Forumer attivo
Secondo la radio svedese, Saab (controllata svedese di GM) si accingerebbe a decidere oggi o nei prossimi giorni se chiedere l'amministrazione controllata dopo il fallimento dei negoziati di GM con il Governo svedese circa l'erogazione di possibili aiuti al produttore.
Aggiungo che questa circostanza, confermata da più fonti, la dice lunga anche sulla possibilità di fare cassa mediante la cessione di determinati asset, di cui pure si era parlato nei mesi scorso. Se effettivamente Saab andasse in amministrazione controllata chiedendo la protezione dai creditori, vorrebbe dire probabilmente che nelle condizioni attuali nessuno era disposto a rilevarla.
UPDATE 1-Saab to decide on reorganisation filing Thurs -radio
Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:56am GMT
(Adds Saab declines comment, background, comment)
STOCKHOLM, Feb 19 (Reuters) - General Motors' loss-making Swedish carmaker Saab could decide on Thursday to file for reorganisation which would grant it protection from creditors, Swedish radio reported.
A reorganisation filing, which is an alternative to an outright bankruptcy filing, would be made with a Swedish court after which the viability of continuing operations is assessed.
Saab's board was scheduled to meet on Thursday morning and would then decide to request a reorganisation of the carmaker, public service radio reported without disclosing its sources.
A Saab spokeswoman declined to comment on if a decision on reorganisation was expected today or if the company's board was scheduled to meet on Thursday.
GM said earlier this week that Saab could file for reorganisation as early as this month and that it still hoped to reach an agreement with Sweden on aid for the brand.
However, the Swedish government said on Wednesday it ruled out owning carmakers or their factories and accused GM of shirking its responsibility as an owner and that talks over state aid for Saab lacked a realistic basis.
Martin Skold, an assistant professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, who analyses the car industry, said the reorganisation would need to define the legal relationship between Saab and its parent GM.
Cutting legal ties could save GM hundreds of millions of dollars in costs if Saab were to go bankrupt.
In a business reorganisation, the company seeks protection from creditors while it comes up with a plan to become profitable. It is an alternative to bankruptcy, said Sven Save at Ackordscentralen, a Swedish consultancy firm which handles insolvency issues.
A reconstruction plan could mean measures such as job cuts, a sale of assets or a debt writedown.
Creditors who risk not getting any money at all if the company goes bankrupt, have to be convinced at a first court hearing that lowering their claims is in their best interest.
If no creditors object to the plan at the start of the procedures, they cannot demand a liquidation of the company in a later stage of the reoganisation which can last up to a year.
Joran Hagglund, state secretary at the Swedish Industry Ministry, said he had no information on if Saab was set to apply for reorganisation and that the government was monitoring developments.
"We continue to analyse the situation and what can happen if there is a reorganisation," Hagglund told Reuters.
GM said in its restructuring plan submitted to the U.S. Treasury on Tuesday that it would cap its financial support for Saab and aimed for the Swedish unit to become an independent business as of Jan. 1, 2010. (Reporting by Anna Ringstrom, Victoria Klesty; writing by Niklas Pollard; editing by Simon Jessop)
La decisione più logica/inevitabile si è probabilmente concretizzata,
e il ricatto di G.M

(AGI) - Stoccolma, 20 feb. - Saab, la controllata svedese di General Motors, e' pronta a presentare un piano di ristrutturazione e a chiedere al governo la protezione dai creditori per evitare la bancarotta.
"Stiamo considerando e continueremo a considerare tutte le opzioni disponibili per finanziare o vendere la Saab - ha detto il direttore generale della compagnia, Jan-Ake Jonsson - e si pensa che una riorganizzazione formale sarebbe la miglior strada per creare un entita' pienamente indipendente che sia pronta a investire".