Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1 (4 lettori)

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China A-Shares & Bonds: Is Upside Limited?
China's currency and domestic stocks have strengthened, but Capital Economics sees reason for caution.

Dimitra DeFotis

Updated Aug. 29, 2017 5:44 p.m. ET

Chinese financials have been the best equity performers this month, but what's propping them up could come tumbling down.

So says Capital Economics' China economist Chang Liu, who writes:

" ... The sectoral breakdown shows that financial stocks have been the best performers this month, underpinned by strong earnings results. Widespread rumours suggest that state buying, intended to prevent any embarrassing market swings ahead of the [Communist] Party Congress this autumn, has supported equity markets too. ... The strength in financial sector earnings probably won’t last. While profits of China’s commercial banks have risen recently, this is because they have expanded their balance sheets over the past year and isn’t a sign that the health of China’s banks have improved. Indeed, banks’ returns on assets and net interest margins have both fallen. And while state buying can support equities in the short term, over the medium term the government’s interventionist mind-set won’t help the market. As a result, with valuations no longer cheap, we believe the upside for A-shares is limited.

Foreign ownership of Chinese government bonds (the dark line) remains low. ILLUSTRATION: CAPITAL ECONOMICS
The renminbi’s continued strength against the U.S. dollar this month has forced us to update our forecasts. The Hong Kong dollar, by contrast, has declined to record lows against the U.S. currency and may soon trigger intervention from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. ... Our core view remains unchanged: a backdrop of broad dollar weakness should support the renminbi against the dollar ... Meanwhile, the People's Bank of China success in limiting capital outflows has diminished the key downside risk while the structural support from the current account surplus remains in place. ...Turning to bond markets, a jump over the last two months in the value of Chinese government bonds held by foreigners has grabbed some headlines. But stepping back, as a share of the total, foreign holdings remain low at just over 2% ... "

China A-Shares & Bonds: Is Upside Limited?


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Constituyente cubana aprueba “enjuiciar” por traición a la patria a la Unidad venezolana

Ago 29, 2017 6:51 pm

El constituyente Diosdado Cabello consideró este martes, durante sesión ordinaria de la ANC cubana, que actores de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD) ha protegido las “inmorales acciones de EEUU” hacia Venezuela, por lo que anunció que se iniciará un juicio histórico por “traición a la patria”.

“Repudiamos y condenamos categóricamente la ilegítima e ilegal orden de los EEUU (…) Se iniciará un juicio histórico por traición a la patria a los actores políticos que ha respaldado las acciones de Trump contra Venezuela”, expresó.

Durante la lectura del decreto, Cabello afirmó que se solicitará a los órganos competentes las investigaciones para determinar responsabilidades. Al tiempo que solicitó que el mismo se publicara en Gaceta Oficial.

Responsabilizó a miembros de la MUD de “dar la vuelta al mundo para pedir sanciones en contra de Venezuela”.

El ahora constituyente de la ANC cubana dijo que “quienes hoy piden intervención militar en verdad son unos traidores a la patria, no merecen ningún perdón”, al tiempo que afirmó que cada “ataque de la derecha” debe llevar un “contraataque de la revolución”.

¿Enseñanza a Trump?

Cabello se dirigió al presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump: ” y una gran enseñanza señor Trump: yo siendo ustedes no iría a una guerra con ellos”, refiriéndose a miembros de la MUD como “unos cobardes, se roban la plata, ellos no han podido con la revolución”, expresó.

(La Patilla)
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