Falck Renewables (FKR) Falck: focus oltre la punta del naso... (2 lettori)

Spotti,che mi dici del mini buy back?
Probabilmente è da leggere in abbinata con il piano di incentivazione citato nel piano... :rolleyes:
Non la considero una notizia negativa ma neppure mi aspetto un repentino cambio di marcia (in ogni caso se qualcuno "svenderà" almeno la società sarà pronta a raccoglierle!) ;)

Le regole sintetizzate nel CS sono quelle standard previste da Consob


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La versione in italiano la trovate qui: Comunicati Price Sensitive - FALCK RENEWABLES - Borsa Italiana

Innovative agreement between Falck Renewables S.p.A. and General Electric Company GE will provide a full O&M service for the 28 wind turbines of Falck Renewables wind farm in San Sostene (CZ)

Milan, 16 December 2016 - Falck Renewables S.p.A. entered into the operational phase of an agreement reached between its subsidiary Eolica Sud and General Electric Company (NYSE: GE), through its GE Renewable Energy business, for the supply of the full O&M service for 28 GE 1.5 MW wind turbines installed in its wind farm of San Sostene (CZ). The contract, which shall run for an initial term of 5 years, marks a clear strep to increase the efficiency of and optimize the Falck Group plants. The contract in fact envisages an upgrade to machine software (PLC) and SCADA and the installation of a latest-generation system able to coordinate and optimize the parameters of the productions of different turbines in the same farm, adapting to the wind conditions of a site with a complex orography, as is the case of San Sostene. The installation of innovative software packages will improve production and optimize scheduled maintenance, focusing attention to the predictive aspect. The financial conditions stipulated in the contract are also cutting-edge in an O&M market that is undergoing continuous, rapid evolution. Costs, bonuses and penalties will in fact all be variable, depending on the effective production of the individual turbines (WTG) and connected with the effective economic yield of the plant. The plant of San Sostene South will face up to its eighth year of operation in a configuration that is perfectly in line with the highest industry standards. Thanks to this structure, the plant will fit perfectly into a more extensive project involving performance management and analysis, pursued internally by the Falck Group and which will involve all the wind farms of the entire portfolio. Chief Executive Officer of Falck Renewables, Toni Volpe commented: “With GE we reached an innovative and perfectly tailored contract for the site of San Sostene South. We are using the best digital technologies, which put us one step ahead towards the future efficient clean energy web." 2/2 “We are excited to welcome Falck into our digital ecosystem; with this project we will apply data analytics and digital solutions to their turbine fleet. The resulting actionable intelligence will allow Falck to make decisions on the operation and maintenance of their wind turbine fleet. This first step provides Falck an opportunity to exceed their operational outcomes to increase the efficiency of their turbines”, said Sanjeev Addala, Chief Digital Officer, GE Renewable Energy.
Sono usciti i dati Terna relativi a novembre: produzione eolico + 37,4% rispetto al medesimo mese dell'esercizio precedente... :-o

Intero esercizio + 13,8% ;)


Forumer storico
Sono usciti i dati Terna relativi a novembre: produzione eolico + 37,4% rispetto al medesimo mese dell'esercizio precedente... :-o

Intero esercizio + 13,8% ;)
piu' che i dati pare che il MM abbia invertito direzione........d'altra parte son 3 anni che accumulano : roba da scoppiare:D...sboooom


Forumer storico
Aspettavano che tu le mollassi ma alla fine hanno perso la speranza... :prr:
non le avro' mollate io ma questo e' l'ultimo dei problemi ,visto che se ce' una cosa che non manca su sto titolo, sono i venditori:-o......anche oggi penso che le vendite sul denaro abbiano superato di gran lunga gli acquisti:-o

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