Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (5 lettori)

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Una risposta potrebbe essere che, con tutto il lavoro di ristrutturazione del sistema bancario ed assicurativo italiano che ci sarà comunque da fare, anche se le cose dovessero andare nel migliore dei modi con il debito pubblico, non penserai mica che i molti poteri presenti in questo potere avrebbero lasciato lì sopra Berlusconi.... :-o :D
non mi avventuro nell'interpretazione della politica italiana, mi premeva solo sottolineare quanto siano ridicoli i pennivendoli nostrani nel motivare la supposta incrementata credibilita' di Monti citando un risultato attribuibile al governo precedente


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Dicharazione di Merkel e Monti.

Aria fritta. La Merkel è stata molto elusiva riguardo all'abbassamento dei tassi d'interesse. La posizione del governo tedesco rimane sostanzialmente la stessa: rigore, rigore e poi rigore. Ossia il collasso delle economie in diffcoltà.


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Greece, Creditors Agree on Coupon for Debt Swap, Euro2day Says

Greece, backed by the European Union and International Monetary Fund, and a negotiating committee for the country’s lenders have agreed on the coupon and maturity of new bonds to be issued as part of a debt swap, Euro2day said, without saying where it got the information.
Lenders who participate in the debt swap will have a choice of receiving 20-year bonds with a 4 percent interest rate or 30- year bonds with a 5 percent interest rate, the Athens-based news website said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Marcus Bensasson in Athens at [email protected]



New Membro
Ready to accept mandatory haircut on Greek debt by the EU - In Athens, the Dallara IIF - The focus of the Summit on 30 / 1, the second loan agreement of Greece and the Greek banks collaterals

11/01/12 - 00:58 Ready to accept involuntary - thus mandatory - Greek debt restructuring is reportedly the EU, according to recent information leak from European diplomatic sources.

But the paradox is that the same sources that haircut rather than 50% on Greek bonds. Recalled that haircut over 50% the process ceases to be voluntary and becomes mandatory. The information BankingNews.gr | Online ????????? ????????? indicate that the haircut will move between 58% and 61%. The information comes from a bank involved in the negotiations.
These developments are rapid and that is why the Dallara o Director General of the IIF Institute of International Finance is rushed to Athens on Wednesday to meet with Prime Minister L Papademos and Finance Minister E. Venizelos.
Based sources to finalize the agreement on PSI + within the week. "The restructuring of the Greek debt may be enforced," the Europeans.
According to the same officials, the issue of the second loan agreement of Greece, and the question of collaterals that Greek banks to the ECB to provide liquidity will be discussed during the deliberations of the Summit of European leaders on January 30.

What notes BankingNews.gr | Online ????????? ?????????

Based on very well-informed source "negotiations are on track and maybe next Friday to have interesting developments regarding the PSI + and based on the last update was the final haircut that will be the holders of bonds seems to range between 58 % and 61 %....
In the coming days will determine the teleconference will finalize the terms of PSI + ».
Under the same source 'the catalyst ultimately it is the haircut that will range between 58% and 61%, but the level of participation in the PSI +.
If participation is 55% or 60%, the Greek government will be forced by Germany to implement collective action clauses that those who participated in the voluntary PSI + will attend mandatory.
In this case you are talking about bankruptcy in the euro.
But if the participation of institutional bondholders in Greek PSI + reaches or exceeds 75% then the default would be selective selective default »


New Membro
The three scenarios for Greece - Possible implementing the PSI + even necessarily the very poor return on penny with a cumulative depreciation of 250% and the ideal complete remission with haircut 100%

11/01/12 - 12:37 Three scenarios seem to draw foreign investment firms and portfolio managers in their effort to predict the next day for Greece.
According to several knowledgeable sources are the 3 basic scenarios for Greece which is thought to whether or destructive will not allow the return of Greece to the markets before the expiry of 8 to 10 years.

The scenario

The PSI + materializes.
The haircut that will be the bondholders will reach 60% and the coupon on new bonds will range between 5% to 5.30%.
The participation is the key to the kind of bankruptcy suffered by Greece, will be greater than originally estimated would exceed the 55% to 60% and probably closer to 75%.
Investors in fear to lose everything will come voluntarily to the voluntary process of PSI +.
In such a case triggered collective action clauses, the process remains voluntary but Greece would be subjected to selective default.
A variation of this scenario are collective action clauses be activated by Greece to default within the euro.
This scenario also shows a higher probability of confirmation either the basic or the variant.

The very dangerous scenario

Greece is unable to survive in the euro, Germany and other European countries understand that the battle rescue of Greece is in vain.
In this case timing is out of Greece by the euro.
Perhaps the timing is 3 or 6 months.
The shock suffered by the society will be very large.
Greece is returning to the penny will make forced devaluation of 50% and after a few months, the depreciation will exceed 200%.
The new relationship 1 euro is equal to 1200 drachmas.
The return of Greece to the drachma would be the destruction of the country, the destruction of society, the destruction of our history and together we will be the beginning of the end zone.
A variation of this scenario is that Greece can not return to the penny, but in a new euro which will include other problematic countries.
We created the euro hard core and the euro as south or another name for the euro which will include other weak countries.

The good scenario for Greece (scenario Gaudente)

The good scenario for Greece will be the disaster for the bondholders.
As has been the bondholder is necessarily lost any scenario finally confirmed.
Based on the good scenario for Greece and the devastating scenario for bondholders haircut is to reach 100%, ie to delete the old debt and maintain only that the Troika and the IMF.
Under this scenario the benefit of Greece will be immediate and significant but apparently all bondholders will lose the money invested in Greece.


New Membro
Nomura: The 60% of investors looks out of Greece by the euro - Critical 4 months in February - May - Gold won "favorite position" for 2012

11/01/12 - 09:45

Extremely grim view the future euro-area investors who participated in a survey conducted by the Japanese investment Nomura, since about 60% of respondents expect one or more countries leave the euro, with the majority of them consider that only Greece and not other countries will follow this option. The critical months are considered to be February, March, April and May, when they and their yields are expected to escalate sharply.
According to investors' favorite position "will be gold in 2012, after seeing the yellow metal for another year as an investment haven against uncertainty and volatility of markets.
According to Nomura, 19.5% of 164 investors participated in the poll said they would buy gold and will diakratousan until the end of the year. Furthermore, 13% of them would prefer equities and investment grade rating from developed markets, in contrast to developing countries, which prefers 10% of investors.
It is noteworthy that over 40% of investors said long the dollar, as opposed to a 14% long said the Chinese yuan and 10% in Japanese yen.


Triplo Panico: comprare
non ancora fischiata la fine partita!


mi stonava molto sentir dire che la partita era tra IIF e Grecia;
o trovavano l' accordo oppure la grecia avrebbe fatto default... in un modo o nell' altro (hard default? dracma?? CAC???)

Ho sempre pensato che l' UE avrebbe dovuto intervenir, dato che la grecia è in UE e nell' euro!

E se l' UE deve intervenire... deve ricordarsi che la grecia è come un dito.... che è attaccato alla mano: che è l' UE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Proprio così, la partita non è ancora finita. E c'è anche di mezzo Monti! E' la solita questione tra la politica e la finanza!
Ciao, Giuseppe


Forumer storico
non mi avventuro nell'interpretazione della politica italiana, mi premeva solo sottolineare quanto siano ridicoli i pennivendoli nostrani nel motivare la supposta incrementata credibilita' di Monti citando un risultato attribuibile al governo precedente

quello che diceva a ottobre inoltrato che la crisi non c'era perché gli aerei e i ristoranti erano pieni?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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