Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 1 (12 lettori)

probabilità recovery

  • 1

    Votes: 21 48,8%
  • 100

    Votes: 6 14,0%
  • 50

    Votes: 16 37,2%

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Tweet da Caracas:

Por concepto de pago de cupones asociados a los bonos de Pdvsa y la República resta por pagar en octubre 371.898.620,25 US$ aproximdamente.

Los #bonos que pagan restan por pagar cupón en octubre son: Venz 25 y Venz 26 por la República y el Pdvsa 14, Pdvsa 15 y Pdvsa 16 por Pdvsa.


Forumer storico
Tweet da Caracas:

Producción de crudo de EEUU subió de enero a julio 2014 cerca de 20 mil barriles diarios, lo cual contribuye a la sobreoferta del mercado

Ante la expectativa de mayores estímulos por parte de los Bancos Centrales, el mercado bursátil internacional refleja variaciones al alza

Arabia Saudita y Kuwait no garantizan reducir su producción de crudo a pesar de la reciente caída de los precios.

Iraq, país miembro de la Opep, planea elevar sus niveles de exportaciones de crudo en noviembre.


Forumer storico
Moody's: Venezuela's Caa1 reflects substantial challenges

Global Credit Research - 17 Oct 2014

New York, October 17, 2014 -- Venezuela's Caa1 sovereign rating and negative outlook reflect substantial economic and credit challenges that more than offset ongoing credit strengths, says Moody's Investors Service in its annual credit analysis of the country. Credit risks include macroeconomic imbalances that are growing, low and tightening availability of foreign exchange, which heightens the risk of a balance of payments crisis, and a highly discretionary policy framework, reflecting weak institutions.

"Growing macroeconomic imbalances from erratic monetary and fiscal policies, supply-side and unorthodox public policy-related shocks, and exchange rate misalignments are taking a toll on economic activity," says Moody's Vice President -- Senior Analyst Jaime Reusche.

Moody's forecasts Venezuela's economy contracting by 2.1% in 2014. Expansionary macroeconomic policies ahead of 2015 legislative elections will then push the economy toward a small expansion of 1.2% next year.
Moody's does not currently foresee an impending credit event, despite high and increasing uncertainty in economic forecasts for Venezuela and its continued shortage of foreign exchange.

Credit strengths include high income levels relative to emerging market and Latin American countries, a favorable government debt structure, and high fiscal strength.

With low, albeit rising, and affordable government debt, fiscal health depends on oil revenues from the state-owned oil company, PDVSA (Petróleos de Venezuela S.A.), the largest foreign currency earner in the country, says Moody's.

Moody's credit analysis on Venezuela is an annual report and does not constitute a rating action. For more information, Moody's research subscribers can access the credit analysis at



Forumer storico
Chiusure a Francoforte in fortissimo rialzo per i nostri venezolanos (dopo il bagno di sangue dei giorni scorsi). L'impostazione nelle ultime ore resta stabile/rialzista:


22 bid/ask 70,50 - 73,00

27 bid/ask 60,25 - 62,00

31 bid/ask 66,25 - 69,25


17 bid/ask 60,70 - 63,50

27 bid/ask 44,30 - 47,10

37 bid/ask 43,45 - 46,35


Chiusure a Francoforte in fortissimo rialzo per i nostri venezolanos (dopo il bagno di sangue dei giorni scorsi). L'impostazione nelle ultime ore resta stabile/rialzista:


22 bid/ask 70,50 - 73,00

27 bid/ask 60,25 - 62,00

31 bid/ask 66,25 - 69,25


17 bid/ask 60,70 - 63,50

27 bid/ask 44,30 - 47,10

37 bid/ask 43,45 - 46,35

Appena venduto 100k pdvsa 205 con Iw 44,5

tengo le 20k prese sul lux..
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