la petizione si ma quanto riporta in fondo mi risulta nuovo
C'era già... io l'ho allegata al mio ricorso all'ACF, insieme alla pronuncia dello stesso sulla responsabilità delle banche nella scelta di una depositaria ritardataria e chiedendo, quindi, che sia Fineco a cacciare il grano se non lo fa Euroclear...
On the second point, regarding Gazprom securities, it is possible to obtain the unfreezing of
benefits (dividends, coupons) related to this entity, provided that this unfreezing will not
make funds or economic resources available, directly or indirectly to any other designated
person, on the basis of Article 6 of Council (EU) regulation 269/2014.
The petitioners should therefore ask their financial institution to make the relevant request to
the national competent authority where the European central securities depositories are
incorporated, to obtain an authorisation to unfreeze the funds. The list of national competent
authorities can be found here: