Journal to portfolio afterlife

E' difficile definire a monte la strategia corretta (in generale) per gestire il ribilanciamento.
- se possiedi asset molto volatili probabilmente è necessario ribilanciare più frequentamente
- se possiedi asset de-correlati probabilmente è necessario ribilanciare più frequentemente
- se possiedi asset fiscalmente non efficienti forse è necessario ribilanciare per scostamenti significativi
- se i costi commissionali di negoziazione sono elevati forse conviene ribilanciare per scostamenti significativi

The new dot plots for the Fed – the FOMC participants expectations for the Fed funds rate – supports the case for a higher for longer outlook.


Io non ho mai provato, ma la funzionalità di dare in pasto i propri appunti e ricavarne un testo più chiaro ed elegante non è una cosa da poco.

I find that investors who have done wonders for themselves are the ones who have displayed strong character at various points in their investment lifetimes.
The thing about character is that no book or course can teach you on this, though very few of them talk about how you can gradually build it. Ben Graham’s The Intelligent Investor is one of them. Seth Klarman’s Margin of Safety is another. Philip Fisher’s Common Stocks Uncommon Profits is the third. And then you have Howard Marks’ memos and Warren Buffett’s letters to shareholders.
Being humble in investing isn’t about being doubtful of yourself, or believing that you are untalented, unintelligent, or unworthy. On the contrary, it is about being humble about our own intellect, to question whether what we know is actually correct and even to adjust our beliefs if we are presented with new information. In other words, it is largely to do with intellectual humility.
Successful investors focus on their investment process with unwavering steadfastness and honesty, whatever the stock market is doing and however others around them are behaving.
In studying successful investors over the years, I have come to realize that the right kind of investing education comes with the transformation of ourselves, which entirely depends on our awareness of ourselves – our behaviour, risk-taking capacities, and habits.
Adaptability is one of the few skills that are hard to learn but pay off for the rest of your life.
Adaptability enables us to dwell on new circumstances and stay on top of the situation. Of course, this skill is best when combined with insight, giving us fresh perspective before the change itself. Growth depends on how adaptable you are.

Questo passaggio dell'articolo di TEBI è esemplificativo di quello che penso anche io. Le grandi città, a differenza delle realtà rurali, spersonalizzano l'essere umano. Infinite cose, infinite distrazioni, infinite possibilità col relativo paradosso della scelta, portano a decentrare l'essere umano da se stesso ?

Jonathan Hollow: Can you build up a picture of these people and what they said about their ikigai?

Héctor García: Yes, that was one of the first questions that we asked them. The most striking thing was that they didn’t doubt when you asked them. They would answer you, “My ikigai is my family, my ikigai is taking care of my garden.” They like growing their own vegetables in Ōgimi. Everyone came up with an ikigai very fast. If you do the same experiment in a big city like, for example, here in Tokyo, it is not the same. People will have many doubts. Maybe they will come up with a more nuanced answer like, “I don’t really know what is my ikigai, but my work is this.” In Ōgimi, the answers were very clear.

I always tell a story about the lifestyle in the countryside in Japan, which is very different from Tokyo. Tokyo is a city that has the same, or very similar problems to the rest of the big cities in the modern world, where people are losing sight of the meaning in their lives. Their ikigai, basically. So on the cover of the book, we put the word “Japan”, but it’s a little bit more than Japan. It’s a book about the old countryside lifestyle of Japan and of that mindset.


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