Certificati di investimento - Cap. 3 (5 lettori)

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Se è stato revocato, non dovrebbe più essere nel portafoglio di nessun investitore...

si esatto, esistono requisiti ben precisi per la revoca quali l’assenza di scambi negli ultimi due giorni di borsa aperta e il totale possesso da parte dell'emittente dello strumento


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’s core business in Europe and the Americas has been lossmaking for years, casting doubt on the economic substance of the parts of the company not directly affected by its accounting scandal. The German payments group collapsed into insolvency last month after revealing that €1.9bn in cash in its accounts probably did “not exist”. For years it had portrayed itself as a highly-profitable business. According to its EY-audited financial reports, between 2016 and 2018 Wirecard generated operating margins of around 22 per cent and almost doubled annual earnings before interest and taxes to €439m. The company last year also promised investors a fivefold increase in profits by 2025. But such profits appear to have existed largely on paper, according to data in the confidential appendix of a special audit conducted by KPMG and seen by the Financial Times. The report was commissioned by the company late last year in response to questions over its accounting practices. Wirecard’s internal numbers reveal that the operating performance of its core business — mainly payments processing in Europe and issuing credit cards in Europe and North America — was far worse than previously known. The figures show that those core activities have also become increasingly lossmaking in recent years, despite accounting for half of the company’s reported revenue and almost two-thirds of the transaction volume... (FT)


Utente Old Style
Buffetts Energiesparte kauft Konkurrenten Dominion zu
Berkshire Hathaway Energy kauft dem Konkurrenten Dominion Unternehmensteile für zehn Milliarden Dollar ab. Damit baut Buffett das Geschäft mit Erdgas aus.


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Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Wirecard’s core business in Europe and the Americas has been lossmaking for years, casting doubt on the economic substance of the parts of the company not directly affected by its accounting scandal. The German payments group collapsed into insolvency last month after revealing that €1.9bn in cash in its accounts probably did “not exist”. For years it had portrayed itself as a highly-profitable business. According to its EY-audited financial reports, between 2016 and 2018 Wirecard generated operating margins of around 22 per cent and almost doubled annual earnings before interest and taxes to €439m. The company last year also promised investors a fivefold increase in profits by 2025. But such profits appear to have existed largely on paper, according to data in the confidential appendix of a special audit conducted by KPMG and seen by the Financial Times. The report was commissioned by the company late last year in response to questions over its accounting practices. Wirecard’s internal numbers reveal that the operating performance of its core business — mainly payments processing in Europe and issuing credit cards in Europe and North America — was far worse than previously known. The figures show that those core activities have also become increasingly lossmaking in recent years, despite accounting for half of the company’s reported revenue and almost two-thirds of the transaction volume... (FT)

Questo potrebbe essere il colpo finale… difatti il titolo è in forte calo stamattina.


Oggi non potrò seguire che sono impegnato con il presidente dello Zambesi vogliono installare un fabbrica di coriandoli e hanno problemi col direttore del carnevale locale, mi auguro che questa giornata continui.

P.S. oggi data pagamento DE000UD3AUL9 , su fineco fra tre mesi.


Forumer storico
“Limited edition short shorts now available,” CEO Elon Musk tweeted on Sunday.
Musk has often taken umbrage at short-sellers and in 2018 sent a box of shorts to hedge fund owner and Tesla short-seller David Einhorn.
The “Short Shorts” on the Tesla shop website feature gold trim and “S3XY” in gold across the back, which also happens to be formed from Tesla model names.
The shorts cost $69.420, the last three digits an apparent reference to Musk’s infamous tweet in 2018 that he was considering taking Tesla private for $420 per share, with 420 also a code word for marijuana.
That tweet landed him in hot water with the U.S. securities regulator, costing him his position as Tesla chairman.

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