Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2

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Greek debt swap take-up neared 95 pct before deadline-official | Reuters

(Reuters) - Nearly 95 percent of bondholders had signed up for a debt swap to lighten Greece's debt burden an hour before the 2000 GMT deadline expired, a senior Greek government official said on Thursday.
"About an hour before the deadline expired, the participation rate was nearing 95 percent and responses were still coming in," a Greek government official told Reuters.
That meant Greece had easily topped the 90 percent target for participation it had set itself, in a major boost for the debt-stricken country.
Greek debt swap take-up neared 95 pct before deadline-official | Reuters

(Reuters) - Nearly 95 percent of bondholders had signed up for a debt swap to lighten Greece's debt burden an hour before the 2000 GMT deadline expired, a senior Greek government official said on Thursday.
"About an hour before the deadline expired, the participation rate was nearing 95 percent and responses were still coming in," a Greek government official told Reuters.
That meant Greece had easily topped the 90 percent target for participation it had set itself, in a major boost for the debt-stricken country.

Facevano prima a scrivere 100% se considerano le CAC:D

ho cancellato...visto quanto postato da Gipa....

mah...95%...se fosse vero (escluso le cac)....risultato oltre ogni immaginabile aspettativa...
Decision On CACs In Greek Swap Due At Teleconference Fri - EU Official

08 Mar 2012 15:06 EST

By Matina Stevis BRUSSELS (Dow Jones via eFXnews)


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Greece will decide on the strategy that it will pursue following the completion of its bond swap at a teleconference of euro-area finance ministers set Friday at 1300 GMT, according to an European Union official.

The official said the decision on whether to use collective-action clauses to force holdout creditors into the restructuring will be addressed at the meeting.

He said that while Greece had the sovereign right to decide, "in practice we expect coordination... CACs activation is something that they [euro-area finance ministers] will talk about at their conference call." As with previous crucial calls, Greece would consult with its official-sector creditors--the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, he said.

"One can imagine different scenarios depending on slightly different outcomes tonight [Thursday], and we do have to wait and see what the level [of participation in the bond swap] is," the official said, adding that activating CACs was a "contingency plan." He wouldn't speculate on how likely the use of this plan was, but said "it's not impossible and doesn't look improbable."

The use of these legal tools to force restructuring terms backed by a majority on a minority group holding out would be seen as market coercion, and would almost certainly lead the International Swaps and Derivatives Association to rule that insurance against a Greek default, known as credit-default swaps contracts, should be paid out to those who own them. Market bodies estimate the net worth of these contracts to be $3.2 billion.
Copyright (c) 2012 Dow Jones & Company,
la verità caro rescador è che anche questa sera andiamo a dormire...
senza ancora nessuna certezza.

Si dice tutto e il contrario di tutto.

anche chi è certo delle cac obbligatorie, deve comunque pensare che la decisione finale sarà presa dall' eurogruppo.

e comunque quel passaggio per cui se si supera il 90% di adesioni: tutti allo swap senza cds: come dire che anche quel 10% che non era d' accordo, alla fine lo si fa passare per volontario!

A me rivolta lo stomaco sentire dire certe idiozie!
Fa molto male pensare che siamo arrivati a permettere che vengano scritte queste cose così impunemente.
E spero che la UE ne faccia ammenda.

Buona notte.

Secondo me è una cattiva traduzione(poi magari mi sbaglio)...Quel pezzo vuol dire solamente che con il 90 lo swap ha certamente validità, fra il 75 e i 90 si valuta se far scattare le cac, meno del 765 non se ne fa niente... Chi non aderisce o viene obbligato con le cac oppure, oltre il 90, teoricamente ha diritto a tutto. Questo discorso dell'Unanimità è una forzatura interpretativa...
Secondo me è una cattiva traduzione(poi magari mi sbaglio)...Quel pezzo vuol dire solamente che con il 90 lo swap ha certamente validità, fra il 75 e i 90 si valuta se far scattare le cac, meno del 765 non se ne fa niente... Chi non aderisce o viene obbligato con le cac oppure, oltre il 90, teoricamente ha diritto a tutto. Questo discorso dell'Unanimità è una forzatura interpretativa...

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