Fib persevera nel capirci

Question: Mr Draghi, at the European Banking Congress, you said that you’ll bring back inflation without delay. Today, you presented a significantly downwardly revised inflation forecast and underlined now repeatedly that there’s a risk of further revision. Now, I know that you have announced other measures, and that they still have to take their full effect, but you announced those at a time when the outlook was still stronger than today, so I’m wondering, what is causing the delay? Why no decision today?

My second question is, Vice President Constâncio said last week twice that should you decide to go down the route and buy government bonds, that this would be a pure monetary policy tool and would happen according to the capital key. And in this context, I wonder why the ECB would choose a different route from other central banks that had decided to focus on the safest available assets only in their QE programmes?

Draghi: Your first question is very, very reasonable, I would say, and there are two answers to this first question. One in the sense that I have already given it: namely that the changes that have taken place of recent in the price of oil are so meaningful. Just think that between, if I’m not mistaken, June of this year and today, the price of oil decreased by 30% in euro terms, so that they need careful assessment. They need careful assessment in the ways that I have described before. We have to assess the direct effect, the indirect effect, and whether there are going to be second-round effects. Some of these effects are positive; others are not positive. That’s one reason, I think, to just think more.

The second reason, however, is that between June and September, we have announced many meaningful decisions that, as we said several times, are having a sizeable impact on our balance sheet but, more meaningfully, have already produced a substantial easing of financial conditions, both on the credit side, and they haven’t yet fully developed their action, so we need to see more about what’s the impact of this. At the same time, we have to be aware that those measures had been calibrated with a growth and inflation outlook which was more favourable than we have today. So it’s both time to look at what effect these measures are having and will have, and also time to be prepared to further action if needed. I think that’s the basic strategic stance that is expressed by today’s meeting.

On the second point, the form of QE that the Vice President has presented or illustrated is one of the several that we’ve discussed today. Do you want to comment?

Constâncio: In the first place, I didn’t describe any decision that had been taken, of course. I just expressed my view, as is normal in our individual speeches. Also, another dimension of your question was that other countries adopted a policy of buying the safest asset. Well, they just had one, because they bought their own sovereign, and then that was not the same type of problem that you’re alluding to in a context of a monetary union that has many states and different types of debts. Also, you must also recall that we have a very clear policy on what regards what are eligible sovereign bonds for our collateral, and that provides a criteria about the safety to our balance sheet, but, as the President just said, these are all questions open and still for discussion. We have not taken any decision, and I didn’t allude to any decision that has been taken.

Question: Mr President. There’s been a lot of talk among analysts about whether or not, if you were to do QE, you could do it in the way that the BOJ did, in the sense that the decision was five to four in favour, or would you need more of a consensus? Would you need what some analysts have referred to as a super majority? So it would be good to hear your thoughts on that.

For the second question, we saw quite a lot less last week from the Commission on member states’ plans for structural reform and fiscal adjustment, notably for France. Do you think what was announced last week in terms of structural reform is sufficient or, as you suggested in recent speeches, would you like to see more centralisation and some sort of permanent framework in place for dealing with this?

Draghi: Well, I would like to answer first the second question. I think the final decision about structural reform and fiscal consolidation of France and Italy is in the hands of the Commission. The view that I have expressed several times, as far as structural reforms are concerned, is that there is a lot to gain in extending the sort of, I would say, framework that at present we have in the budgetary policies to areas like structural reforms, to have a common decision; we are so intertwined already that structural reforms are bound to have spill-overs on other countries, exactly in the same way, in the same sense, as budgetary reforms. That is the basis for having a common interest, in having a common decision-making process, and in this sense, I have argued several times that it’s not a matter of losing national sovereignty, which is the fear that many people have. It’s more a sharing national sovereignty at a supranational level, and it’s more and more true that the area of structural reforms is now of dominant importance in producing future growth, and conversely, the lack of it will continue to cause weak growth, the weak growth that we are seeing today.

On QE, you asked, whether we need to have unanimity to proceed on QE, or can we have a majority? I think, we don’t need to have unanimity. It’s an important monetary policy measure. It can be designed, I believe, it can be designed to have a consensus. I’m still confident, but we have to remember that we have a mandate, and as I said before, we don’t tolerate deviations from our mandate that would cause ultimately a tightening, an unwanted tightening of our monetary policy.
ieri alle 4,30 io ho chiuso il computer e me ne sono andato..dicendo pero' di vedere l'open nella serata , che ho poi postato

c'era baldoria dei ribassisti che, dopo settimane che non vedevano la luce...qualcosa appariva nella lontananza....un po' come disse Monti in relazione alla crisi " si vede una luce in fondo al tunnel"...3 anni fa..e sempre qui siamo

allora, i ribassisti sono ancora in fibrillazione, perche' vorrei vedere chi oggi avrebbe scommesso qualcosa su questo cesso di Italia....ed invece...

poi che sia un rimbalzo, un so solo che una giornata come oggi chiama cautela in tutto , anche sul ribasso..specie' con la solita regoletta del anche della grandissima confusione che regna, ed a livello di traders vuol dire perdere denari

una pierce per chi diceva che il ribasso e' cosa sicura
Question: Will the ECB have a role in financing the Junker plan? You have said that it’s a step in the right direction. You suggested in the European Parliament that you’re not going to finance it, but why, if not?

And a second question if I may. If at any moment the ECB is going to embark on a QE programme, what channel do you consider to be the most important for the transmission of the policy?

Draghi: On the first question, I was asked the same question, you’re right, in the European Parliament. And, as I said before, our mandate is to have a monetary policy which assures price stability, namely an inflation rate close to but below 2%. So we will discuss what the ECB can do. But prima facie it is not the role of the ECB to finance investment plans.

Having said that, I also said in the European Parliament that the ECB, through its comprehensive assessment and through its new role as a supervisor, has ensured and will ensure healthier banks. That could actually be of great help for the implementation of the investment plan.

On the second point, what is the channel? We said that there are three elements in any QE programme. It’s the size, another one is the pace, and another one is the composition. All these decisions do have an effect, could have a credit-easing effect, or could have a signalling effect, or could have a portfolio rebalancing effect. In other words, you buy certain types of assets; the sellers now have cash and will invest into other assets. So the transmission channels could be several, depending also on the sort of QE we design, and keeping in mind that we have already decided important measures, like the ABS programme and the covered bonds programme, that are and will be especially producing effects over an extended period of time.
Question: Mr Draghi, at the European Banking Congress, you said that you’ll bring back inflation without delay. Today, you presented a significantly downwardly revised inflation forecast and underlined now repeatedly that there’s a risk of further revision. Now, I know that you have announced other measures, and that they still have to take their full effect, but you announced those at a time when the outlook was still stronger than today, so I’m wondering, what is causing the delay? Why no decision today?

My second question is, Vice President Constâncio said last week twice that should you decide to go down the route and buy government bonds, that this would be a pure monetary policy tool and would happen according to the capital key. And in this context, I wonder why the ECB would choose a different route from other central banks that had decided to focus on the safest available assets only in their QE programmes?

Draghi: Your first question is very, very reasonable, I would say, and there are two answers to this first question. One in the sense that I have already given it: namely that the changes that have taken place of recent in the price of oil are so meaningful. Just think that between, if I’m not mistaken, June of this year and today, the price of oil decreased by 30% in euro terms, so that they need careful assessment. They need careful assessment in the ways that I have described before. We have to assess the direct effect, the indirect effect, and whether there are going to be second-round effects. Some of these effects are positive; others are not positive. That’s one reason, I think, to just think more.

The second reason, however, is that between June and September, we have announced many meaningful decisions that, as we said several times, are having a sizeable impact on our balance sheet but, more meaningfully, have already produced a substantial easing of financial conditions, both on the credit side, and they haven’t yet fully developed their action, so we need to see more about what’s the impact of this. At the same time, we have to be aware that those measures had been calibrated with a growth and inflation outlook which was more favourable than we have today. So it’s both time to look at what effect these measures are having and will have, and also time to be prepared to further action if needed. I think that’s the basic strategic stance that is expressed by today’s meeting.

On the second point, the form of QE that the Vice President has presented or illustrated is one of the several that we’ve discussed today. Do you want to comment?

Constâncio: In the first place, I didn’t describe any decision that had been taken, of course. I just expressed my view, as is normal in our individual speeches. Also, another dimension of your question was that other countries adopted a policy of buying the safest asset. Well, they just had one, because they bought their own sovereign, and then that was not the same type of problem that you’re alluding to in a context of a monetary union that has many states and different types of debts. Also, you must also recall that we have a very clear policy on what regards what are eligible sovereign bonds for our collateral, and that provides a criteria about the safety to our balance sheet, but, as the President just said, these are all questions open and still for discussion. We have not taken any decision, and I didn’t allude to any decision that has been taken.

Question: Mr President. There’s been a lot of talk among analysts about whether or not, if you were to do QE, you could do it in the way that the BOJ did, in the sense that the decision was five to four in favour, or would you need more of a consensus? Would you need what some analysts have referred to as a super majority? So it would be good to hear your thoughts on that.

For the second question, we saw quite a lot less last week from the Commission on member states’ plans for structural reform and fiscal adjustment, notably for France. Do you think what was announced last week in terms of structural reform is sufficient or, as you suggested in recent speeches, would you like to see more centralisation and some sort of permanent framework in place for dealing with this?

Draghi: Well, I would like to answer first the second question. I think the final decision about structural reform and fiscal consolidation of France and Italy is in the hands of the Commission. The view that I have expressed several times, as far as structural reforms are concerned, is that there is a lot to gain in extending the sort of, I would say, framework that at present we have in the budgetary policies to areas like structural reforms, to have a common decision; we are so intertwined already that structural reforms are bound to have spill-overs on other countries, exactly in the same way, in the same sense, as budgetary reforms. That is the basis for having a common interest, in having a common decision-making process, and in this sense, I have argued several times that it’s not a matter of losing national sovereignty, which is the fear that many people have. It’s more a sharing national sovereignty at a supranational level, and it’s more and more true that the area of structural reforms is now of dominant importance in producing future growth, and conversely, the lack of it will continue to cause weak growth, the weak growth that we are seeing today.

On QE, you asked, whether we need to have unanimity to proceed on QE, or can we have a majority? I think, we don’t need to have unanimity. It’s an important monetary policy measure. It can be designed, I believe, it can be designed to have a consensus. I’m still confident, but we have to remember that we have a mandate, and as I said before, we don’t tolerate deviations from our mandate that would cause ultimately a tightening, an unwanted tightening of our monetary policy.

penso che alla fine abbiano bisogno di tempo per smussare gli spigoli.. e vedere cosa succede nel rimane in piedi in maniera preponderante il problema che nessuno vuole farsi carico di problemi degli altri.. ognuno pensa al proprio orticello e qs non porta mai a un qualcosa di buono...
Draghi ha dimostrato di non avere la forza per imporre un Q.E.

3 membri su 6 del direttivo della BCE hanno votato contro l'acquisto di bond di stato

il Q.E. e' morto...forse si fara' qualcosa, ma a marzo e sara' diverso da cio' che hanno fatto Yankees, british, Jap..Chinos....

questo vuol dire che tutti vogliono che noi sprofondiamo, falliamo, chiudiamo battenti...questa Europa che, con Weidmann il giorno prima della BCE , dice che " Non c'e' deflazione e non c'e' recessione"..dimostra che non ci vedono neppure...anzi, se ci VEDONO godono come ricci..perche' un posto di lavoro perso qui e' uno preso in Germania, 10 in Cina...

noi dobbiamo fallire

allora io dico, cari, noi alla UE diamo 20 miliardi l'anno, abbiamo 43 mld di partecipazione al fondo Salva Stati, che ci costa carissimo..riceviamo in contropartita 11 miliardi l'anno...praticamente anche un i.diota fa 2 conti ed in 12 anni e vede che siamo a "credito" di 110 miliardi

bisogna essere dementi
Ultima modifica:
ieri alle 4,30 io ho chiuso il computer e me ne sono andato..dicendo pero' di vedere l'open nella serata , che ho poi postato

c'era baldoria dei ribassisti che, dopo settimane che non vedevano la luce...qualcosa appariva nella lontananza....un po' come disse Monti in relazione alla crisi " si vede una luce in fondo al tunnel"...3 anni fa..e sempre qui siamo

allora, i ribassisti sono ancora in fibrillazione, perche' vorrei vedere chi oggi avrebbe scommesso qualcosa su questo cesso di Italia....ed invece...

poi che sia un rimbalzo, un so solo che una giornata come oggi chiama cautela in tutto , anche sul ribasso..specie' con la solita regoletta del anche della grandissima confusione che regna, ed a livello di traders vuol dire perdere denari

una pierce per chi diceva che il ribasso e' cosa sicura
In borsa in 20 anni di sicuro non ho mai visto nulla e sara' cosi sempre quando si e' sicuri di qualcosa accade sempre il contrario detto questo se non mollano gli americani sempre qui stiamo tra piccoli storni e risalite il resto son chiacchere.
penso che alla fine abbiano bisogno di tempo per smussare gli spigoli.. e vedere cosa succede nel rimane in piedi in maniera preponderante il problema che nessuno vuole farsi carico di problemi degli altri.. ognuno pensa al proprio orticello e qs non porta mai a un qualcosa di buono...

A Draghi è rimasta solo l'ultima carta da giocare che è il QE, che equivale al jolly.

Prima del QE ha varato diverse misure, tutte quelle che erano a sua disposizione, ora in perfetto stile Draghi, ha bisogno di vedere quali funzionano e quali meno.

Perchè una manovra monetaria si sviluppi a pieno e quindi se ne possano valutare gli effetti sui mercati, occorrono mesi, solitamente un range di 3-6 mesi per prezzarne il valore.

Il problema è che l'Europa non ha tutto questo tempo e quindi ogni ritardo di 1-2-3 mesi aggrava la situazione sui emrcati, perchè l'incertezza del "si fa o si farà e quando" equivale a negatività e quindi vendite sui listini.

Draghi si muove in uno spazio molto stretto e contornato da tecnocrati e politici, non ha le potenzialità di agire di imperio che anno i suoi pari alla fed, boe e boj.

La mia opinione è che il QE sia già stato deciso, ma Draghi vuole capire come attuarlo, cosa comprare, quanto comprare e per quanto tempo, onde evitare di giocarsi il QE in modo sbagliato.

L'attesa è snervante e porta nervosismo e volatilità sui listini e di certo non siamo nella condizione di perdere altro tempo, ma nemmeno di fare ulteriori kazzate in considerazione di come siamo messi economicamente in Europa.

L'unico errore di Draghi è stato nella comunicazione...ha creato aspettative, decisamente troppe aspettative per il board di ieri e quando tu comunichi male, c'è il caso che molti intendano quello che invece tu non hai mai tant'è, se guardi le domande che gli hanno posto ieri, davano tutti per scontato il varo del QE.
Draghi ha dimostrato di non avere la forza per imporre un Q.E.

3 membri su 6 del direttivo della BCE hanno votato contro l'acquisto di bond di stato

il Q.E. e' morto...forse si fara' qualcosa, ma a marzo e sara' diverso da cio' che hanno fatto Yankees, british, Jap..Chinos....

questo vuol dire che tutti vogliono che noi sprofondiamo, falliamo, chiudiamo battenti...questa Europa che, con Weidmann il giorno prima della BCE , dice che " Non c'e' deflazione e non c'e' recessione"..dimostra che non ci vedono neppure...anzi, se ci VEDONO godono come ricci..perche' un posto di lavoro perso qui e' uno preso in Germania, 10 in Cina...

noi dobbiamo fallire

allora io dico, cari, noi alla UE diamo 20 miliardi l'anno, abbiamo 43 mld di partecipazione al fondo Salva Stati, che ci costa carissimo..riceviamo in contropartita 11 miliardi l'anno...praticamente anche un i.diota fa 2 conti ed in 12 anni e vede che siamo a "credito" di 110 miliardi

bisogna essere dementi
Infatti due cose ci vorrebbero per salvarci ma non accadranno mai fuori dall'europa e far fuori tutti i politici tanto son tutti ladri ha ragione grillo voglio vedere tutti i beni dei politici delle loro mogli parenti ogni anno poi si che ci sarebbe da ridere come ca..zo fanno ad avere delle barche che costano 2.000.000 di euro con uno stipendio di 15.000 euro mensili puttana troia e' tanto difficile se non puoi dimostrarlo vai in galera per 10 anni vedrai che pulizia che si fa non ne rimane mezzo.
Draghi ha dimostrato di non avere la forza per imporre un Q.E.

3 membri su 6 del direttivo della BCE hanno votato contro l'acquisto di bond di stato

il Q.E. e' morto...forse si fara' qualcosa, ma a marzo e sara' diverso da cio' che hanno fatto Yankees, british, Jap..Chinos....

questo vuol dire che tutti vogliono che noi sprofondiamo, falliamo, chiudiamo battenti...questa Europa che, con Weidmann il giorno prima della BCE , dice che " Non c'e' deflazione e non c'e' recessione"..dimostra che non ci vedono neppure...anzi, se ci VEDONO godono come ricci..perche' un posto di lavoro perso qui e' uno preso in Germania, 10 in Cina...

noi dobbiamo fallire

allora io dico, cari, noi alla UE diamo 20 miliardi l'anno, abbiamo 43 mld di partecipazione al fondo Salva Stati, che ci costa carissimo..riceviamo in contropartita 11 miliardi l'anno...praticamente anche un i.diota fa 2 conti ed in 12 anni e vede che siamo a "credito" di 110 miliardi

bisogna essere dementi

....a me pare il contrario signor mario ha preso una posizione molto forte

.....i mercati lasciamo perdere.....tutti aspettavano il +4

lo faremo oggi.......
Draghi ha dimostrato di non avere la forza per imporre un Q.E.

3 membri su 6 del direttivo della BCE hanno votato contro l'acquisto di bond di stato

il Q.E. e' morto...forse si fara' qualcosa, ma a marzo e sara' diverso da cio' che hanno fatto Yankees, british, Jap..Chinos....

questo vuol dire che tutti vogliono che noi sprofondiamo, falliamo, chiudiamo battenti...questa Europa che, con Weidmann il giorno prima della BCE , dice che " Non c'e' deflazione e non c'e' recessione"..dimostra che non ci vedono neppure...anzi, se ci VEDONO godono come ricci..perche' un posto di lavoro perso qui e' uno preso in Germania, 10 in Cina...

noi dobbiamo fallire

allora io dico, cari, noi alla UE diamo 20 miliardi l'anno, abbiamo 43 mld di partecipazione al fondo Salva Stati, che ci costa carissimo..riceviamo in contropartita 11 miliardi l'anno...praticamente anche un i.diota fa 2 conti ed in 12 anni e vede che siamo a "credito" di 110 miliardi

bisogna essere dementi

ieri ha rimarcato quanto il crollo dell'oil abbia, stia e inciderà sull'economia europea e quindi ha ammesso di essere stato spiazzato da questo calo dei prezzi energetici, che gli hanno fatto prendere tempo per le decisioni.

Poi chiaro che non abbiamo più tempo qui in Europa.

Per questo credo che il qe arriverà prima di marzo.

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