantial losses in both 2013 and 2014, VIVAT returned to profit in 2015, both on a net and an underlying basis. Due to the persistently challenging market, premium income remained under pressure. In order to maintain and increase its profitability on a structural basis, VIVAT concluded a strategic review to transform its organisation. VIVAT will increase its focus on customers, offering innovative products and sophisticated digital solutions. To create an agile organisation, VIVAT will simplify its governance structure and reduce the complexity of the organisation. With these plans, we expect to be able to achieve considerable cost savings. Our shareholder actively supports this transformation.”


Benino, direi. Vediamo se il bond si muove :mmmm:

Vedo ora che mi sono incrociato con Darkog. Anch'io pensavo ad un possibile travaso.
A parte Delta vedo tutte le assicurative in discreto spolvero.
Groupama, Generali..

Trovo strano CNP ancora sotto 80. Solvency II a 195%.:mmmm:
Cmq chi non sale prima, sale dopo..

Questa è sempre dormiente, ma poi scatta!
Speriamo anche questa volta non deluda le aspettative..
A parte Delta vedo tutte le assicurative in discreto spolvero.
Groupama, Generali..

Trovo strano CNP ancora sotto 80. Solvency II a 195%.:mmmm:
Cmq chi non sale prima, sale dopo..

Questa è sempre dormiente, ma poi scatta!
Speriamo anche questa volta non deluda le aspettative..

CNP è un assicurativo (credo esclusivamente) vita, è un settore che soffre molti i tassi bassi, questo potrebbe essere uno dei motivi
Ma che succede a OMV? Continua a salire (ed io naturalmente ho venduto troppo presto :wall:)

Cosa non sta salendo?!
Io holdo tutto.

Nel passato, qnd Draghi ha parlato, il mercato ha apprezzato nel tempo.
Ieri ha usato le maniere forti..

Vediamo se, come le altre volte, arriva un movimento rialzista importante.

Groupama stava oltre 100, ora sta a 88.
Delta stava a 120.
Srlev stava a 112.
CNP stava sopra 90.
Unipol senior stava a 99/100.

Per non parlare dei sub bancari di seconda fascia, che penso siano i più apprezzabili con i nuovi stimoli della BCE.

Vediamo se nei prossimi mesi torniamo ad avvicinarci a quei valori..:up:

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