Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (13 lettori)

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Ue, Gb rifiuta di prender parte a fondo Fmi - ministro olandese

lunedì 19 dicembre 2011 19:20

AMSTERDAM, 19 dicembre (Reuters) - La Gran Bretagna si è rifiutata di accordare denaro per un fondo Fmi che contribuisca a risolvere la crisi del debito europea.
Lo ha riferito il ministro olandese delle Finanze Jan Kees de Jager ad un programma tv.
"La Gran Bretagna ha detto di volerne parlare in un contesto di G20", ha detto il ministro.


Utente Senior
Spread bond zona euro non torneranno a livelli pre-crisi - Draghi

lunedì 19 dicembre 2011 17:54

BRUXELLES, 19 dicembre (Reuters) - Secondo il presidente della Bce Mario Draghi bisognerà abituarsi al fatto che gli spread tra governativi dell'area euro riflettano una maggiore o minore rischiosità, dal momento che non si tornerà a differenziali di rendimento pre-crisi.
Il governatore dell'istituto centrale di Francoforte ha inoltre sottolineato come tutti i Paesi siano sostanzialmente sulla strada giusta per consolidare le proprie finanze.
Draghi ha poi aggiunto che se la Francia dovesse perdere la sua tripla A anche altri paesi la perderebbero.

come dire che all'Uunione in senso stretto non si arriverà mai


Utente Senior
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Following is the text of a statement issued by European Union finance ministers after they held a teleconference Monday on boosting the International Monetary Fund’s resources and other measures to help end a persistent sovereign debt crisis afflicting the region:
EU Member States support a substantial increase in the IMF’s resources. These resources will enhance the IMF’s capacity to fulfill its systemic responsibilities in support of its global membership, which is especially important given the ongoing economic slowdown and financial market tensions. The IMF’s involvement will be based on normal IMF conditionality.
The EU, and in particular Euro area Member States are fully aware of their special responsibility in the current circumstances. Therefore, on 9 December, euro area Member States have committed to enhanced governance to foster fiscal discipline and deeper integration in the internal market as well as stronger growth, enhanced competitiveness and social cohesion.
Ministers confirmed today that, as part of a broader international effort to improve the adequacy of IMF resources, euro area Member States will provide EUR 150 billion of additional resources through bilateral loans to the Fund’s General Resources Account.
Burden-sharing among euro area Member States will be based on quota shares resulting from the 2010 quota reform.
The Czech Republic, Denmark, Poland, and Sweden indicated their willingness to take part in the process of reinforcing IMF resources. The United Kingdom has indicated that it will define its contribution early in the new year in the framework of the G20.
For some Member States, commitments will be subject to parliamentary approval.
The EU will also work expeditiously to implement in full the 2010 quota and governance reform of the IMF.
The EU would welcome G20 members and other financially strong IMF members to support the efforts to safeguard global financial stability by contributing to the increase in IMF resources so as to fill global financing gaps.


SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Following is the text of a statement issued by European Union finance ministers after they held a teleconference Monday on boosting the International Monetary Fund’s resources and other measures to help end a persistent sovereign debt crisis afflicting the region:
EU Member States support a substantial increase in the IMF’s resources. These resources will enhance the IMF’s capacity to fulfill its systemic responsibilities in support of its global membership, which is especially important given the ongoing economic slowdown and financial market tensions. The IMF’s involvement will be based on normal IMF conditionality.
The EU, and in particular Euro area Member States are fully aware of their special responsibility in the current circumstances. Therefore, on 9 December, euro area Member States have committed to enhanced governance to foster fiscal discipline and deeper integration in the internal market as well as stronger growth, enhanced competitiveness and social cohesion.
Ministers confirmed today that, as part of a broader international effort to improve the adequacy of IMF resources, euro area Member States will provide EUR 150 billion of additional resources through bilateral loans to the Fund’s General Resources Account.
Burden-sharing among euro area Member States will be based on quota shares resulting from the 2010 quota reform.
The Czech Republic, Denmark, Poland, and Sweden indicated their willingness to take part in the process of reinforcing IMF resources. The United Kingdom has indicated that it will define its contribution early in the new year in the framework of the G20.
For some Member States, commitments will be subject to parliamentary approval.
The EU will also work expeditiously to implement in full the 2010 quota and governance reform of the IMF.
The EU would welcome G20 members and other financially strong IMF members to support the efforts to safeguard global financial stability by contributing to the increase in IMF resources so as to fill global financing gaps.

50 miliardi mancano perchè Londra ha detto ufficialmente no agli aiuti alla UE.
Non capisco perchè.
Per paura di dover sottostare ai "controlli" di bilancio di cui si è parlato al summit?


New Membro
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Following is the text of a statement issued by European Union finance ministers after they held a teleconference Monday on boosting the International Monetary Fund’s resources and other measures to help end a persistent sovereign debt crisis afflicting the region:
EU Member States support a substantial increase in the IMF’s resources. These resources will enhance the IMF’s capacity to fulfill its systemic responsibilities in support of its global membership, which is especially important given the ongoing economic slowdown and financial market tensions. The IMF’s involvement will be based on normal IMF conditionality.
The EU, and in particular Euro area Member States are fully aware of their special responsibility in the current circumstances. Therefore, on 9 December, euro area Member States have committed to enhanced governance to foster fiscal discipline and deeper integration in the internal market as well as stronger growth, enhanced competitiveness and social cohesion.
Ministers confirmed today that, as part of a broader international effort to improve the adequacy of IMF resources, euro area Member States will provide EUR 150 billion of additional resources through bilateral loans to the Fund’s General Resources Account.
Burden-sharing among euro area Member States will be based on quota shares resulting from the 2010 quota reform.
The Czech Republic, Denmark, Poland, and Sweden indicated their willingness to take part in the process of reinforcing IMF resources. The United Kingdom has indicated that it will define its contribution early in the new year in the framework of the G20.
For some Member States, commitments will be subject to parliamentary approval.
The EU will also work expeditiously to implement in full the 2010 quota and governance reform of the IMF.
The EU would welcome G20 members and other financially strong IMF members to support the efforts to safeguard global financial stability by contributing to the increase in IMF resources so as to fill global financing gaps.
Annex – Burden-sharing between euro area Member States
Burden-sharing is based on countries' new actual 2010 quota shares (i.e. quota shares after the entry into force of the 14th General Review of Quotas). These figures are indicative.
EURO AREA new quota share (%) share (%) Share in 150bn€
Austria 0,825 4,09 6,13
Belgium 1,345 6,66 9,99
Cyprus 0,064 0,32 0,48
Finland 0,506 2,51 3,76
France 4,227 20,94 31,40
Germany 5,586 27,67 41,50
Italy 3,161 15,66 23,48
Luxembourg 0,277 1,37 2,06
Malta 0,035 0,17 0,26
Netherlands 1,832 9,07 13,61
Slovak Republic 0,210 1,04 1,56
Slovenia 0,123 0,61 0,91
Spain 2,000 9,91 14,86
TOTAL EURO AREA 20,191 100,00 150,00


New Membro
50 miliardi mancano perchè Londra ha detto ufficialmente no agli aiuti alla UE.
Non capisco perchè.
Per paura di dover sottostare ai "controlli" di bilancio di cui si è parlato al summit?
During the conference call, Britain's finance minister George Osborne set down clear conditions for any eventual aid, a London government official said, adding that the British Treasury "will not contribute to anything that is only available to eurozone countries."
The British government source added: "Nor will we participate in an increase in IMF resources that only comes from EU countries without the participation of other G20 countries" outside the EU.


New Membro
Fitch: May cut ratings on European supranational banks

Fitch warns 2 EU banks could lose top rating

Mon, 12/19/2011 -

Fitch Ratings warned Monday it could lower the triple-A ratings of Europe's investment and development banks because they rely on support from troubled member countries.Fitch said it had put the top ratings of the European Investment Bank and the Council of Europe Development Bank on "rating watch negative," a status that means thy could be downgraded within the next three months.
Quindi anche BEI e EBRD?
Ultima modifica:


During the conference call, Britain's finance minister George Osborne set down clear conditions for any eventual aid, a London government official said, adding that the British Treasury "will not contribute to anything that is only available to eurozone countries."
The British government source added: "Nor will we participate in an increase in IMF resources that only comes from EU countries without the participation of other G20 countries" outside the EU.

Ok, questa è la ufficiale.
A me sembra, però, che ormai si stia palesando un braccio di ferro € / $ (vd Fitch, S&P, Moody's che intervengono non appena c'è un barlume di fiducia) e in queste condizioni bisogna stare attenti a quale politica la BCE intende attuare perchè ha quasi ragione la Germania: ove l'intento sia far crollare (o cancellare) l'€, un €bond, dopo un breve momento di felicità, potrebbe essere lo strumento giusto per facilitare il tracollo, visto che a quel punto all'attacco speculativo sui TdS dei paesi in sofferenza si aggiungerebbe quello all'€bond, con la conseguente perdita di uno strumento obbligazionario "comune" e quindi con la fine che si può immaginare.
Cioè il contagio si diffonderebbe a tutta Europa in un'attimo.

Tra l'altro, vista la crisi del 2008 e la necessità di (ri)fare cassa, in caso di fine (o di tracollo) dell'€, i costi sarebbero tutti sostenuti dalla popolazione e non da quei gruppi bancari complici che avessero assunto le posizioni giuste prima del crollo, che, al contrario, farebbero centinaia di miliardi e poi, con un sistema bancario europeo ridotto a pezzi, dovrebbero solo scegliere quale stato comprare.


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Accordo firmato

Apre la strada per la tassazione dei depositi in Svizzera

Pubblicato: Martedì, 20 Dicembre 2011

Protocollo apre la strada per fornire informazioni alle autorità fiscali in Grecia circa l'identità dei depositanti in Svizzera, è stato firmato tra i due paesi. L'accordo è stato presentato in Parlamento ed è il primo passo per i depositi fiscali greche nelle banche svizzere.

Secondo il protocollo:

* Riduzione del 10% al 7% di tasse tasso massimo che può essere imposto dalla Grecia sugli interessi versati ai Greci depositanti, in Svizzera.

* Accende la luce verde per fornire informazioni alle autorità fiscali in Grecia, concernenti l'identità dei depositanti. In questo contesto, la Svizzera può fornire nomi e gli indirizzi dei Greci mantenere depositi sul proprio territorio, così come i dati che facilitano la loro identificazione, come data di nascita, stato civile e numero.

* Può essere tassati anche nello Grecia beneficio dalla vendita di azioni o altri diritti di partecipazione di cui oltre il 50% del loro valore, direttamente o indirettamente derivanti dalla proprietà.

* I dividendi pagati da una società con sede in Grecia, un residente della Svizzera, possono essere tassati nel nostro paese, con tassi dal 5% al ​​15%.

* In caso di vendita di navi battenti bandiera greca e la bandiera di Stati terzi o aerei appartenenti ad una compagnia aerea o marittima greca, il diritto esclusivo di imposta appartiene alla Grecia.

(Ta Nea)
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