Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1 (8 lettori)

probabilità recovery

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Forumer stoico
Come minimo devono bloccare tutti i progetti su investimenti e ricerca.

Come andrà a finire non so ... però credo che il presidente di Repsol abbia detto cose sensate.

Al momento il gioco è condotto dai sauditi ... IMHO ... hanno aumentato le quantità estratte e vendono a sconto.
Forse durerà qualche mese?

anche per me i prezzi risalgono prima di quanto atteso, ok le mossette di matrice geopolitica e per frazionare la concorrenza dello shale ma fino a quanto le lobbies usa accompagneranno questa battaglia politica? a 60-70 hanno margine ovvio, ma anche per loro, stavano meglio qualche mese fa...aspetta le prime trimestrali poi li voglio vedere raccontare balle ai loro azionisti


Forumer storico

Venezuela default risks spike | Top News | IFRe


Just last week, a panel organised by Cleary Gottlieb – the same law firm that advises Argentina in its legal battle against holdout investors – centred on such topics, including whether Venezuela might find it easier to default on sovereign obligations rather than on bonds issued by PDVSA.


While all bonds issued by PDVSA require unanimity to modify the terms of interest and principal payments, the bulk of the debt issued by the sovereign contains collective action clauses allowing a 75% majority to agree to a restructuring that is binding on all holders of a particular series.

The distinction, however, might not matter much in the event of a disorderly default.


In the meantime the market remains relatively confident that the government can find short-term financing solutions without rocking the political boat.


At current oil price levels, the country faced a shortfall of about US$18bn for imports and debt service, which could be covered in part by one-off solutions, said Jorge Piedrahita, CEO at broker Torino Capital. These include Petrocaribe securitisations, recent agreements with China over loan terms, the reduction of imports and the sale of PDVSA’s US operations CITGO.


Patrick Esteruelas, at sovereign analyst at emerging markets asset manager Emso, took a similar view. “The risk of Venezuela defaulting in 2015 remains manageable and very low. It is certainly below the 45% default probability implied by one-year credit default swaps. I would say it is less than half of that.”

Report da leggere.
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Forumer storico
Il piccolo rimbalzo tecnico delle ultime due sedute, si è spento a Francoforte.
I prezzi dei "soberanos" sono oggi in leggero arretramento:

22 bid/ask 62,25 - 62,80

26 bid/ask 56,75 - 57,75

27 bid/ask 51,23 - 53,23

31 bid/ask 55,35 - 57,27


Forumer storico
A livello di TLX le chiusure segnano perdite decimali ... minime sul 27 e 31, più importanti sul 22 e 26:

22 bid/ask 62,50 - 63,40 - ultimo 62,84

26 bid/ask 57,00 - 57,39 - ultimo 57,39

27 bid/ask 52,25 - 52,59 - ultimo 52,30

31 bid/ask 56,00 - 56,55 - ultimo 56,15


Forumer storico

Venezuela default risks spike | Top News | IFRe


Just last week, a panel organised by Cleary Gottlieb – the same law firm that advises Argentina in its legal battle against holdout investors – centred on such topics, including whether Venezuela might find it easier to default on sovereign obligations rather than on bonds issued by PDVSA.


While all bonds issued by PDVSA require unanimity to modify the terms of interest and principal payments, the bulk of the debt issued by the sovereign contains collective action clauses allowing a 75% majority to agree to a restructuring that is binding on all holders of a particular series.

The distinction, however, might not matter much in the event of a disorderly default.


In the meantime the market remains relatively confident that the government can find short-term financing solutions without rocking the political boat.


At current oil price levels, the country faced a shortfall of about US$18bn for imports and debt service, which could be covered in part by one-off solutions, said Jorge Piedrahita, CEO at broker Torino Capital. These include Petrocaribe securitisations, recent agreements with China over loan terms, the reduction of imports and the sale of PDVSA’s US operations CITGO.


Patrick Esteruelas, at sovereign analyst at emerging markets asset manager Emso, took a similar view. “The risk of Venezuela defaulting in 2015 remains manageable and very low. It is certainly below the 45% default probability implied by one-year credit default swaps. I would say it is less than half of that.”

Report da leggere.

pro memoria per tutti.se PDVSA fa default,una cosa difficile,la Rep.Venezuelana dichiarera default immediamente.PDVSA è l'unico fonte di $$$ allo stato


Forumer storico
Precio del petróleo venezolano pierde $6,16 y cierra en $61,92

[FONT=&quot] El precio del barril venezolano promedia $91,17 en lo que va de 2014


12:21 p.m. | Jean Carlos Manzano.- El precio del barril de petróleo venezolano bajó esta semana $6,16, con respecto a su valor promedio de la semana pasada para ubicarse en $61,92, informó el Ministerio de Petróleo y Minería.

"Los precios de los crudos continuaron con su tendencia a la baja afectados principalmente por una amplia oferta de crudo para abastecimiento en el corto plazo así como, por la decisión del Banco Central Europeo de aplazar las medidas de estímulo adicionales a la economía de la zona euro", dijo el Menpet.

El precio del barril venezolano promedia $91,17 en lo que va de 2014, por debajo de la media que registró en 2013 de $98,08.

Venezuela intentó la semana pasada que la Opep acordara una reducción en la producción para impulsar el alza del precios, pero la estrategia resultó infructuosa.

Esta semana Arabia Saudita anunció que había rebajado el precio de su crudo a sus clientes en Asia y a Estados Unidos.

Leer más en: Precio del petróleo venezolano pierde $6,16 y cierra en $61,92 (+gráfico)

Joe Smith

Nuovo forumer

Venezuela default risks spike | Top News | IFRe


Just last week, a panel organised by Cleary Gottlieb – the same law firm that advises Argentina in its legal battle against holdout investors – centred on such topics, including whether Venezuela might find it easier to default on sovereign obligations rather than on bonds issued by PDVSA.


While all bonds issued by PDVSA require unanimity to modify the terms of interest and principal payments, the bulk of the debt issued by the sovereign contains collective action clauses allowing a 75% majority to agree to a restructuring that is binding on all holders of a particular series.

The distinction, however, might not matter much in the event of a disorderly default.


In the meantime the market remains relatively confident that the government can find short-term financing solutions without rocking the political boat.


At current oil price levels, the country faced a shortfall of about US$18bn for imports and debt service, which could be covered in part by one-off solutions, said Jorge Piedrahita, CEO at broker Torino Capital. These include Petrocaribe securitisations, recent agreements with China over loan terms, the reduction of imports and the sale of PDVSA’s US operations CITGO.


Patrick Esteruelas, at sovereign analyst at emerging markets asset manager Emso, took a similar view. “The risk of Venezuela defaulting in 2015 remains manageable and very low. It is certainly below the 45% default probability implied by one-year credit default swaps. I would say it is less than half of that.”

Report da leggere.

Molto interessante, soprattutto la parte relativa ad una maggior garanzia offerta da pdvsa sui sovrani nel caso in cui dovessero scegliere quali ristrutturare. Vero pero', che anche i corsi di pdvsa crollerebbero.


Forumer attivo
Interessante anche la parte dove dice che per il 2015 le probabilità di default sono come minimo la metà del 45% riferito ai cds
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