Perchè ci sono 2 "barriere"... una per le cedole e una per il rimborso del nominale a scadenza...
Poi c'è anche il livello per il rimborso anticipato e, quindi, i valori da monitorare sono 3...
This is a 3 year product paying in Euro issued by JP Morgan Chase & Co.. It is an autocall plus product linked to the performance of FTSEMIB Index from 3/29/2016 to the last observation date 3/29/2019 and will be monitored at quarterly periods. The product will mature early if at any quarterly date, from period 1, the worst performing underlying is at or above 90% of its initial level (at the relevant date). In this case the product will repay the initial investment plus a coupon of 1.8% (at the relevant date when the autocall is triggered). Otherwise the product will pay a coupon of 1.8% if the underlying is at or above the 70% of its initial level. Not paid coupons will be accumulated and will be paid when the condition will verify. If the product runs to maturity, the product will repay the initial investment plus a coupon of 1.8% so long as the worst performing underlying is at or above 70%. If the European protection barrier of 60% has not been breached, the nominal value will be paid, otherwise the product will repay the initial investment less any negative worst performing underlying measured over the term of the product