Titoli di Stato area Euro Comitato Risparmiatori Grecia - Uniamoci

Aderisco. Già messo sul foglio di Discipline il quantitativo non swappato (i 4\5 del totale). In realtà credo che occorrerebbe puntare anche su quanto è stato swappato in quanto, per dirla breve, avvenuto sotto ricatto, minaccia e inganno.Capisco che già è lavoro difficile con il non swappato, ma ritengo che proprio le modalità vergognose che hanno portato molti a swappare chi tutto, chi qualcosa (come me) possano essere usate come una prova a nostro favore.

Operatività, già postata: stare vicino alla porta delle banche con un cartello in cui sia scritta la verità (Grecia fallita, Italia seguirà, Euro fallito ecc). Da soli, sennò è manif. non permessa. Così invece è libera espressione delle idee.
Traduzione Google di una mail dell'associazione dei risparmiatori greci:

NOTICE 07/12
Athens 10/3/2012

From: Association for Individuals Bondholders Greek government
Site: www.fpoed.gr
Email: [email protected]

To: President of the Government, Ministry of Finance

Ladies and gentlemen,

More than 11000 families of Greek savers who entrusted their life to the labors of a "security" of the Greek state, stunned noticed yesterday the Minister of Finance of the country, with the blessings of the Cabinet to recommend the implementation of collective action clauses in the Eurogroup and converts debt restructuring process from voluntary to mandatory.

In the exchange are now required to go along with banks and private individuals. And of course totally silent about how to compensate "Fallen savers" who claimed to have the Ministry of the drawers.

It is obvious that the Minister and the Government in the effort to have the psi maximum success did not hesitate to amputate the hands of private savers. Faced with these individuals and those who will have future dealings with the public the government's actions is discredited and destroyed by the acts of whatever credibility is left to the Greek state.
It seems only interested in banks and all the solutions that have made (recapitalization, tax breaks) relate only to banks, while defiantly indifferent to individuals.

O Association for Individuals, as a token of goodwill and cooperation in the PSI, has urged its members to abstain rather than vote no, and block the process. We urge the government as its own little indication of reliability can now stop avoiding the issue and give publicity to specific dates, proposing concrete solutions. This development circumstances require. Require individuals who are currently being destroyed by the option to convert the process from voluntary to mandatory.

If it does, will go down in history as the government did everything for the banks and nothing for ordinary citizens. As the government proceeded to confiscate fraudulent property of individuals.

The Board the Association
E la successiva, da leggere con attenzione. Tommy, ti hanno risposto da questa associazione? Occorre che gli riscriviamo?

NOTICE 08/12

Friends, friends synomologiouchoi,

For days we knew our counterparts will not be excluded from the process of PSI. The vote that ended Thursday evening, had 3 possible outcomes., Which I quote briefly.

First, there was so much voluntary participation, over 90% (though there had been formally limit), so that the exiskounto Collective Action Clauses (CACs). This scenario would leave us unscathed, and was the scenario that everyone hoped. In the last hours before the announcement of results, some of us, either by reading unfounded journalistic information or wanting to keep alive the flame of hope and ignoring for a moment the voice of reason began to believe that this scenario is hope. How all the PSI was a theater of EU leaders that Germany did not want anything to be mobilized CACs, and thus the CDSs. This scenario is likely to have minimal market cycles. And none of us gave him a good chance

The second scenario is what happened. Good participation in the PSI. Enough to have a quorum, and be able to trigger clauses. The 95% who had success as the government was apparently by activation of CACs. The percentage was calculated by the Troika in the baseline impairment debt was 95% (random?). From a Germany did not want to pay the CDS and a credit event in the EU and the other did not want to own money, to achieve significant gains who bought a large discount. The first tilted the balance in favor of the non-activation of CACs, and the other for activation. The first had prestige value, as CDS is not alleged to have sold a German bank, while the second was worth money and politics. As I said in the paragraph above, those who were closest to the markets had anticipated this scenario. So does the stock reacted very mildly to the announcement of the result

The third scenario was the rejection of the PSI. Small volunteer participation, and weakness with or without impairment clauses debt. This scenario would be disastrous. Then no one, including us, will not be paid. This scenario is brought closer to certain funds, for reasons that are not present to analyze. The likelihood of this scenario was very small, as the IIF represented about 80% of creditors, and was committed after months of negotiations that will participate voluntarily.

So on Friday, just confirmed what everyone expected. Koureftikan our counterparts. The damage to our present values ​​are 80%, not 53% as gullible journalists claim. And it will soon become the standard and exchange of securities, which can not be prevented. And for those asking, the exchange would be no consensus, question, signed by anyone. This also means CAC. So where are we today and what we do tomorrow?

We received (willingly or not) what until yesterday Mr. Venizelos said that first haircut and after compensation. What was the argument? That the country will cope better with any legal proceedings against it if it makes no discrimination between creditors during the haircut, and compensating our ex post than if we exclude from the beginning. We know that now they're exceptions (ECB, Central Banks, bonds and some foreign law). We could have done something before Thursday, March 8? Unfortunately, our Association is still "under formation". We expect approval by judicial authorities, which may take several weeks yet. But suppose that the Association was legally ready, or that a group of bondholders acting collectively as a single set of individuals. What could have done? First to succeed except through pressure. This we did with all our might, individually and collectively, unfortunately without result. The second could a group or association to do, is to blatantly ignore the promises of the Government, and to stand in the whole thing off Debt. Please submit any injunction, hoping in vain-to obstacles rather the entire process. To act against the public interest. This practice could not, as 'being formed' Association to follow, but primarily we did not want. Our opponent is not Greece.

First we want to achieve the PSI. We do not want the banks to either collapse or the state to lead to disorderly bankruptcy. Regardless of political affiliation, and whether or not to get up here, the dilemma of voting, our position was clear. Abstinence, so as not to adversely affect the achievement of the required 66% for the success of the PSI. Was not an obstacle to the effort of the government. We accepted necessarily, until proven otherwise, that by joining and we at PSI, the government could easily compensate us in full, has a plan, but for tactical reasons he could not reveal.

Now, the vote was over, the government should open the paper, and to reveal the plan is for us. The critical period has passed. It may still be some outstanding formal and procedural issues for the PSI, but our tolerance was up to the vote, and exhausted. Today, we asked in our letter to the government to reveal how universal and complete our compensation, if any. Up to finalize the issues of the Association, will push to have final and complete coverage, with a red line on cost, time and regardless of how the market. We aim to regulate the matter by this House in the coming days, and before formally entering an election period, when it will not be allowed to legislate.

If desired, categorical statement, legislation has been in short time. If you hear that the PSI is not over yet, because the standard is pending, eg exchange of securities, and other excuses to have to shift the problem to the next government. If you listen minced words or solutions that are not clear-with legislation in this parliament, or solutions that do not serve us in our entirety. If you try to meet some of us and give vague promises to others, then it's time the courts. Until then we need calmness, composure, and pressure everywhere. At present, we believe the government said there is a plan for full compensation immediately. Until proven otherwise.

The more our faith as much-or left-to the present Government, as described above, has a deadline a few hours. Not blackmail us. Those of us blackmailed. Until today we were allies. Soon, however, by their own inertia or choice, we find confronting. On the issue of undesirable then, but possibly needed refuge in judicial process, choosing the best law firms, with the best possible terms, can only be done if the issues of the club closed. People run to make them as soon as possible. Obviously, this can not be achieved with a club "to be established." Proper legal representation is important when representing a piece of more than 2 billion, held by individuals bondholders. Not with facebook, aliases and e-mail. So, beyond the procedural, it is also important to record, and attract new members.

Everyday we come in contact with lawyers, who would like to represent us. The legal action, will be long and requires great patience. "8 to 12 years," he said famous lawyer. The success of the case is very likely, the main opponent "public and national interest."

Many members of our team work and coordinated work every day to find the best possible legal representation
of our association.

Some asked to propose solutions immediately. To make concessions. NEVER make concessions before you hear the positions of the other side. And the other side, we do not yet speak! Do you think we will improve our negotiating power, reducing our requirements when we do not accept nor even meeting? But, to call us, believe that they are able to evaluate anything other than cash? Let me explain: Suppose we offer shares or property.
Or even, and especially for our new bonds creditworthy worse than they would have the legal persons (under Greek law, no secondary market and therefore discount the possibility, etc.). Who among you is able to evaluate the offer? Given the proven unreliability of the Greek government, we need a group of experts and legal consultants, procedures and months of negotiations, is to assess any proposal. Even banks highly liquid shares, entirely hypothetical scenario, one can not guarantee at what price will we then had to liquidate, if together, 2.2dis euros, try to do so immediately. The shares will be locked in Limit down.

So, in conclusion, our steps are:
1. Pressure everywhere to keep the issue in public, until you get the response plan that promised us that there is, if

2. Accelerating the process of establishing the Association.

3. Publicity In order to obtain the largest possible share of more than 2 billion of bonds held by individuals.

4. Once you have made the 2 and 3, the legal representation will be much easier, and be sure that there is, and will be dynamic.

The Board is a staunch supporter of those who want to help. Anyone can reach influential people (current and prospective MPs, journalists, academics and the arts), to inform and help to increase the membership. Fragmentary movements, protests, and threats are not supported by the Board at this stage which we have just formally establishing the Association will be elected. Directed against the government ignores us and mock us. Not directed against the state or against the banking system. Let others explain the apparent effect of their actions on deposits, the solvency of the banking system in the state. Our opponent will be the government. And our strength is our consistency.

You will receive instructions for filing the contribution for subscribing to our club, as well as the first, hopefully mazikotati, our intercourse.

We tell you about any development,

Restraint and patience. Now it's just the beginning.

The Interim Board
Intanto un Grazie a Virgilium!!!!!!

ci sono anch' io;
ritengo assolutamente privilegiato un percorso quale prospettato:
- studio preciso del nostro caso
- collegamento con gruppi di retail tedeschi e greci almeno
- individuazione dei punti sui quali si potrebbe dare battaglia legale

Ritengo tuttavia che anche tutto quanto possa portare ad una "coscienza"
di quanto avvenuto non sarebbe male; molti dicono che è tempo perso, che alla "gente" non interessa;

io credo che ad oggi nessuno abbia parlato sui media in modo tale che si sia capito veramente cosa sia successo al retail!
Tante parole "tecniche" su giornali e tv, e credo che pochi abbiano veramente capito quello che è successo e la gravità.

Insomma, avremmo voluto tutti leggere sui media le parole che virgilium ha scritto in apertura di questo 3d!

Pertanto continuo a suggerire due strumenti che possono in qualche modo portare "visibilità" (che se non sarà utile almeno non guasta e poi, chissà...):

1) i media ed i politici:
chi può avere contatti ad esempio con un partito antigovernativo come la Lega, per vedere se è possibile montare questo caso; il Governo, di noi cittadini, non ha speso una PAROLA su di noi! se ne è lavato le mani! Allora, Calderoli, qua hai delle ragioni infinite per attaccare, ed in tal modo far conoscere all' opinione pubblica, quanto successo! Altro che il cenone di Monti!!
Poi giornali come Libero (che resta anche in parte non assoggettato alla coalizione governativa) e giornalisti come Feltri,se attaccassero sul pezzo:
altro che la casa di Fini a Montecarlo, o il caso Boffo!!! qua andrebbero a nozze, ed a RAGIONE anche!
Bisogna vedere se vorranno farlo; ma solleticarli su questo tema non sarebbe male.

2) inserzione:
non so' quanto possa costare, ma anche una mezza pagina su vari quotidiani, in cui si spiega con parole alla Virgilium!!!, quello che VERAMENTE è successo!
Bisogna vedere intanto se i media accetteranno di pubblicare, dato che ormai lo si è visto bene, sono compatti nell' aver chiuso ambo gli occhi informativi sul retail (potenza dei loro padroni, le banche?).

Ovviamente sono spunti che a me paiono possano avere una certa importanza; se si pensa che possano essere utili, e se si ha la possibilità anche di potervi procedere, li lascio alla vostra attenzione.
Ultima modifica:

se vogliono, politici e giornalisti alla feltri sanno come fare per tenere il pezzo (talora di poca rilevanza) in prima pagina per tempi anche molto lunghi!

E sai che pubblicità NEGATIVA per Monti? Quando dicano che non ha fatto NULLA, non una parola, non un tentativo con la grecia, per i risparmiatori truffati??

Dicevo che bisognerebbe "solleticarli";

e credo che l' arma migliore che abbiamo per farlo è una: ed è anche POTENTISSIMA, se ci pensate!

E' ... il NOSTRO VOTO!!!

A me non dispiacerebbe infatti dare il mio voto a CHI si prenderà cura del nostro caso; il mio voto vale poco, pensavo di non andare neppure più a votare (con questi politici!).
Poi al limite, basta solo farglielo intendere....
insomma, non contiamo nulla, ma siamo pur sempre un SERBATOIO DI VOTI! (e fine delle utopie: I have a dream, Yes we can :()
E la successiva, da leggere con attenzione. Tommy, ti hanno risposto da questa associazione? Occorre che gli riscriviamo?

Come avevo già postato sul thread "Operativo Titoli di Stato Grecia" avevo mandato una e-mail all'Associazione Greca chiedendo chiarimenti intorno alla "faccenda dei 100K" che - relisticamente - mi sembra l'unica strada perseguibile su cui rivalerci presso le Istituzioni nazionali o comunitarie (se messa in pratica da Venizelos).
Tutta la mia corrispondenza è questa:

Sono un obbligazionista italiano, mi chiedo perchè non posso essere equiparato al retail greco per le clausole di salvaguardia entro i 100K.
La battaglia dovrebbe essere estesa a tutto il retail dell'Eurozona.
Cordiali saluti,

(poco dopo)

Sorry i dont speak Italian so will write in English

If there is an action for compesation it will addressed to all retail investors. There is no other legal way to approach things. However, there is nothing concrete laid out yet.

Thank you.
I write on a forum (http://www.investireoggi.it/forum/operativo-titoli-di-stato-greci-vt37706-7992.html) dedicated to the Italian retail GGB.



La mia conversazione si è esaurita qui.
Credo sia molto utile stabilire contatti con greci e tedeschi.
Purtroppo il mio inglese "googoliano" non mi permette di andare oltre.
Servirebbe un madrelingua ellenico oppure un inglese fluente ...

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