Forumer storico
Vero, però nel 2020 hanno usato due strategie: la redesignation strategy e la Pacman strategy.
Sai che con l'attivazione di queste due non so più se la 993 ha la minoranza bloccante del 25,01% data da questa parte del prospetto:
"Any reserve matter modification to the terms and conditions of the New Securities of a single series, or to the indenture insofar as it affects the New Securities of a single series, may generally be made, and future compliance therewith may be waived, with the consent of Argentina and the holders of not less than 75% in aggregate principal amount or notional amount, as applicable, of the New Securities of such series at the time outstanding".
Oppure quella del 33,34% data da questa parte del prospetto (dato per scontanto che raggiungeranno l'85% su tutte le emissioni con Indenture 2005 style):
"If Argentina proposes any reserve matter modification to the terms and conditions of two or more series of the New Securities or other debt securities issued under the indenture, or to the indenture insofar as it affects two or more series of the New Securities or such other debt securities, in either case as part of a single transaction, Argentina may elect to proceed pursuant to provisions of the indenture providing that such modifications may be made, and future compliance therewith may be waived, for each affected series if made with the consent of Argentina and
• the holders of not less than 85% in aggregate principal amount of the outstanding New Securities and other debt securities issued under the indenture of all series that would be affected by that modification (taken in aggregate), and
• the holders of not less than 66 2/3% in aggregate principal amount or notional amount, as applicable, of the outstanding New Securities or other debt securities of that series (taken individually).
Sei un buon tecnico. E quello che scrivi è il dubbio dei tanti che stanno sul titolo (e con importi rilevanti).
Io confido che il nostro titolo cada nel dimenticatoio, ed anche il FMI nelle sue relazioni non ne fa più cenno (visto l'esiguità dei valori in circolazione).
Certezze assolute non ci sono.