Intermedio o C86 (12 lettori)

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Viva i popoli, Viva le Nazioni europee, fanculo U€
Uè, se non fossimo alla 75 candela direbbi che questi infamoni voglion fare la purcata de maggio e guarda caso il gappe, sul mib, non sta tanto dal 22K di allora.

Io ci avevo rinunciato e ho chiusi li corti in area 22K vista la forza del mibbe e il tempo più le altre capzzo sta a vedere che questi il micro gappino a 20.360 e rotti lo fanno.

Praticamente anche madre natura lavora per issi. Son proprio curioso di vedere fin dove la voglion spingere la storia.


Moderatore Piazza Affari
sono registrato con l'IPAD alla cnbc internazionale, mi è arrivata un messaggio una breaking news, che probabilmente domani i Nikkei rimarrà chiuso, sto cercando altri fonti x avere una conferma del rumors


Moderatore Piazza Affari
USDJPY Flash Crashes As All Support Taken Out - Record Collapse

Support broken as the dollar yen plunges to an all time record low. Everyone now watching the Nikkei to see if it opens. That the BOJ has not intervened yet is beyond ominous, and nothing short of a death sentence for the Yen carry traders.


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Moderatore Piazza Affari
John Noyce Is First With Technical USDJPY Observations: "If The Down Move Continues, 71.70 Is Next"

Goldman's John Noyce is the first FX technician with a proposed take on tonight's stunning developments. Keep in mind, he, like everyone else is in uncharted (pardon the pun) territory.

Quick JPY Charts - Wednesday 16th March 2011

There are two ways of arriving at a downside target of 77.75-77.56;

* An equal size pip drop from the June ’07 high to that from the August ’98 high to the November ’99 low would target 77.75
* The extension target of the triangle which formed from 1st November ’11 to 15th March comes in at 77.56

The market has been below this region intraday, but, the NY 5pm close was at 77.90 according to the EBS data we use. If we were able to stabilise around 77.75-77.56 you could argue that the last part of the drop was set in an extreme situation with poor liquidity etc. definitely something to watch closely. Not to say the call was for a move this sharp in the first place, but with the help of hindsight on two counts you could argue “target met”.

..If.. the down move does continue the next really clean level is the actual parallel channel support off the August ’98 high which comes in at 71.70 on the linear scale chart.
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