Obbligazioni societarie GM, Ford, Chrysler: il 3D dell'automotive USA (5 lettori)


Mr. Tentenna
correttissimo... conta il risultato... :)

sempre per evitare fraintendimenti, sai come la penso: per me questa scommessa/investimento, scegli l'espressione che preferisci, (ed essendo un parere personale può essere sbagliato...) è come fare un abusivismo edilizio sperando nel condono. Può andare bene (ci sono precedenti... ;)), ma non vedo perchè volere convincere la gente che è consentito dal piano regolatore, piegando le norme ad interpretazioni errate.

Quell'articolo (se l'ho capito bene...) non l'hai scritto tu, quindi non era neanche una critica a te. E' un dato di fatto che ogni tanto arriva uno che non conosce le regole, scrive salveranno di sicuro i bondholders, e c'è la ola... :D - che va benissimo, è il bello del 3d... :up:

condivido tutto


Chapter 11
More Cruel, Please


Ford might emerge as a winner -- if the auto market recovers next year. But GM won't survive without help, and Chrysler seems a lost cause.

IN DICKENS' FAMOUS NOVEL, Oliver Twist is smacked across the head with a ladle after asking for more gruel, please, in the workhouse in which he miserably resides. Despite this, he survives and, after many more misadventures, ultimately thrives.
The Obama auto-industry panel might keep that in mind as it ponders whether to give General Motors and Chrysler the additional aid they seek of as much as $21.6 billion, atop the $17.4 billion they have already received. In truth, a smack in the head, in the form of government-backed bankruptcy, might be the only thing that can save GM. And it is doubtful that anything can save Chrysler.

On the other hand, it is possible that Ford(ticker: F), the only member of the erstwhile Big Three that hasn't gone begging to Uncle Sam, might emerge as a winner if the auto market recovers next year.

LAST WEEK, GM AND CHRYSLER presented turrnaround plans that call for shrrinking their operations. GM would sacrifice four brands: Saturn, which would be spun off and become a distributor of vehicles made under its name by various manufacturers; Pontiac, which would become a niche brand within Chevrolet; Saab, which would be sold or closed and which filed for bankruptcy protection in Sweden Friday (see European Trader); and Hummer, which would be shut if no buyer is found. GM (GM) also would lay off 47,000 more workers worldwide and shutter 14 of its 38 North American plants by 2012. General Motors also said it is willing to sell a stake in, or seek partners for, its European Opel and Vauxhall brands.
GM would be left with Chevrolet, Cadillac, GMC and Buick, a big step toward bringing its vehicle output in line with a U.S. market share that has slid to 19.5% from 28.8% since June 2000, when Rick Wagoner became chief executive. Under this plan, Wagoner says, the company would break even by 2010 and start paying back its loans by 2012. GM wants as much as $16.6 billion in new aid.
In its presentation, the auto maker argued bankruptcy would be a "highly risky and costly process" that could require perhaps $100 billion of U.S. money. Customers won't buy cars from a bankrupt firm, Wagoner insists.
Chrysler, which is much smaller than GM and is about 80%-owned by private-equity giant Cerberus Capital Management, with around 20% held by Germany's Daimler (DAI), wants $5 billion in additional help. It, too, outlined extensive labor and other cuts, plus sourcing of small vehicles from a new-found potential ally, Italy's Fiat.
But there are lots of moving parts in both plans, so many they seem unworkable without the aid of someone who can wield a mean ladle -- a bankruptcy judge. GM's plan is the most complex. It depends on getting the UAW to accept $10 billion in GM stock as part of its scheduled $20 billion contribution to a fund to pay for future medical care for union workers and retirees; the union is balking at that. GM also wants bondholders to convert a big chunk of the $28 billion it owes them into equity; those talks are bogged down. And the company must shut thousands of dealerships, not easy, given that state laws afford lots of protection to dealers. Shuttering Oldsmobile took several years and cost around $2 billion. As for whether a bankrupt company could sell cars, it could if its warranties were backed by Uncle Sam, who also would provide debtor-in-possession financing to help the company until it can leave bankruptcy.
While there is no assurance that GM could recover under a bankruptcy plan -- its fate also depends on an upturn in the auto market no later than early 2010 -- a nonbankruptcy rescue effort appears likely to ultimately result in the company's liquidation.

Asserts one auto analyst: "Just as GM found it easier over the past 30 years to avoid labor strife and give the union what it demanded, GM management has every reason to take the easy path, writing checks to pass on the government handouts and not demanding real change. These guys are egotistical, arrogant and in bed with the union. Only bankruptcy would change that."

. It now has just 10% of the U.S. market, down from 14.4% in mid-2000. And, in contrast to GM and Ford, which have some well-regarded vehicles (Cadillac CTS, Chevrolet Malibu and Corvette, Buick Enclave, Ford Fusion, Flex and Focus, to name a few) and have boosted quality greatly, it lags behind in both areas. Having been starved of development funds when Daimler was its owner, the company has a pretty bare future-product shelf. Its great hope is an alliance with Fiat, to provide small cars. But if Daimler, with a lot more resources, couldn't make Chrysler a success, why would anyone think that Fiat, which ignominiously left the U.S. years ago, would do better? In reality, Chrysler's sole valuable asset is its Jeep brand.
Regardless of what happens, Ford, which has a 12.3% market share, down from 25.8% in mid-2000, could emerge better-positioned than its rivals -- if it can squeak through 2009 without visiting Uncle Sam's money trough. It will get any concessions the UAW makes, it won't owe billions to D.C. and it will offer some promising new models, including the next-generation Focus, in 2010.
A Ford comeback, of course, assumes annual car sales do rise significantly next year from their current level near 10 million. If sales stay in the dumps through 2010, even bankruptcy won't offer much protection to Detroit, with or without more federal gruel.



Forumer storico
Questa è bella: letto il piano, Moody's conferma al 70% le probabilità che GM vada in Ch 11 con il Governo USA che le fornisce la liquidità occorrente a ristrutturarsi quale DIP...

Mi raccomando Paolo, non andare a dirlo "di là", che è pieno di gente impressionabile... :cool:

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's comments on GM and Chrysler restructuring proposals; Ca ratings unchanged.[/FONT]


[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]New York, February 18, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service said today that the risk of a bankruptcy filing by General Motors (GM) and Chrysler Automotive LLC (Chrysler) remains high. The rating agency's comments came in response to the submission by both companies of their respective restructuring plans to the US Treasury, in compliance with the February 17 deadline stipulated in the emergency loan package established on December 19, 2008.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]As a result of the precipitous decline in global automotive demand, particularly in North America and Europe, GM and Chrysler have significantly increased their estimates for the amount of government loans they will need since the submission of their December 2, 2008 restructuring plan and loan request to the US Treasury. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]GM's request for government loans, based on its base case assumptions, has risen to $22.5 billion from $18 billion, and Chrysler's request has increased to $9 billion from $7 billion. To date, government funding to GM has been $13.4 billion with an additional $6 billion having been made available to GMAC LLC. Funding extended to Chrysler has been $4 billion, with $1.5 billion having been extended to Chrysler Financial.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Bruce Clark, Senior Vice President with Moody's said, "Despite the extension of considerable emergency funding to GM and Chrysler and their finance arms, we continue to see a high risk of a Chapter 11 filing by one or more of the US auto makers with the government providing DIP financing to promote an orderly bankruptcy process. We continue to see the probability of such a filing as being in the area of 70% - the same level we identified in our December 2008 comment on the US auto industry." [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]This risk, as well as the high likelihood of some form of a distressed exchange for debt holders, is reflected in Moody's Ca Corporate Family Ratings for GM and Chrysler. These ratings are unchanged.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Given the significantly increased need for government support, Moody's expects that the US Treasury is likely to be more insistent that each company's constituents, particularly creditors and the UAW, make substantive concessions as part of their restructuring programs. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Key provisions that had been contained in the Treasury's conditions for extending loans beyond March 31st, include: 1) the conversion of 2/3 of unsecured public debt to equity; 2) an agreement with the UAW that 50% of future VEBA contributions be made in the form of equity; and 3) the narrowing of the UAW wage and productivity gap with that existing at US transplant facilities.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Although negotiations in these areas are continuing, final agreement has not been achieved. Moreover, Moody's remains concerned that there is a degree of resistance on the part of creditors and the UAW to make the level of concessions that might be acceptable to the Treasury and to the governmental panel that will assess the companies' viability and evaluate the merits of providing the additional funds that have been requested.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Bruce Clark said, "The government has already put a lot of money into these companies, and the ripple effects of a filing would be extremely damaging to the economy. As a result, there may be a degree of skepticism among creditors and other constituents that the government will actually allow any of the Detroit-3 to file for bankruptcy."[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]However, Clark concluded that, "Because of the potential reluctance of constituents to make adequate concessions and the considerable complexity of the reorganization, the government may in fact have to stand aside and allow one or more companies to make a Chapter 11 filing as a measure that could accelerate the restructuring that is necessary." [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The last rating action on GM and Chrysler was a downgrade of their Corporate Family Ratings to Ca on December 3, 2008.[/FONT]


Chapter 11
domanda ingenua:

GM and Chrysler: Why's Bankruptcy So Expensive?

Matt Miller asks a really good question:
Can anyone explain why GM and Chrysler say they'll need $100 billion and $25 billion in financing respectively if they have to file bankruptcy, but far far less if they stay out under the latest hat-in-hand plans they've brought to DC? The enormous difference in magnitudes feels like it's part of Detroit's rhetorical blackmail to get the fix it wants (i.e. not bankruptcy), but maybe I'm missing something.
If Matt's missing it, I'm missing it too. Given that bankruptcy is likely to be more successful at bailing in the companies' creditors than the current round of negotiations, how could it end up substantially more expensive for the goverment?



Mr. Tentenna
Questa è bella: letto il piano, Moody's conferma al 70% le probabilità che GM vada in Ch 11 con il Governo USA che le fornisce la liquidità occorrente a ristrutturarsi quale DIP...

Mi raccomando Paolo, non andare a dirlo "di là", che è pieno di gente impressionabile... :cool:

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's comments on GM and Chrysler restructuring proposals; Ca ratings unchanged.[/FONT]


[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]New York, February 18, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service said today that the risk of a bankruptcy filing by General Motors (GM) and Chrysler Automotive LLC (Chrysler) remains high. The rating agency's comments came in response to the submission by both companies of their respective restructuring plans to the US Treasury, in compliance with the February 17 deadline stipulated in the emergency loan package established on December 19, 2008.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]As a result of the precipitous decline in global automotive demand, particularly in North America and Europe, GM and Chrysler have significantly increased their estimates for the amount of government loans they will need since the submission of their December 2, 2008 restructuring plan and loan request to the US Treasury. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]GM's request for government loans, based on its base case assumptions, has risen to $22.5 billion from $18 billion, and Chrysler's request has increased to $9 billion from $7 billion. To date, government funding to GM has been $13.4 billion with an additional $6 billion having been made available to GMAC LLC. Funding extended to Chrysler has been $4 billion, with $1.5 billion having been extended to Chrysler Financial.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Bruce Clark, Senior Vice President with Moody's said, "Despite the extension of considerable emergency funding to GM and Chrysler and their finance arms, we continue to see a high risk of a Chapter 11 filing by one or more of the US auto makers with the government providing DIP financing to promote an orderly bankruptcy process. We continue to see the probability of such a filing as being in the area of 70% - the same level we identified in our December 2008 comment on the US auto industry." [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]This risk, as well as the high likelihood of some form of a distressed exchange for debt holders, is reflected in Moody's Ca Corporate Family Ratings for GM and Chrysler. These ratings are unchanged.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Given the significantly increased need for government support, Moody's expects that the US Treasury is likely to be more insistent that each company's constituents, particularly creditors and the UAW, make substantive concessions as part of their restructuring programs. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Key provisions that had been contained in the Treasury's conditions for extending loans beyond March 31st, include: 1) the conversion of 2/3 of unsecured public debt to equity; 2) an agreement with the UAW that 50% of future VEBA contributions be made in the form of equity; and 3) the narrowing of the UAW wage and productivity gap with that existing at US transplant facilities.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Although negotiations in these areas are continuing, final agreement has not been achieved. Moreover, Moody's remains concerned that there is a degree of resistance on the part of creditors and the UAW to make the level of concessions that might be acceptable to the Treasury and to the governmental panel that will assess the companies' viability and evaluate the merits of providing the additional funds that have been requested.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Bruce Clark said, "The government has already put a lot of money into these companies, and the ripple effects of a filing would be extremely damaging to the economy. As a result, there may be a degree of skepticism among creditors and other constituents that the government will actually allow any of the Detroit-3 to file for bankruptcy."[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]However, Clark concluded that, "Because of the potential reluctance of constituents to make adequate concessions and the considerable complexity of the reorganization, the government may in fact have to stand aside and allow one or more companies to make a Chapter 11 filing as a measure that could accelerate the restructuring that is necessary." [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The last rating action on GM and Chrysler was a downgrade of their Corporate Family Ratings to Ca on December 3, 2008.[/FONT]

C'ho pensato io......anche se non credo si impressionerà nessuno ;)


Chapter 11
C'ho pensato io......anche se non credo si impressionerà nessuno ;)

siete due terroristi... :lol: - comunque ne avevano già discusso qualche giorno fa, concludendo che le agenzie di rating dovrebbero stare zitte, dopo Lehman, e leggere il FOL... :D

Io ho fatto il somaro, ma ho anche postato un paio di grafici interessanti.

Nessuno che commenta il fatto che, mentre si paventano 9 milioni di disoccupati se GM "fallisce", in realtà parliamo di meno di 100.000 privilegiati che tengono in ostaggio l'azienda, minacciando di ucciderla? Che a $30.000 milioni di contributi statali, fa $ 400.000 a testa... :eek: (ho calcolato su 75.000, tutti quelli rappresentati da UAW...).

Lo so, troppo miope, non vedo il sole che sorgerà, e mi limito a registrare quello che tramonta... :lol:

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