Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato / 2

Termometro GGB Step Up
Oggi si rifiata un po', siamo in guadagno di 0,3 figure con volumi agostani.
Due figure e rotti sotto ai max assoluti.
2017-08-22 14_22_07-Microsoft Excel - PowerCell_MOT_2.xlsx.jpg
Container traffic at Greece’s biggest port in Piraeus contracted 4.4 percent last month, according to data published by Chinese operator Cosco, which showed that the port handled 309,000 cargo containers this July compared with 323,300 in the same period last year.

However, experts note that the dip is not remarkable considering that July 2016 was that year’s second-best month after August – when Piraeus Port handled 329,600 containers – showing an increase from July 2015 of 15.2 percent, despite the imposition of capital controls the previous June.

On a seven-month basis, cargo traffic at the port showed an upward momentum according to Cosco’s figures, reaching a total of 2.1 million cargo containers handled from January to July, compared with 2 million in the same period last year. The first six months of the year also marked a new record, with 1.75 containers handled against 1.68 in the first half of last year.

Meanwhile, construction on Piraeus new West Pier III is expected to be wrapped up within the next few months, increasing the port’s handling capacity from a current estimate of 3.7 million containers to 6.2 million. If this target is achieved, it will put Piraeus among the world’s 30 biggest ports, from 38th place where it is in the rankings today.

08/22/2017 | 08:58pm EDT
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble is working on a proposal that would allow southern euro zone countries to tap into the single currency bloc's bailout fund to boost investments during recessions, a newspaper said on Wednesday.
If the unsourced report in the mass-selling German daily Bild is confirmed, the plan would mark a major change of policy for Schaeuble who had until recently always opposed transfers from richer euro zone countries to poorer members like Greece.
The Finance Ministry was not immediately available to comment on the report.
Germany is the biggest contributor to the European Stability Mechanism, the euro zone's bailout fund.
Bild said Schaeuble intended to make the proposal after Germany's Sept.24 election, which his conservatives led by Chancellor Angela Merkel are expected to win.
In exchange for more flexible access to the ESM, Schaeuble wants the fund to have more say over national debt and budgets.
Bild added that the proposal was a goodwill gesture toward French President Emmanuel Macron who has vowed to work with Merkel on a roadmap for closer euro zone integration.
Schaeuble said earlier this year that he shared Macron's view that financial transfers from richer to poorer states are necessary within the euro zone.
A joint euro zone budget and a common finance minister are among ideas for deeper European Union integration around the single currency after Britain leaves the EU in 2019. Completing a banking union has also been proposed.
Schaeuble is loathed in many southern euro zone countries and especially in Greece, for insisting on tough austerity measures in exchange for bailout funds during the bloc's debt crisis that started seven years ago.
(Reporting by Joseph Nasr; Editing by Richard Balmforth)
Buongiorno a tutti e buone vacanze (per chi è in vacanza)...Io non sono più entrato né su GGB né su ETF athex, ma seguo sempre. Sull'etf no perché i mercati USA sono troppo pompati per rischiare uno storno. Quando è iniziata la faccenda la Grecia aveva portato a fondo tutti quindi nel momento in cui iniziò la ripresa, prima di Tsipras, si partiva più o meno tutti dalle stesse condizioni (in % di crollo) e per me ebbe un senso comprare l'etf; oggi purtroppo non è così la situazione sempre per me è troppo rischiosa, non per la Grecia, intendiamoci, ma in generale.
Situazione Eurospread:

Grecia 519 pb.
Portogallo 244 pb.
Italia 174 pb.
Spagna 108 pb.
Irlanda 35 pb.
Francia 31 pb.
Austria 20 pb.

Bund Vs Bond -180
Commissione Ue su doppia valuta: euro è unica ammessa - portavoce

BRUXELLES, 23 agosto (Reuters) - La Commissione europea ricorda che in base all'articolo 128 dei Trattati Ue l'euro è la sola valuta avente corso legale nei paesi aderenti all'unione monetaria, dopo che nei giorni scorsi il leader di Forza Italia Silvio Berlusconi ha espresso il suo sostegno all'introduzione di una doppia valuta per rilanciare la domanda interna.

Commissione Ue su doppia valuta: euro è unica ammessa - portavoce

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