mediocrità strategica
Nei primi 10-20 anni di accumulazione la capacità di risparmio supera di gran lunga in valore assoluto i rendimenti ottenibili dagli investimenti finanziari. Per questo da giovani è bene dedicarsi ad aumentare le proprie competenze professionali ed agli avanzamenti di carriera invece di puntare sugli investimenti speculativi.
La parte sostanziale dell'intervista è incentrata sull'acquisto di singoli titoli, ed è un argomento che non mi appassiona.
All things held equally, if you were a mediocre investor that earned a 5% return per year, but were able to save $2,000 a month, by and large, you will do much better over the long term than an above-average investor that earns a 10% return, but only able to invest $500 or $1,000 a month. The biggest tool that every investor has in their arsenal for building wealth is their own personal income and specifically how much income they can convert into assets that then grows their wealth from there. For most people, the best way for them to ensure they have a good retirement and have a big portfolio is to contribute more money to their investments. The only way that you can do that is to dramatically increase your income over time. So, I am fully on board with that—that time spent, for most people, time spent growing their income is better than time spent figuring out how to tinker their portfolio to eke out a few extra percents of return.

Brian Feroldi: 'The Biggest Edge That Individual Investors Have'
The author and stock analyst discusses the benefits of maintaining a long time horizon, who should invest in individual stocks and who should index, and the biggest mistakes he’s made with his own portfolio.
La parte sostanziale dell'intervista è incentrata sull'acquisto di singoli titoli, ed è un argomento che non mi appassiona.