Bund, TBond e i Dannati del carry trade. (VM 91)

dan24 ha scritto:
qui sta diluviando....veramente...sti quazzi....

e senza Usa o eurex ...oggi giornata da andare a dormire....

qui ieri erano le cateratte d'acqua
ora pioviggina

ma cosa quazz' stanno festeggiando tutti?

memorial day

insomma son più furbi di noi, fanno più uacanse e ci dicono che siamo noi i festaioli
Commento incentrato sui mercati emergenti di merril Lynch ma che da un quadro completo della situazione macro.

In the first half of the bull market (Oct 2002 to May 2006), global growth was strong, led by the United States. A falling US dollar boosted commodity prices and liquidity (as appreciating currencies in EM allowed interest rates to fall). EPS in EM rose sharply, and asset price returns were very strong with deep value commodity-sensitive sectors such as energy leading the way. In fact, the four global cyclical sectors (energy, materials, tech and consumer discretionary) contributed 56% of the total returns in all emerging markets between Oct 2002 and May 2006.

In the second half of the bull market (which we believe began in June 2006), emerging economies are likely to spend more of their savings to fund strong domestic economic activity. EPS should become less dependent on G7 demand. Domestic demand themes such as the consumer and infrastructure spending should wrestle leadership within the equity market away from the commodity cyclical and export groups. Returns should be positive, just less dramatically so, and domestic demand stocks should assume leadership. Micro drivers and the ability to deliver EPS likely will grow in importance, as should leverage in the corporate sector
gipa69 ha scritto:
Commento incentrato sui mercati emergenti di merril Lynch ma che da un quadro completo della situazione macro.

In the first half of the bull market (Oct 2002 to May 2006), global growth was strong, led by the United States. A falling US dollar boosted commodity prices and liquidity (as appreciating currencies in EM allowed interest rates to fall). EPS in EM rose sharply, and asset price returns were very strong with deep value commodity-sensitive sectors such as energy leading the way. In fact, the four global cyclical sectors (energy, materials, tech and consumer discretionary) contributed 56% of the total returns in all emerging markets between Oct 2002 and May 2006.

In the second half of the bull market (which we believe began in June 2006), emerging economies are likely to spend more of their savings to fund strong domestic economic activity. EPS should become less dependent on G7 demand. Domestic demand themes such as the consumer and infrastructure spending should wrestle leadership within the equity market away from the commodity cyclical and export groups. Returns should be positive, just less dramatically so, and domestic demand stocks should assume leadership. Micro drivers and the ability to deliver EPS likely will grow in importance, as should leverage in the corporate sector

approfitto di questo post per ringraziarti anche per quello di ieri
ottimo e completo, mantenendosi sintetico
a true Gipa's work :up: :up:
ed io approfitto per mandare a cagare sentitamente il mio ragioniere che mi ha fatto perdere l'unico segnale PURO avuto oggi dal mio Ts...intraday...short da 26,30 di Eni...fangulo...

Uscita la notizia...Gf in corso indagini ecc ecc
Fleursdumal ha scritto:
Bonjour a tout les bondaroles

stiqazzi -2000 :eek: ma da che anno parte? l'asse temporale manca ciuccione :D :prr:
grassie , quasi quasi li salviamo in un 3d dedicato
ferny collabora cribbio o ti ciuliamo la rossa :lol:

e ce l'ho pure scritto....dal 94 me pare...

cmq....se fernando mi grazia di dirmi come farlo su metastock non mi sto a rompe le balle con excell...e potrei pure tirarci fuori anche altri studi su possibili spread trading...

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