Un articolo del FT consente di fare il punto sull'andamento del default rate nel prossimo anno secondo S&P, che purtroppo non rende più accessibili gratuitamente neanche tutte le press releases che accompagnano i nuovi report.
Secondo questo report di ieri, il default rate dei bond HY europei avrebbe fatto il picco di ciclo a quota 13,1% nel Q3/2009, ma resterebbe su livelli elevati per tutto il 2010, assestandosi al doppio rispetto alla media storica , fra l'8,7% e l'11,1% a seconda dei casi.
Fra i candidati al default, che secondo le stime di S&P riguarderà fra le 55 e le 75 società europee, almeno 20 società hanno un profilo di liquidità così debole da rendere molto probabile un loro default già nel 2010... leggete alcuni nomi nel grassettato...
European corporate defaults to stay high
By Anousha Sakoui in London
Published: December 2 2009 19:23 | Last updated: December 2 2009 19:23
The number of European companies defaulting on their debts is set to continue to run at more than twice the historic average rate until 2011, with up to 75 companies with junk credit ratings at risk of default.
Standard & Poor’s said on Wednesday that while the annual default rate is likely to have peaked at 13.1 per cent in the third quarter of 2009, the slow pace of economic recovery is likely to be insufficient to save many highly leveraged and poorly performing companies.
They are forecasting the default rate to be between 8.7 to 11.1 per cent next year, with 55 to 75 western European companies with sub-investment grade credit ratings at risk of default in 2010.
The forecast from Standard & Poor’s is the first time the rating agency has given such a precise projection for 2010. It would mark 2010 as the third worst year on record if these defaults materialised, behind 2009 and 2002.
S&P highlighted 20 companies in the region which it describes as weakest links – those that are rated B minus or lower, for which default risk is highest.
The largest borrowers in this category include Ineos, the UK chemicals group, NXP, the Dutch semiconductor maker, and Dutch travel company Carlson Wagonlit. But S&P estimates that, including borrowers that do not have their debt publicly rated, the number of defaulters could reach 75.
“We are aware that there are other default projections out there that are substantially lower than ours but we believe the headwinds remain strong from a macro perspective,” said Paul Watters, head of corporate research at S&P.
“Higher costs of capital, the unwinding of excessive leverage, and limited financing are conspiring to limit corporate recovery prospects as Europe emerges from recession.”
Of the sectors most at risk, the agency included the auto industry, as well as consumer sectors such as retailing, home furnishing and hospitality.
While healthier debt markets and a receptive initial public offering market is positive for some highly leveraged buyout companies, the rating agency believes credit quality among rated European companies will continue to deteriorate, albeit at a slower pace, next year.
One factor that has helped companies avoid default in the near term is greater willingness by lenders to consent to amend financings rather than impose restructurings, the agency said.
It believed negative ratings pressure will come from output being well below capacity, weighing on margins and cash flows, upward pressure on working capital as well as rising input cost pressures, particularly commodities, electricity and gas.