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// SchaffTrendCycle.mq4 |
//| Copyright © 2011, |
//| Forex Trading Information, Learn About Forex Trading |
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Schaff Trend Cycle - Cyclical Stoch over Stoch over MACD.
Falling below 75 is a sell signal.
Rising above 25 is a buy signal.
Developed by Doug Schaff.
Code adapted from the original TradeStation EasyLanguage version.
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_minimum 0
#property indicator_maximum 100
#property indicator_level1 25
#property indicator_level2 75
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_style1 STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_color1 DarkOrchid
//---- Input Parameters
extern int MAShort = 23;
extern int MALong = 50;
extern int Cycle = 10;
//---- Global Variables
double Factor = 0.5;
int BarsRequired;
//---- Buffers
double MACD[];
double ST[];
double ST2[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
IndicatorShortName("STC(" + MAShort + ", " + MALong + ", " + Cycle + ")");
SetIndexBuffer(0, ST2);
SetIndexBuffer(1, ST);
SetIndexBuffer(2, MACD);
SetIndexDrawBegin(0, MALong + Cycle * 2);
BarsRequired = MALong + Cycle * 2;
//| Schaff Trend Cycle |
int start()
if (Bars <= BarsRequired) return(0);
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
double LLV, HHV;
int shift, n = 1, i;
// Static variables are used to flag that we already have calculated curves from the previous indicator run
static bool st1_pass = false;
static bool st2_pass = false;
int st1_count = 0;
bool check_st1 = false, check_st2 = false;
if (counted_bars < BarsRequired)
for (i = 1; i <= BarsRequired; i++) ST2[Bars - i] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= BarsRequired; i++) ST[Bars - i] = 0;
if (counted_bars > 0) counted_bars--;
shift = Bars - counted_bars + BarsRequired - MALong;
if (shift > Bars - 1) shift = Bars - 1;
while (shift >= 0)
double MA_Short = iMA(NULL, 0, MAShort, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, shift);
double MA_Long = iMA(NULL, 0, MALong, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, shift);
MACD[shift] = MA_Short - MA_Long;
if (n >= Cycle) check_st1 = true;
else n++;
if (check_st1)
// Finding Max and Min on Cycle of MA differrences (MACD)
for (i = 0; i < Cycle; i++)
if (i == 0)
LLV = MACD[shift + i];
HHV = MACD[shift + i];
if (LLV > MACD[shift + i]) LLV = MACD[shift + i];
if (HHV < MACD[shift + i]) HHV = MACD[shift + i];
// Calculating first Stochastic
if (HHV - LLV != 0) ST[shift] = ((MACD[shift] - LLV) / (HHV - LLV)) * 100;
else {ST[shift] = ST[shift + 1];}
// Smoothing first Stochastic
if (st1_pass) ST[shift] = Factor * (ST[shift] - ST[shift + 1]) + ST[shift + 1];
st1_pass = true;
// Have enough elements of first Stochastic to proceed to second
if (st1_count >= Cycle) check_st2 = true;
else st1_count++;
if (check_st2)
// Finding Max and Min on Cycle of first smoothed Stoch
for (i = 0; i < Cycle; i++)
if (i == 0)
LLV = ST[shift + i];
HHV = ST[shift + i];
if (LLV > ST[shift + i]) LLV = ST[shift + i];
if (HHV < ST[shift + i]) HHV = ST[shift + i];
// Calculating second Stochastic
if (HHV - LLV != 0) ST2[shift] = ((ST[shift] - LLV) / (HHV - LLV)) * 100;
else {ST2[shift] = ST2[shift + 1];}
// Smoothing second Stochastic
if (st2_pass) ST2[shift] = Factor * (ST2[shift] - ST2[shift + 1]) + ST2[shift + 1];
st2_pass = true;
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